mavenized JSR-113 modified aka JSAPI2
- this JSAPI version 2.2.1 (CAUTION since 2.2.0, versions are my original (modified from SUN's original))
- 2.0.6
- DOES NOT support the J2ME platform (like CLDC 1.0, MIDP 1.0)
- volume property is enabled
- 2.2.0 support service loader mechanism.
works, but no more needed
- 2.2.1 add voice comparison level for
- 2.0.6
clean up remaining running threads at exitingjsapi2 queue tests are not stableusing many mocks, so it's difficult to determine which is wrong (mock or implement)
- jsapi2/jse in sphinx4.1
backport jsapi2 javadoc using codavaj- demo
- mac module is temporary unavailable (because NSSpeechSynthesizer is deprecated) use rococoa module in vavi-speech2
rename project jsapi2match mechanism
JSAPI is an independent implementation of the JSAPI 2 standard. It provides a basic framework that can be used for a JSAPI 2 compliant access to speech engines. Demo implementations support FreeTTS, Sphinx 4, Microsoft Speech API 5.4 and the Mac OSX speech synthesizer.
Note that the framework is still under development and needs more work to be really compliant to the standard.
image by learn-it-university.com