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Article I - General

§1 Name of the Organization

  1. The Name of this Organization shall be the University of Windsor Video Game Design Club
  2. The Short Name of the Organization shall be VGDC. "VGDC" may be used herein to reference the organization

§2 Relation within the UWSA

  1. The VGDC shall be a Registered Student Group with the University of Windsor Student Association (UWSA).
  2. The VGDC shall be governed by the By-Laws and Constitution of the UWSA, and requirements set by the UWSA for Student Groups (collectively "Governing Rules"), and such shall overrule anything herein to the contrary.
  3. The VGDC is otherwise not affiliated with, nor represents the actions or intents of the UWSA.

§3 Membership

  1. The Membership of the VGDC shall be composed of the General Members, Members of the Board of the VGDC, and the Executive of the VGDC.
  2. General Members may be Admitted and Dismissed by the President of the VGDC based on non-discriminatory requirements which may be set by the President.
  3. Including the Board, but not including the Executive, the Membership of the VGDC shall consist of at least 10 members who are Full Time Undergraduate Students During the Fall and Winter Terms of a Year (hereinafter "Primary Term").
  4. All Members the VGDC, including General Members, Board Members, and Executives, shall be Students (Undergraduate or Graduate) at the University of Windsor during their time of Membership, but may continue as Members for One Primary Terms and up to 2 Summer and 2 Intersession Terms following they ceasing to be students at the University of Windsor.
  5. The imposition of, and adjustments to, a Membership Fee, where such is not prohibited by the Governing Rules, shall be only with the consent of the President and Treasurer, and shall require approval of the Board.

§4 Discrimination

  1. The VGDC seeks to reasonably protect it's members from undue discrimination by the Executive and Board thereof, including, but not limited to, discrimination on the basis of Sex, Gender, Religion, Race, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, or Creed (collectively "Protected Class" or "Protected Classes").
  2. The President shall not admit or dismiss General Members of the VGDC on the basis of a Protected Class, nor set restrictions on Membership based on a Protected Class.
  3. The Board shall set no requirements on Board Members or on the Executive Positions based on a Protected Class.
  4. Notwithstanding the above, The President, the Head of Community, and the Board, are authorized, collectively and independently, to set and implement policies to protect General Members from discrimination, provided such policies are defined and implemented uniformly without regard to membership of a Protected Class.
  5. In interpreting the above, "on the basis of" or "based on" shall be taken to mean a but-for causality, and discrimination shall mean discrimination of a particular person or persons, rather than a collective group of people.

§5 Interpretation

  1. The this document shall be interpreted as directed by the Board, and the Board shall publish any interpretations made in the case of any inconsistencies.
  2. If this document is held to be inconsistent with the Governing Rules, the Board shall interpret to the maximum extent possible that is consistent with the Governing Rules.