- Added functionality users to report projects.
- Now, the featured projects will be displayed first on the discover page and on the category view.
- Changed the method for image resizing. Method for resizing will be used for pitch_image, extra images and reward images.
- Added new scale method "Fit" for image resizing.
- Added functionality the project owner to crop project picture on the first step of the project wizard.
- Improved categories options. It was added options for sorting results.
- Fixed bugs on views "Projects" and "Transactions".
- Improved view "Categories".
- Added new placeholders to the e-mail templates - {PAYER_NAME} and {PAYER_EMAIL}.
- Renamed the plugin event onPaymentDisplay to onPaymentExtras.
- Fixed a bug with payment wizard in four steps when terms of use are enabled.
- Added a new view "Category".
- It was improved the URI routing. Now, the projects are not assigned to "Discover" page. They can be part from "Discover", "Categories", "Category" or "Details" view. You have to assign the [specific modules] (http://itprism.com/help/95-crowdfunding-documentation-faq#specific_modules) to one of those menu items.
- Added a new event "onBeforePaymentAuthorize".
- It was removed the options of the plugin "System - CrowdFunding Modules". Now, all specific modules will be managed by default.
- Improved usability.
- Fixed an issue with the router and old category class.
- Improved amount formatting.
- Added a badge element.
- Added option project owners to provide payout information - PayPal account, IBAN and Bank Account,...
- Added functionality project owners to receive their amounts to their PayPal accounts instantly.
- It was done the PayPal Adaptive payment plugin.
- It was fixed the plugins "Content - CrowdFunding - User Mail" and "Content - CrowdFunding - Admin Mail".
- Added option to display number of funders, delivery date and claimed rewards on the module "CrowdFunding Rewards".
- Added a view "Categories".
- Improved
- Fixed some issues.
- Fixed import functionality for currencies, countries, locations and states.
- The video on details page can be responsive.
- Improved payment wizard. Now, the content of step 2, when use wizard in four steps, is displayed by a plugin.
- Added option to disable comments.
- Improved the page with funders.
- Added additional step to project wizard, which will be used for third-party extensions. That will provide extra functionality and better customization.
- Added a new step "Manager" to project wizard.
- Added functionality to create campaigns from administration.
- Added options for disabling chosen and selecting administrator.
- Improved the rewards manager.
- Fixed some issues.
- Added options that are used on views Discover and Featured.
- custom CSS styles ( Now you can include styles for project states "completed successfully", "completed unsuccessfully", "new", "ending soon", "featured" ).
- title and description length.
- Added option for amount formatting.
- Improved "Content - CrowdFunding Share".
- Added new option to Facebook Like. That is a button type "Button".
- Replaced "Send" button with "Share".
- Added languages to the LinkedIn button.
- Added ability for overwriting component styles by template ones.
- Added title to email templates.
- Added event "onContentValidate" to wizard steps Basic, Funding, Story. Now data validation is handled by plugins.
- Added event "onContentValidateAfterSave" to step "Story".
- Added event "onContentAfterSave" to steps Basic, Funding, Story of the wizard.
- Added method "notifyAjax". Now, the plugin BankTransfer send a request to that method to process transaction.
- Move functionality that validates wizard steps to a plugin "Content - CrowdFunding Validator".
- It was written and generated [CrowdFunding Library documentation] (http://cdn.itprism.com/api/crowdfunding/index.html).
- Improved code quality.
- Fixed countries.
- Fixed locations.
- Fixed export resources functionality.
- Fixed many strict error notifications.
- Fixed funding duration validation.
- Added option to be displayed default English PayPal button.
- Added option for importing locations based on minimum population.
- Improved.
- Improved PayPal payment plugin.
- Added options for selecting locale and button type - "buy now", "pay now" and donate.
- Added event "onTransactionChangeState".
- Added statistical information.
- Added images to rewards.
- Added new data to the countries.
- Improved payments.
- Added new events for managing payments.
- Added event "onTransactionChangeState" to all payment plugins.
- Fixed some issues.
- Added section where the administrator will be able to prepare emails for sending in specific cases.
- Added new options
- date format
- display creator
- Added functionality for downloading log files.
