This script will help you to restore the database was backuped by MySQL-ZRM with level 0 and level 1 many times per day. For example:
- 07:00 level 0
- 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00 level 1
- 19:00 level 0
- 21:00, 23:00, 01:00, 03:00, 05:00 level 1 In a bad day, at 18:00, you lost all the data in the database (- _ -' )!!!
To restore database to 17:00 (latest backup), you have to restore to the level 0 backup at 07:00 Then level 1 backup at 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 and 17:00. So you have to type the restore command by hand and choose the right directory... time by time.
And it's very annoying.
With this script, you simply choose the level 0 at 07:00 (menu list 1) and pick the level 1 at 17:00 (menu list 2) to do all the job.
- OS: CentOS 7 (do not sure if it works in another distro like Ubuntu Server, i'll test it late).
- You have to install MySQL-ZRM version 3.0 at
- Configure MySQL-ZRM and let it run/backup for a few days.
- Verify that there are no backup is FAILED or ERROR.
Name: Hoang Anh Tu
- Test this script in a Demo Database that have closest state with your real one first for ensuring the result is as expected.
- Please report any issues you meet when run this script, i'll try to fix this, Thanks.