The main README for the project is found here
All docker images, along with the GitHub actions, are based upon Ubuntu.
Assuming from the root of the project, and using Linux as a host environment. Once the project has been compiled in Release, following the build information in the root, the following steps can be executed (depending on the applicaiton/docker to be built).
0.1 can be replaced with the correct version.
mkdir tmp/server
cd ./tmp/server
cp ../../bin/netwatchdogd .
cp ../../docker/server/* .
docker build -t viperman1271/netwatchdog-server:0.1 .
mkdir tmp/client
cd ./tmp/client
cp ../../bin/netwatchdogc .
cp ../../docker/client/* .
docker build -t viperman1271/netwatchdog-client:0.1 .
mkdir tmp/web
cd ./tmp/web
cp ../../bin/web .
cp ../../docker/web/* .
cp -r ../../data .
docker build -t viperman1271/netwatchdog-web:0.1 .