Personal website of Stanislav Valasek.
Static page generator Hugo using academic theme hosted on Netlify.
Copyright 2020-present Stanislav Valasek.
Released under the MIT license.
Localy site can be started using the command
hugo server
In case of any error
Error: Error building site: "...": failed to extract shortcode: template for shortcode "..." not found
hugo mod clean
hugo mod get -u ./...
and error
Error: from config: failed to resolve output format "headers" from site config
In your config/_default/config.yaml file change the line
home: [HTML, RSS, JSON, WebAppManifest, headers, redirects]
home: [] #[HTML, RSS , JSON, WebAppManifest, headers, redirects]
then at the command line type hugo mod get. Then return the home: line back to its original contents and all should be well when you type hugo server.