diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 28bbb04..2f36d25 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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# Friendly
-still WIP
+## Watch
+## How To Use
+1. Import `Friendly`
+2. Change SwiftUI View to Frienly View.
+WindowGroup {
+ ContentView()
+WindowGroup {
+ Friendly {
+ ContentView()
+ }
+## What is Friendly View
+Firendly View is `Friendly {}`
+It contains your app view, cursor view, sheet view and command view.
+So the root view of a friendly app must be Friendly View.
+## Frienly Element
+### BeFriend
+All the frienly elements conform `BeFriend`.
+And `BeFriend` has a value, that is `eternalId`. We use `eternalId` to identifier your view. And we can know where the views are, and other informations.
+So every view has it's own `eternalId`.
+### FriendlyWrappedView
+`FriendlyWrappedView` can make all the SwiftUI views to BeFriend views. It requeires a eternal id for the view.
+public init(_ id: String, ignore: Bool = false, @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content)
+**`ignore` is abandoned**
+### FriendlyStateButton
+`FriendlyStateButton` is not a BeFriend view. It only gives you a sign of the state of the friendly system, including the connection state and so on.
+### FriendlyButton
+`FriendlyButton` is a BeFriend view.
+public init(_ id: String, ignore: Bool = false, action: @escaping (() -> Void), label: @escaping (() -> Content))
+**`ignore` is abandoned**
+`FriendlyButton` just like SwiftUI button. And when the cursor is above it, the cursor will change to a rect.
+### FriendlyTextField
+`FriendlyTextField` is a BeFriend view.
+public init(_ id: String, _ title: String, text: Binding, focused: FocusState, shouldSpeech: Binding)
+You need give `FriendlyTextField` a `shouldSpeech` value.
+`FriendlyTextField` use speech, and only supports `En-US`
+Once the speec finished, you can get text like this:
+.onChange(of: speechManager.mainText) { value in
+ if speechManager.onRecord == "{your FriendlyTextField eternal ID}" {
+ task.text = value
+ }
+### FriendlyDatePicker
+`FriendlyDatePicker` is a BeFriend view.
+public init(_ id: String, date: Binding, ex: Bool = false, hideEx: Binding)
+`FriendlyDatePicker` will become a swiftui `DatePicker` when the app is not in the Friendly Mode.
+Because `FriendlyDatePicker` has some buttons in it. So you need give a `ex` value to tell it when the button is `hideExclusion`.
+### FriendlyPreferenceView
+`FriendlyPreferenceView` is a SwiftUI view.
+Users can change the value of cursor in this view.
+### FriendlyList
+`FriendlyList` is a BeFriend view.
+public init(_ id: String, items: Int, visibleRows: Binding>, ex: Bool = false, @ViewBuilder _ content: () -> Content)
+It is quite difficult to use. And it provides two buttons for users to control the list.
+ @State var listVisible = Set()
+ FriendlyList("EventList", items: eventData.events.count + 1, visibleRows: $listVisible) {
+ Section {
+ HStack {
+ Label {
+ switch deviceState.state {
+ case .connect:
+ Text("Your AirPods is connected")
+ case .disconnect:
+ Text("Your AirPods is disconnected")
+ case .ignore:
+ Text("We ignore your motion")
+ case .notSupport:
+ Text("Your iPad or AirPods isn't support our App. Please use iPad with faceid and AirPods Pro or 3")
+ }
+ } icon: {
+ FriendlyStateButton()
+ }
+ Spacer()
+ if deviceState.state == .connect {
+ FriendlyButton("FriendlyPreferenceView - Button") {
+ FriendlySheet {
+ FriendlyPreferenceView()
+ }.present("FriendlyPreferenceView - sheet")
+ } label: {
+ Image(systemName: "gear")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .id(0)
+ .onAppear { listVisible.insert(0) }
+ .onDisappear { listVisible.remove(0) }
+ }
+ ...
+You need add `id` to the `listVisible` when the view appear, and delete it when the view disappear.
+`items` is all the items in the list.
+### FriendlySheet
+You can use `FriendlySheet` to present a sheet view.
+FriendlySheet {
+ // your view
+Dismiss View:
+### CommandView
+CommandView is the menu view.
+It has a defualt command: **Reset Cursor**.
+Friendly {
+ .commandView {
+ CommandGroup {
+ CommandItem(name: "Toggle SideBar", image: Image(systemName: "sidebar.left")) {
+ if isShowSiderBar {
+ splitViewController?.hide(.primary)
+ } else {
+ splitViewController?.show(.primary)
+ refresh = UUID()
+ }
+ }
+ CommandItem(name: "Refresh Cursor", image: Image(systemName: "circle")) {
+ refresh = UUID()
+ FriendlyManager.shared.refreshCursorData()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Gesture
+### onRight
+public extension BeFriend where Self: View {
+ func onRight(_ action: @escaping () -> ()) -> some View {
+### onLeft
+public extension BeFriend where Self: View {
+ func onLeft(_ action: @escaping () -> ()) -> some View {
+## Conflict
+Always, there is a BeFriend view on another befriend view and Friendly don't know cursor is on the which view.
+### hideExclusion
+Sometimes, in the sheet view, frienly view automatically hide some view. So if you want some view is responsable, you need this.
+func hideExclusion(_ when: Bool) -> FriendlyWrappedView
+### other
+There are some other solution, but still WIP.