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Releases: twilio/twilio-video.js


14 Sep 23:59
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1.3.0 (September 11, 2017)

New Features

  • twilio-video.js now features an API for setting and updating bandwidth
    constraints. When you connect to a Room, you can specify an optional
    maxAudioBitrate and an optional maxVideoBitrate, both in bits per second
    (bps). These values are set as hints for variable bitrate codecs, but will not
    take effect for fixed bitrate codecs.

    For example, to connect with a maximum audio bitrate of 64 kilobits per
    second and a maximum video bitrate of 500 kilobits per second:

    const room = await connect(token, {
      maxAudioBitrate: 64000,
      maxVideoBitrate: 500000

    You can also update your maxAudioBitrate and maxVideoBitrate while
    participating in a Room. For example, to reset your maximum bitrates for audio
    and video, you could set each to null:

      maxAudioBitrate: null,
      maxVideoBitrate: null

    If you want to change only one value—for example, just the maximum video
    bitrate—you can omit the other value. For example, to update only the maximum
    video bitrate, leaving the maximum audio bitrate unchanged:

    room.localParticipant.setParameters({ maxVideoBitrate: 1000000 });
  • twilio-video.js now features an API for setting preferred codecs when
    publishing Tracks. When you connect to a Room, you can specify an optional
    preferredAudioCodecs array and an optional preferredVideoCodecs array.
    These are codec "preferences" because they will only be applied if your
    browser and the type of Room you are connected to support them. If a
    preference cannot be satisfied, we will fallback to the next best codec.

    For example, to connect with a preferred video codec of H.264:

    const room = await connect(token, {
      preferredVideoCodecs: ['H264']

    You can also specify more than one preferred codec. For example, to connect
    with a preferred audio codec of iSAC, falling back to Opus if iSAC is

    const room = await connect(token, {
      preferredAudioCodecs: ['isac', 'opus']

Please refer to the API docs for more information on both of these features.

Bug Fixes

  • Track's attach method now sets the playsInline attribute on <audio>
    and <video> elements. This is necessary to allow playback in Safari 11
    on iOS.


14 Sep 23:59
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1.2.2 (August 22, 2017)

This is primarily a bug fix release; however, we've also factored out two
dependencies (@twilio/sip.js and @twilio/webrtc) for easier management of the

Bug Fixes

  • In Chrome, Room#getStats() did not provide valid values for those Participants
    with more than one Track of the same kind (audio or video). (JSDK-1329)
  • Fixed a rare scenario where the SDK could "get stuck" negotiating with the
    server. We are evaluating whether or not to patch this behavior server-side
    as well, so that older clients can receive the fix, too. (JSDK-1454)


14 Sep 23:59
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1.2.1 (August 14, 2017)

In addition to the following bug fixes, this release introduces experimental
support for Safari 11 and newer. Support for Safari is "experimental" because,
at the time of writing, Safari does not support VP8. This means you may
experience codec issues in Group Rooms. You may also experience codec issues in
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Rooms containing Android- or iOS-based Participants who do
not support H.264. However, P2P Rooms with browser-based Participants should

We are also experimenting with the ability to specify the set of codecs a Group
Room supports. This would allow you to create an H.264-only Group Room, for
example. Please email
if you would like to try this out.

twilio-video.js will log these same caveats as a warning if you call connect
in Safari 11. You can disable this warning by setting the logLevel to "warn".

Bug Fixes

  • In Firefox, we were raising a peerIdentity TypeError in the console.


14 Sep 23:59
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1.2.0 (July 21, 2017)

New Features

  • Video Insights can be enabled or disabled by setting insights to true or
    false in the ConnectOptions. insights defaults to true. We recommend to
    leave Video Insights enabled in order to aid troubleshooting.

