Uncertainty extension to the Project Scheduling Library PSPLIB single mode problems. Turning the RCPSPs within the library into SRCPSPs.
Base files can be downloaded here:
The .fz files contain one line per activity. Each line consists of 3 values separated by spaces. Each line defines a beta distribution for the delay of each acitivy. The source and sink acitivities always have three zeros as they always have zero duration. Each line contains the following parameters:
maximumDelay Alpha Beta
The maximumDelay defines the range of the beta distribution. So each activity's duration is distributed between the original duration from PSPLIB + the beta distributed delay with parameters Alpha and Beta.
The duration of an activity can hence be sampled using:
sampledDuration = originalDuration + maximumDelay * BetaSample(Alpha, Beta)
Maximilian Bügler max.buegler@tum.de