Releases: tumuyan/RealSR-NCNN-Android
Releases · tumuyan/RealSR-NCNN-Android
RealSR-NCNN-Android-GUI could load waifu2x/ESRGAN models from sdcard automatily🎉
1.7.3 Release
- 为resize-ncnn增加de-nearest模式,自动计算输入的图片可能是通过几倍nearest缩放而得到的,并且使用nearest算法进行缩小来还原;
- 增加更多预设缩小的倍数;
- 修复Magick导出图片的命名;
- 下拉列表支持内置(伪)命令
1.7.2 Release
- 当realsr-ncnn收到的scale参数的对应模型文件不存在时,自动修正为存在模型的scale
- 同步real-cugan的上游仓库的更新(修正cpu模式4倍放大错误的问题,修正图片边缘的瑕疵问题,修正在目录处理模式下可能的gpu显存不足问题)
- 统一打印realsr/realcugan保存图片所用的时间,减少等待的焦虑
- The App supports waifu2x, but does not include the model and preset commands.
If you need to use waifu2x, please download waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan , unzip it to get the models and add waifu2x commands in the extra command, such as./waifu2x-ncnn -i input.png -o output.png -m /sdcard/10086/models-upconv_7_photo
/sdcard/10086/models-upconv_7_photo is the path where the model you placed - you can download other esrgan models and use them.
If you get a .pth model, you should convert it to ncnn format in Windows. The conversion steps are as follows:
download cupscal , unzip cupscal, open pathCupscaleData\bin\pth2ncnn
, usepth2ncnn.exe
to convert a .pth files to ncnn format. Rename the models folder with the prefix ofmodels-Real-
, copy the folder to your phone, add add extra commands in the settings Activity and save. Command just like./realsr-ncnn -i input.png -o output.png -m /sdcard/10086/models-Real-4x-UltraSharp
/sdcard/10086/models-Real-4x-UltraSharp is the path to the folder where you save your models
1.7 Release
- 在设置界面增加使用CPU的开关(只有waifu2x-ncnn和realsr-ncnn支持切换)
- 增加导出文件格式选择
- 引入magick处理图像
- 调整UI,优化命令调用
1.6.1 Release
- 为resize-ncnn增加bicubic算法、类似Lanczos类似的sinc算法avir/lancir,
- 为resize-ncnn增加小数倍数缩放支持
- 在GUI中增加extraCommand的设置
- 完善waifu2x的支持(如需使用waifu2x,请从 下载waifu2x-ncnn模型,并放置到手机上;通过编辑extraCommand或者直接输入命令,来完成调用
1.5 Release
- 优化UI
- 在设置界面增加恢复默认参数、低配参数的选项。
- 解决realsr2倍放大带alpha通道的png时,处理结果为空白的问题