- Added CSS classes "cf-project-active" and "cf-project-completed" on views Discover and Featured. They are based on current state (days left) of the project. Designers can use them to customize projects easily, on those pages.
- Added project types.
- Integrated with EasySocial.
- Improved
- Added Logs Manager.
- Added functionality for deleting projects if they have not been funded.
- Improved Locations. Now, you can export states.
- Fixed some issues.
- Added wizard type for the payment process - "Three Steps" and "Four Steps".
- Fixed an issue when a project is saved without category.
- Improved some language strings.
- Fixed collation of some columns in table "countries".
- Fixed some issues.
- Improved
- Added a new event "onTransactionChangeStatus" to plugins with type CrowdFundingPayment. Now, when the administrator change the status, that event will be triggered.
- Improved the payment process. Some payment plugins were improved too.
- It was added feature, anonymous users to be able to donate.
- Added ability for uploading many images to projects.
- CrowdFundingCurrency class was refactored. It was implemented [The NumberFormatter class] (http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.numberformatter.php).
- Fixed some issues.
- Improved
- Fixed database query.
- Integrated with JomSocial and Kunena.
- Improved integration.
- Added option for avatar size.
- Added option for default avatar picture.
- Added countries and states
- Improved import and export functionality.
- Fixed loading locations lag.
- Now, rewards are optional. You are able to publish project without rewards.
- Improved usability of the wizard used for project creating.
- Fixed [issue #29] (https://github.com/ITPrism/CrowdFunding/issues/29). Now, rewards are set as trashed, it they are part of transaction.
- Removed some plugins from the package. The plugins are "Search - CrowdFunding", "Content - CrowdFunding - Manager" and "CrowdFunding Info".
- Developed some modules - "CrowdFunding Search", "CrowdFunding Latest", "CrowdFunding Popular".
- Developed some payment plugins
- Bank Transfer
- Mollie iDEAL
NOTE: All new extensions and the removed from the package are available for downloading on [CrowdFunding extension page] (http://itprism.com/free-joomla-extensions/ecommerce-gamification/crowdfunding-collective-raising-capital).
- Added to the package the plugins "Content - CrowdFunding - User Mail" and "Content - CrowdFunding - Admin Mail".
- Fixed some issues.
- Added some new options. Now you are able to manage those features better.
- maximum amount
- maximum days
- duration type
- funding type
- The box with project state information moved to module "CrowdFunding Info"
- The box with rewards moved to module "CrowdFunding Rewards"
- The box with project details moved to module "CrowdFunding Details"
- Added option to set number of project in row.
- Improved responsive design
- [#12] Fixed the date issue
- Added plugins used for sending mails to administrator and user
- Content - CrowdFunding - User Mail ( It sends notification mail to the administrator when a user creates or publishes a project. )
- Content - CrowdFunding - Admin Mail ( It sends notification mail to a user when the administrator approves a project. )
- Content - CrowdFunding - Manager ( It adds functionality for managing project on details page. It also display statistical information about it. )
- It was added some plugin events
- onContentAfterSave
- onContentChangeState
- Added option for Terms Of Use on the page, where user create a project.
- Added rewards manager
- Added filters on backend
- Added filters on discover page
- Now, the owner of the projects can review them even they are not approved.
- Improved the plugin "Content - CrowdFunding - Share"
- Added view "Featured"
- Moved "Discover" options from component config to menu item options.
- Fixed some issues
- Fixed date
- Fixed issue with white spaces in payment plugins.
- Added default picture, which will be displayed if missing one.
- Added a SEO option for project title.
- Fixed an issue with routing inner categories.
- Fixed some issues
- Fixed an issue [#11]
- Added option to search plugin that enables or disables searching in area.
- Fixed issue with routing of multilevel categories
- Added option for selection category when adding a menu item.
- Now it works with ITPrism Library 1.2.
- Improved integration. Now it works with Gravatar too.
- Improved routers.
- Improved plugins.
- Improved backend - transactions, projects,...
- Included search plugin ( plg_search_crowdfunding ).
- Included plugin that gives additiona information ( plg_content_crowdfundinginfo ).
- Added avatars to comments, updates and funders list.
- Now, you are able to use Vimeo video.
- Added "Send to Friend" form.
- Fixed some issues.