Ask for an account by sending an email to Use your
email address.
It should normally take 1-2 days.
to access GPU nodes.
module load gcc
module load slurm
module load cuda80
module load cuDNN
alias mywatch='/home/koelma/bin/mywatch'
Other modules are also available, full list is avaible with module avail
Pick the version you want for CUDA by looking at what's available module avail cuda
srun -u --pty bash -i
Get an interactive session on a CPU node
srun -u --pty --gres=gpu:1 bash -i
Get an interactive session on a GPU node
srun -u --pty -w node404 bash -i
Get an interactive session on node404
srun -u --pty -p fatq bash -i
Get an interactive session on the fatq node (more RAM)
Ideally you should submit a job instead of using an interactive session:
srun --gres=gpu:1 python --myargument=foo
srun --gres=gpu:4 bash
slurm will provide a job id. Use that id if you want to remove yourself from the queue with scancel [job id]
For those who want to play with jupyter notebook on a node, here is the procedure.
- Get an interective session on a CPU or GPU node
- Record which node you got (e.g.
) - On the obtained node, run
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888
- From your local machine, run
ssh -t -t -L 8888:localhost:8888 ssh node401 -L 8888:localhost:8888
- Open a browser on your local machine and go to http://localhost:8888
- You should now have access to a jupyter notebook that is running on a node on das5
- Do NOT forget to kill both sessions once you are done
Note: if you run into issues to launch jupyter notebook on the GPU node, you might want to remove the following environment variable unset XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
Either use squeue
or mywatch
(see last line of .bashrc)
Your homefolder space is quite limited. Only use it for scripts.
Install your own python or other stuff on /var/scratch/
(there is already a directory for each user). Also store your data on /var/scratch/
. If you run out of space, ask Dennis.
Check your current quota with quota -sv
Read more on the das-5 website.