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File metadata and controls

100 lines (81 loc) · 9.34 KB



When adding or upgrading a formula, the GitHub Actions workflows for this tap are configured to build, test, and register the bottles automatically.

Currently, the workflows require the availability of these 2 runners:

macos-monterey-x86_64  - tags: self-hosted macOS x86_64 x64 homebrew monterey
macos-monterey-arm64   - tags: self-hosted macOS arm64 homebrew monterey

In a nutshell, the following steps need to be taken:

Setting up the runners

In fresh (or, at least, believed to be in a good shape) macOS Monterey (version 12) systems (Intel + Apple silicon):

  • (try to) uninstall Homebrew by executing the command (clean up any reported residues manually): /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • install Homebrew by executing the command: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • for Intel:
  • for Apple silicon:
  • clone the alternative GitHub Actions runner: git clone --recursive /opt/github-act-runner
  • allocate a runner token for each machine (it is OK to select x64 for a arm64 runner at this point)
  • cd /opt/github-act-runner on each machine
  • for Intel:
    • configure the runner (adjust the token): PATH=/opt/go/bin:/opt/node/bin:$PATH go run . configure --url --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --name macos-monterey-x86_64 --no-default-labels -l self-hosted,macOS,x86_64,x64,homebrew,monterey --replace
  • for Apple silicon:
    • configure the runner (adjust the token): PATH=/opt/go/bin:/opt/node/bin:$PATH go run . configure --url --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --name macos-monterey-arm64 --no-default-labels -l self-hosted,macOS,arm64,homebrew,monterey --replace
  • start the runner on each machine: PATH=/opt/go/bin:/opt/node/bin:$PATH go run . run
  • make sure the runners are online and in idle state

Adding a new formula

Adding a new non-ClickHouse formula

Use Formula/clickhouse-odbc.rb or Formula/clickhouse-cpp.rb formulae as a template:

  • step 1: prepare the new formula
    • create a dedicated branch in the repo, do not use forks, make the branch in the original repo (TODO: fix permission issues with workflows modifying the upstream)
    • create a new file Formula/myformula.rb, this must be the only file changed in the branch
    • for a better idea of what needs to be changed, compare Formula/clickhouse-odbc.rb and Formula/clickhouse-cpp.rb, then in your new formula:
      • adjust the class name to match the formula name
      • adjust the url.tag, url.revision, and head.branch values accordingly
      • adjust the regex expression in the livecheck do .. end section to properly match the versions during livecheck
      • remove the bottle do ... end section remained from the old template, this will be recreated automatically later
      • remove the keg_only :versioned_formula line remained from the old template, if any
      • adjust the configure/build flags and steps
    • make a PR from this branch into main, use myformula XX.XX.XX.XX (new formula) caption and an empty description (adjust the version)
    • wait until all checks are green in the GitHub PR page, during which bottles will be created and uploaded as artifacts in GitHub
    • once all checks are green, add pr-pull tag on the PR, this will trigger another action that will modify the formula, register the bottles in it, and will close (but not merge!) the PR; even though the PR will be shown as closed, the branch will be merged into main and the new formula with bottles will be available to the users (they will need to do brew update to see the changes)
  • step 2: adjust the
    • as a separate commit directly into main of the upstream:
      • add entries about the new formula in the

Adding a new (versioned) ClickHouse formula

Use the latest Formula/clickhouse@YY.YY.rb formulae as a template:

  • step 1: register the new formula as an audit exception, to skip non-master head branch audit warnings
    • as a separate commit directly into main of the upstream, add the name of the formula at the top of the list in audit_exceptions/head_non_default_branch_allowlist.json
  • step 2: prepare the new formula
    • create a dedicated branch in the repo, do not use forks, make the branch in the original repo (TODO: fix permission issues with workflows modifying the upstream)
    • create a new file Formula/clickhouse@XX.XX.rb following the pattern of the latest formula, this must be the only file changed in the branch
    • for a better idea of what needs to be changed, compare one of the older versioned formulae with the current latest formula, then in your new formula:
      • adjust the class name to match the formula name
      • adjust the url.tag, url.revision, and head.branch values accordingly
      • adjust the regex expression in the livecheck do .. end section to properly match the new versions during livecheck
      • remove the bottle do ... end section remained from the old template, this will be recreated automatically later
      • remove the keg_only :versioned_formula line remained from the old template, if any (assuming, you are adding a latest version of ClickHouse)
      • adjust the configure/build flags and steps, if needed
    • make a PR from this branch into main, use clickhouse@XX.XX XX.XX.XX.XX (new formula) caption and an empty description (adjust the versions)
    • wait until all checks are green in the GitHub PR page, during which bottles will be created and uploaded as artifacts in GitHub
    • once all checks are green, add pr-pull tag on the PR, this will trigger another action that will modify the formula, register the bottles in it, and will close (but not merge!) the PR; even though the PR will be shown as closed, the branch will be merged into main and the new versioned formula with bottles will be available to the users (they will need to do brew update to see the changes)
  • step 3: adjust the and aliases
    • as a separate commit directly into main of the upstream:
      • add a keg_only :versioned_formula line to the previous latest versioned formula (the one you used as a template) right after the bottle do ... end section (compare with the older formulae for examples)
      • change all the relevant symlinks under Aliases/... to point to the new formula (NB: stable vs lts)
      • add entries about the new versioned formula in the and adjust all other references in the text to reflect the changes

Upgrading an existing formula

Use brew livecheck ... and brew bump-formula-pr ... to automatically detect and create a PR with a newer version of the formula, if available:

  • make sure you have an up-to-date Homebrew installation locally, and the tap is added to it
  • run brew livecheck altinity/clickhouse/clickhouse@21.11 locally to see if a new version of the software is available (adjust version/formula name as needed), write down the new version, if any, as reported by brew livecheck ... - you will use it in the next steps
  • make sure you have a valid GITHUB_TOKEN and HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN in your env so that you will be able to push the changes made to the tap repo clone stored in your local brew's internal directories
  • run brew bump-formula-pr altinity/clickhouse/clickhouse@21.11 --version= --no-fork, it will create a PR with the new version (here, as an example of a version that brew livecheck ... detected as one to upgrade to)
  • wait until all checks are green in the GitHub PR page, during which bottles will be created and uploaded as artifacts in GitHub
  • once all checks are green, add pr-pull tag on the PR, this will trigger another action that will modify the formula, register the bottles in it, and will close (but not merge!) the PR; even though the PR will be shown as closed, the branch will be merged into main and the new version of the formula with bottles will be available to the users (they will need to do brew update to see the changes)
  • as a separate commit directly into main of the upstream:
    • adjust the relevant version number in to reflect the changes