Bug Fixes

  • Added some missing documentation to ConnectOptions and
    CreateLocalTracksOptions. Both options objects accept audio and video
    properties which may be set to a boolean or
    We added this to the documentation. (JSDK-1365)
  • Fixed a bug where twilio-video.js would continue polling for configuration
    data, despite being disconnected from a Room and despite the Access Token
    having expired. (JSDK-1407)


14 Sep 23:59
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1.1.0 (July 12, 2017)

New Features

  • You can now call the LocalParticipant's removeTracks method with an
    optional second boolean argument stop to specify whether the removed
    LocalTacks should be stopped. If stop is not specified, then the removed
    LocalTracks will be stopped. This mirrors the behavior of the LocalParticicipant's
    removeTrack method.

    // Stops the removed LocalTracks
    localParticipant.removeTracks(tracks, true);
    // Does not stop the removed LocalTracks
    localParticipant.removeTracks(tracks, false);

Bug Fixes

  • twilio-video.js can now be used alongside adapter.js. twilio-video.js checks
    whether or not an RTCPeerConnection implementation supports the "track" event
    by checking for an ontrack property on the RTCPeerConnection. adapter.js
    sets this property; however it only dispatches "track" events if a function
    is assigned to the ontrack property, meaning that event handlers attached
    with addEventListener will never fire. We now work around this issue by
    assigning a function to ontrack.


14 Sep 23:59
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1.0.0 (April 25, 2017)

1.0.0-beta7 has been promoted to 1.0.0!

This library uses Semantic Versioning: We've removed the
pre-release identifier, and we're proud to share the first generally available
release of twilio-video.js.


14 Sep 23:59
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1.0.0-beta7 Pre-release

1.0.0-beta7 (April 21, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • The first known issue in 1.0.0-beta6 stems from a behavior in Chrome: Chrome
    will treat an SSRC change for a MediaStreamTrack as adding and removing the
    MediaStreamTrack; this caused a problem in our SDK, as the first
    MediaStreamTrack would be raised to the user wrapped in a Track object, but
    would eventually become unusable due to the SSRC change. We workaround this
    behavior by "fixing" the SSRCs announced in an SDP between calls to
    createOffer. Firefox does not exhibit this behavior. (CSDK-1206)
  • Calling addTrack, removeTrack, or their plural variants in the same tick
    could lead to sending more messages than necessary; we landed an optimization
    to reduce these additional messages. (JSDK-1257)


14 Sep 23:59
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1.0.0-beta6 Pre-release

1.0.0-beta6 (April 20, 2017)

New Features

  • You can now connect to a Room using an Array of MediaStreamTracks without
    constructing LocalAudioTracks or LocalVideoTracks. For example, if you
    already have a reference to a MediaStream, stream, you can call

    connect(token, { tracks: stream.getTracks() });
  • You can now call LocalParticipant's addTrack and removeTrack methods
    with a MediaStreamTrack. If successful, these methods return the LocalTrack
    added or removed; otherwise, they return null.

  • Added two new methods to LocalParticipant, addTracks and removeTracks, for
    adding and removing multiple LocalTracks at a time. These methods accept
    either an Array of LocalTracks or MediaStreamTracks, and return an Array of
    the LocalTracks added or removed. For example, if you already have a reference
    to a MediaStream, stream, you can call


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where attempting to remove a LocalTrack from the LocalParticipant
    after disconnecting from a Room threw an Error (JSDK-1233)
  • Fixed a regression between 1.0.0-beta4 and 1.0.0-beta5 where
    automatically-acquired LocalTracks were not stopped after disconnecting from
    the Room
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to media- and Track-related failures that
    resulting from the way we handle out-of-order SDP offers and answers; now,
    all PeerConnections will wait until an initial round of negotiation is
    complete before applying or creating subsequent offers (JSDK-1176)
  • Fixed a bug where calling cancel on the CancelablePromise returned by
    connect could throw an Error
  • Fixed a bug in the LocalAudioTrack and LocalVideoTrack constructors: options
    should have been optional (JSDK-1251)
  • Fixed a bug where Room's getStats method could reject if outbound statistics
    were missing in Firefox
  • Fixed a bug where Room's getStats method could reject if called after
    disconnecting from a Room in Firefox
  • Fixed a bug in our message retry logic that caused us to retry messages after
    disconnecting from a Room

Known Issues

  • Despite the addition of addTracks, adding multiple LocalTracks in quick
    succession is likely to cause media failures, and so it is recommended to

    • Stagger the addition or removal of LocalTracks, or
    • Use the enable and disable functionality in lieu of adding and removing

    A solution has been identified and will be included in the next release.

