- The University of Windsor Video Game Design Club (hereinafter "VGDC") shall have a Board (hereinafter "the Board"), which shall consist of the 3 Executive Positions of the VGDC, and 4 Board Heads, totaling 7 members.
- The Positions of Board Heads are as follows:
- Head of Events,
- Head of Community,
- Head of Development, and
- Head of Operation.
- Each Board Head shall be an Undergraduate Student at the University of Windsor during their term.
- Any Board Head may voluntarily resign their position.
- The Board may, by simple-majority, establish a new Board Position and assign its duties and authorities, and, as a result, adjust the number of members of the Board, but two-thirds shall be required to abolish any Board Position.
- The Board shall, not later than the 31st of April of every year, issue ballots for each Board Head position, which shall name each person who voluntarily nominates themselves and meets the requirements of the position as set by this constitution or the reasonable, non-discriminatory, requirements set by the Board.
- Each such ballot issue shall be returned by the 5th of May of every year, and the person on each ballot with the most votes shall be elected to that position and shall immediately be seated to the Board.
- If two or more people are tied for the most votes for a position, then the Board shall issue a ballot for the position, returned not later than the 9th of May, naming each person so tied (hereinafter "tiebreaker ballot"). If the returned ballots are tied, the Executive shall choose by majority from among those tied on the tiebreaker ballot.
- Each Board Head position shall be vacated by the 9th of May or when a new member is seated to the Board, whichever may happen first.
- The Board may by simple-majority change the date at which ballots for a particular Board Position are issued and returned, and shall publish such changes.
- One member of the Board shall be Head of Events.
- The Head of Events shall have the following duties and authorities:
- To propose for ratification by the Board, events which the VGDC will conduct throughout the Fall and Winter Terms (hereinafter "Primary Term") as well as during the Summer and/or Intersession terms,
- To keep records of all events and the attendance thereof,
- To present such records upon request to the Board and to the Vice President, and
- Present requests for funds necessary for operating events to the Treasurer.
- If the position of Head of Events may be Vacant, then the Vice President may exercise the above duties and authorities.
- One member of the Board shall be Head of Community
- The Head of Community shall have the following duties and authorities:
- To announce events, elections, and other important information regarding the VGDC to the General Members,
- To moderate the Official Discord Server of the VGDC and other official forums for discussion, and to appoint other such moderators,
- To report on the membership of the club to the President and the Board, and
- To receive concerns and complaints about the VGDC from the General Members and communicate those concerns and complaints to the President and Board.
- If the position of Head of Community may be Vacant, then the President may exercise the above duties and authorities.
- One member of the Board shall be Head of Development.
- The Head of Development shall have the following duties and authorities:
- To maintain any official projects of the VGDC, on the official Github Organization of the VGDC and in other official locations,
- To assign additional maintainers to official projects,
- To authorize official projects conducted by the General Membership (hereinafter "Member Projects") under the VGDC,
- To appoint General Members to the position of "Project Leads" with respect to Member Projects,
- To receive reports and concerns from Project Leads regarding Member Projects and to report such to the President, and
- To submit to the Treasurer, requests for funds related to Member Projects and official projects.
- If the position of Head of Development may be Vacant, then the President may exercise the above duties and authorities.
- The imposition of, or adjustments to, a fee for Member Projects shall only be with consent of the Head of Development and the Treasurer and consent of the Board.
- One member of the Board shall be Head of Operations.
- The Head of Operations shall have the following duties and authorities:
- To prepare and issue ballots for elections on behalf of the board,
- To receive ballots on return,
- To set and implement procedures for issuance and return of ballots at the direction of the Board,
- To maintain records from meetings of the Board, including approved and unapproved Minutes, Agendas, and attendance records,
- To make records maintained above available to the Board and to any member of the Board upon request,
- To publish approved minutes from meetings in a location accessible to the General Members, unless the President or one half of the attendance of the meeting may request the minutes be held privately,
- To set and implement policies regarding the publication of minutes, at the direction of the Board,
- To Maintain records of changes in the dates of election for each Board Position,
- To report to the Vice President and the Board, any issues in the operation of the VGDC, and
- To maintain any additional records necessary for the operation of the VGDC.
- If the position of Head of Operations may be Vacant, then the Vice President may exercise the above duties and authorities.
- [Repealed, Amendment 1]
- A meeting of the Board shall be convened at the discretion of the President, or when one half of the Board may request such,
- The meeting of the Board shall occur at a time, place, and manner directed by the President but when a meeting is at the request of the Board, the time shall be within 2 weeks of the request being issued except with due cause for delay.
- The Board may only convene a meeting or conduct business when a Quorum is Present, which shall be set by Board Policy but shall not be less than one half of the membership of the Board.
- The President shall ensure in good faith that at the time of the meeting, a Quorum can be assembled and convene the meeting.
- Unless directed by the President, there shall be a meeting of the Board every month, except the month of April and November.
- The President shall ensure that no member of the Board is subjected to any unreasonable requirements that prohibit or restrain their ability to attend meetings of the Board,
- A Meeting of the Board shall admit all members of the Board, and may also admit additional General Members or other persons within reason at the discretion of the President. Additional Attendees may be excluded at the request of a majority of the Membership.
- During a Meeting of the Board, only Board Members in attendance shall be entitled to a vote and count towards quorum.
- The President shall release an Agenda to the Board and to the Head of Operations for the meeting at least 48 hours prior to any meeting of the Board. The President shall release Minutes to the Head of Operations at most 48 hours after any meeting of the Board.
- The Board shall be governed by the Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised) and/or any other rules that the Board may adopt by simple-majority (collectively "Rules of Order").
- This Constitution shall supersede the Rules of Order and procedure where they may inconsistent, but nothing in this constitution shall preclude the Board from restraining any authority granted by it to the Board.
- The Board may not delegate any authority granted to it to any other person or body.
- The Board may amend this constitution by two-thirds majority