The only mandatory requirement for VisPy is the numpy package.
VisPy requires at least one toolkit for opening a window and creates an OpenGL context. This can be done using one Qt, GLFW, SDL2, Wx, or Pyglet. You can also use a Jupyter notebook with visualizations appearing inline.
You only need to have one of these packages, no need to install them all!
VisPy makes heavy use of the graphic card installed on your system. More precisely, VisPy uses the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) through shaders. VisPy thus requires a fairly recent video card (~ less than 12 years old) as well as an up-to-date video driver such that vispy can access the programmable pipeline (as opposed to the fixed pipeline).
To get information on your system, you can type:
>>> print(vispy.sys_info())
The results of the above command and is long list of information related to your system and video driver. The OpenGL version must be at least 2.1.
On linux systems the xrandr command is used to determine the screen's DPI. On certain (virtual) displays it reports screen dimensions of 0mm x 0mm. In this case users may attempt to fix their screen resolution or download the xdpyinfo (xorg-xdpyinfo) utility as an alternative to xrandr. A default DPI of 96 is used otherwise.
Before installing VisPy you should ensure a working version of python is installed on your computer, including all of the requirements included in the Backend Requirements section above. A simple way to install most of these requirements is to install the Anaconda scientific python distribution from Continuum Analytics. Anaconda will install most of the VisPy dependencies for you. If your computer is low on hard disk space, or you would like a minimal python installation, you may install the Miniconda package also from Continuum Analytics. Once Anaconda is installed, create a conda python environment.
VisPy can be installed in a conda environment by using the package available from the conda-forge channel:
conda install -c conda-forge vispy
VisPy can also be installed with pip
to install it from PyPI:
pip install --upgrade vispy
Once the python dependencies have been installed, install the latest proprietary drivers for your computer's GPU. Generally these drivers may be downloaded from the GPU manufacturer's website.
If you want to run the latest development version, you can clone the repository to your local machine and install vispy in "development" mode. This means that any changes to the cloned repository will be immediately available in the python environment:
# creates "vispy" folder
git clone --recurse-submodules git://
cd vispy
# optionally create/initialize 'doc' directories
git submodule update --init --recursive
# install the vispy package in editable/development mode
pip install -e .
If you have cloned the repository in the past you may need to run the submodule command above to initialize any git submodules.
To run the latest development version without cloning the repository, you can also use this line:
pip install git+
The VisPy project uploads the latest development version of the package to This can be a good alternative to the above GitHub installation process if you don't have or don't want to use git.
You can install these versions of the package by doing:
pip install --pre -i vispy
The main portion of the version number is based on the last public release of VisPy so the Test PyPI package may be smaller than when the final package is released.
If you would like to use VisPy in a Jupyter Notebook and have the visualizations appear inline, we recommend using the "jupyter_rfb" backend. This backend depends on jupyter_rfb library which must be installed before your jupyter notebook or jupyter lab session is started.
Note that the 'jupyter_rfb' library uses the "remote" jupyter kernel (the server) to do the drawing of your visualization and then sends the results to the client (the browser). This means that performance of animations and user interactions (mouse and keyboard events) will differ depending on the connection quality between server and client.
.. versionchanged:: 0.8 The "jupyter_rfb" backend was added in Version 0.8 and the old "ipynb_webgl" was removed.
It is strongly advised to run the vispy test suite right after installation to check if everything is ok. To do this, just type:
>>> import vispy
>>> vispy.test()
Please note that the test suite may be unstable on some systems. Any potential instability in the test suite does not necessarily imply instability in the working state of the provided VisPy examples.
If running from a jupyter console, either the jupyter-qtconsole
, the
, or, the console within
Spyder, you may need to ensure a few
IPython magic
functions are called prior to using vispy in a given kernel. Before using any
VisPy code, we recommend running the following commands when starting your
python kernel:
>>> %gui qt
>>> # your vispy code
Namely, this has the effect of sharing the event loop between application and the interactive console allowing you use both simultaneously.
If your laptop comes with switchable graphics you have to make sure to tell python to use your graphics card instead of the integrated Intel graphics. You can identify which graphics card will be used by running:
>>> import vispy
>>> print(vispy.sys_info())
and look for Nvidia in the GL version
. For example:
GL version: '4.6.0 NVIDIA 390.25'
In Windows, you should open the the Nvidia-console and add your specific python to the list of programs that should use the dedicated graphics card. Note that this setting is seperate for different conda environments so make sure you have selected the one you are using VisPy with.
On Linux with the proprietary Nvidia graphics drivers, you should run python
with primusrun python
For use with a Jupyter kernel, say in Spyder or the jupyter-qtconsole
make sure the kernel is started with primusrun
. For example:
$ primusrun spyder3
$ primusrun jupyter-qtconsole
If you want the jupyter-qtconsole to always use your Nvidia graphics card, you can change the parameters in the default kernel. To find the default kernel, run
$ jupyter kernelspec list
then edit the kernel.json
file to include "primusrun",
as the first
parameter in argv
. For example:
"argv": [
"language": "python",
"display_name": "Python 3"
Using a similar configuration, you could have two kernels configurations, one for the dedicated graphics card, and one for the integrated graphics.
Spyder has it's own configuration and I don't know exactly how to make its
console run with primusrun
without running primusrun spyder3
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 raspberry