A Learning Center for VMware Tanzu workshop that demonstrates all the capabilities Supply Chain Choreographer provides.
- A TAP 1.1 environment with OOTB Testing/Scanning Supply Chain installed
- Gitea for the creation of Git repositories for each session
Download the Tanzu CLI for Linux to the root of this sub-directory. Create a public project called tap-workshop in your registry instance.
There is a Dockerfile in the workshop
directory of this repo. From that directory, build a Docker image and push it to the project you created:
docker build . -t <your-registry-hostname>/tap-workshop/cartographer-workshop
docker push <your-registry-hostname>/tap-workshop/cartographer-workshop
Copy values-example.yaml to values.yaml and set configuration values
cp values-example.yaml values.yaml
Run the installation script.
You also have to install the github-source-controller in the cluster with the files available here.
kubectl apply -f github-source-controller/k8s/kpack-image.yaml
# Wait until the image is available in the registry
kubectl apply -f github-source-controller/k8s/crds
kubectl apply -f github-source-controller/k8s/deployment.yaml
kubectl get httpproxy -n github-source-controller
Configure a Github Webhook for the external url of the controller.
kubectl logs -l deployment=learningcenter-operator -n learningcenter