  • There exists an interoperability issue between Firefox and other WebRTC
    implementations (including Chrome and Twilio's iOS and Android SDKs) that can
    cause media failures if Firefox does not share a LocalAudioTrack. If you are
    developing an application that will interoperate with Firefox, please ensure
    you always share a LocalAudioTrack until this issue is resolved. You can
    share a muted LocalAudioTrack by calling disable. For example,



14 Sep 23:59
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1.0.0-beta5 Pre-release

1.0.0-beta5 (March 20, 2017)

We are very close to releasing the 1.0.0 APIs. This release includes a number of
simplifications to the twilio-video APIs, namely

  • The Client class has been removed. Instead of constructing a Client using an
    Access Token and then calling connect on it, you can simply call connect
    and pass it an Access Token directly. For example,

    const { connect } = require('twilio-video');
    const room = await connect('your-token');

    Or, if using browser globals,

    const room = await Twilio.Video.connect('your-token');
  • The Media and LocalMedia classes have been removed. Although the Media and
    LocalMedia classes provided some convenience methods for automatically
    attaching and detaching Tracks from the DOM as they were added and removed,
    these APIs got in the way whenever you wanted to do something more interesting
    with the Tracks. Therefore, the audioTracks and videoTracks collections as
    well as the addTrack and removeTrack methods have been moved up to the
    Participant and LocalParticipant levels. You should update your code to use
    the Track-level attach and detach APIs exclusively. For example,

    function handleParticipant(participant) {
      participant.on('trackAdded', addTrack);
    function addTrack(track) {
      const element = track.attach();
  • The getLocalMedia method has also been replaced with a new method,
    createLocalTracks. This method behaves like getLocalMedia did, except it
    returns an Array of LocalTracks.

  • The addMicrophone and addCamera methods from LocalMedia have been replaced
    with two new top-level methods, createLocalAudioTrack and

Refer to the API docs for more information.

New Features

  • LocalTracks now indicate whether or not they have stopped with the isStopped
    property. They also emit a new event, "stopped". LocalParticipant re-emits
    this event as "trackStopped".
  • LocalAudioTracks and LocalVideoTracks can now be constructed directly from
  • Updated the Track-level attach APIs to allow attaching both an AudioTrack
    and a VideoTrack to the same HTMLMediaElement.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where twilio-video.js, when used in Firefox, would not raise a
    "trackAdded" event on a remote Participant if they added, removed, and added
    back the same Track
  • Fixed a bug where round-trip times reported by getStats were accidentally
    multiplied by 1000
  • Fixed a bug where certain identities with non-ASCII characters could not be
    used (for example, multiple ":" characters were causing failures)
  • Fixed a bug where minified builds of twilio-video.js could not be used on web
    pages that did not specify a charset
  • Fixed an EventEmitter leak in StateMachine that was warning in the console


14 Sep 23:59
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1.0.0-beta4 Pre-release

1.0.0-beta4 (January 25, 2017)

New Features

  • We've begun formalizing our error codes. They are divided up into Signaling
    (530xx), Room (531xx), Participant (532xx), Track (533xx), Media (534xx), and
    Configuration (535xx) subranges. Instances of TwilioError will now carry a
    numeric code belonging to one of these ranges.

Bug Fixes

  • The way that twilio-video.js's dependencies, including some of
    twilio-video.js's transitive dependencies, were declared caused problems with
    bundlers like Webpack. This resulted in issues trying to use twilio-video.js
    in certain configurations with Angular, Meteor, and React apps. This release
    updates those dependencies.