At this tutorial we will create thumbnails with GraphicksMagick/ImageMagick (a.k.a. gm
) after file is fully uploaded to Server. Note: GraphicksMagick or ImageMagick should be installed on dev/prod machine before you implement code below.
- GraphicksMagick
- ImageMagick
- See how this example used in our demo app
- gm NPM package
- im NPM package
- imagemagick-native NPM package
TL;TR; - There is various software solutions to accomplish this task. All links to make a decision is above. If you don't have time to deal with a choice - install GraphicksMagick as a library and gm as NPM package.
Before you go - install ImageMagick or GraphicksMagick CLI tools. There are numerous ways to install it. For instance, if you're on OS X you can use Homebrew:
brew install graphicsmagick
# or for ImageMagick:
# brew install imagemagick
Some platforms may bundle ImageMagick into their tools (like Heroku). In this case you may use GraphicsMagick as ImageMagick in this way:
npm install gm --save
And then where you use it:
const gm = require('gm');
const im = gm.subClass({ imageMagick: true });
Please note that GM was considered slightly faster than IM so before you chose convenience over performance read the latest news about it, - see the comparison.
meteor add ostrio:files
meteor npm install --save gm fs-extra
Initiate FilesCollection (/lib/files.js
import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';
const uploadsCollection = new FilesCollection({
storagePath: 'assets/app/uploads/uploadedFiles'
export default uploadsCollection;
Simple upload form (/client/upload.html
Simple upload form (/client/upload.js
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
import uploadsCollection from '/lib/files.js';
import './upload.html';
Template.uploadForm.onCreated(function () {
this.upload = new ReactiveVar(false);
upload() {
'change [data-upload-file]'(e, template) {
if (e.currentTarget.files && e.currentTarget.files[0]) {
const uploader = uploadsCollection.insert({
file: e.currentTarget.files[0],
chunkSize: 'dynamic'
}, false);
uploader.on('start', function () {
uploader.on('end', (error, fileObj) => {
uploader.on('uploaded', (error, fileObj) => {
if (!error) {
window.alert(`File "${}" successfully uploaded`);
uploader.on('error', (error, fileObj) => {
window.alert('Error during upload: ' + error);
Catch afterUpload
event (/server/files.js
import uploadsCollection from '/lib/files.js';
import createThumbnails from '/server/image-processing.js';
uploadsCollection.on('afterUpload', function(fileRef) {
// Run `createThumbnails` only over PNG, JPG and JPEG files
if (/png|jpe?g/i.test(fileRef.extension || '')) {
createThumbnails(this, fileRef, (error, fileRef) => {
if (error) {
Create thumbnails (/server/image-processing.js
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import gm from 'gm';
const bound = Meteor.bindEnvironment((callback) => {
return callback();
const createThumbnails = (collection, fileRef, cb) => {
check(fileRef, Object);
fs.exists(fileRef.path, (exists) => {
bound(() => {
if (!exists) {
throw Meteor.log.error('File ' + fileRef.path + ' not found in [createThumbnails] Method');
const image = gm(fileRef.path);
image.size((error, features) => {
bound(() => {
if (error) {
console.error('[_app.createThumbnails] [_.each sizes]', error);
cb && cb(Meteor.Error('[_app.createThumbnails] [image.size]', error));
// Update meta data if original image
collection.collection.update(fileRef._id, {
$set: {
'meta.width': features.width,
'meta.height': features.height,
'versions.original.meta.width': features.width,
'versions.original.meta.height': features.height
const path = `${collection.storagePath(fileRef)}/thumbnail-${fileRef._id}.${fileRef.extension}`;
const img = gm(fileRef.path)
// Change width and height proportionally
img.resize(250).interlace('Line').write(path, (resizeError) => {
bound(() => {
if (resizeError) {
console.error('[createThumbnails] [img.resize]', resizeError);
cb && cb(resizeError);
fs.stat(path, (fsStatError, stat) => {
bound(() => {
if (fsStatError) {
console.error('[_app.createThumbnails] [img.resize] [fs.stat]', fsStatError);
cb && cb(fsStatError);
gm(path).size((gmSizeError, imgInfo) => {
bound(() => {
if (gmSizeError) {
console.error('[_app.createThumbnails] [_.each sizes] [img.resize] [fs.stat] [gm(path).size]', gmSizeError);
cb && cb(gmSizeError);
fileRef.versions.thumbnail = {
path: path,
size: stat.size,
type: fileRef.type,
extension: fileRef.extension,
name:, // <-- Name with extension used when file's version is being downloaded
meta: {
width: imgInfo.width,
height: imgInfo.height
const upd = {
$set: {
'versions.thumbnail': fileRef.versions.thumbnail
collection.collection.update(fileRef._id, upd, (colUpdError) => {
if (cb) {
if (colUpdError) {
} else {
cb(void 0, fileRef);
return true;
export default createThumbnails;