diff --git a/docs/vaadin-grid-angular2.adoc b/docs/vaadin-grid-angular2.adoc
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-title: Grid Usage with Angular 2
-order: 1
-layout: page
-= Usage with Angular 2
-This chapter will briefly go through Angular 2 specific features.
-For the most part you can use the API provided by the element described in other sections of the documentation.
-Before jumping in, you should follow the common installation instructions which apply to all Vaadin Core Elements.
-== Configuration
-The easiest way is to use the declarative way, so as you can configure the grid using a table section in your template.
-  <table>
-    <colgroup>
-      <col name="merchant" width="200" sortable/>
-      <col name="total" width="150" sortable/>
-      <col name="comment" sortable/>
-    </colgroup>
-  </table>
-== Data-binding
-In order to bind an array of items to the [elementname]#vaadin-grid# element, you can use normal data-binding syntax of Angular 2.
-<vaadin-grid [(value)]="myValue" [items]="myItems">
-  <table>
-    <colgroup>
-      <col /> <col />
-    </colgroup>
-  </table>
-== Function items
-To have a full data control, you can use functions. The item function accepts two parameters. The first parameter is an object
-with the data index and count properties, the second one is a callback to inform the grid with the data array and total size.
-<vaadin-grid [items]="expensesFunction" [frozenColumns]="1">
-  <table>
-    <colgroup>
-      <col name="total" width="150" sortable/>
-      <col name="status" width="150" sortable/>
-      <col name="comment" sortable/>
-    </colgroup>
-  </table>
-private expensesFunction(params, callback) {
-  const filters: any = this.filters || {};
-  const url = './api/expenses?index=' + params.index + '&count=' + params.count;
-  const totalCount = 200;
-  this.getJSON(url, (data) => {
-    callback(data, totalCount);
-  });