is a Clojure deps.edn
tool for rendering Ash Ra Template .art
$ cat
<( (defn mult [multiplicands] (apply * multiplicands)) )>
Wait, I see it! Your destiny lies deep within the number <(= (mult mysterious-primes) )>.
$ cat deps.edn
{:art {:extra-deps {net.vivid-inc/clj-art {:mvn/version "0.7.1"}}
:main-opts ["-m" ""]}}}
$ clojure -A:art \
--bindings "{mysterious-primes [7 191]}" \
will render the output file oracle
into the current directory.
You can also add the above alias to your personal ~/.clojure/deps.edn
You'll then be able to render ART templates using clojure
at the CLI anywhere you desire.
$ clojure -A:art --help
is used with deps.edn
Templates are supplied as one or more paths to .art
template files and/or
directory trees thereof.
Those paths are scanned for all ART template files with the .art
filename extension.
Templates are rendered and written under output-dir
stripped of their .art
filename extensions, overwriting any existing files with the same paths.
and sub-paths therein are created as necessary.
Argument | Parameters | Default | Explanation |
--bindings |
VAL | Bindings made available to templates for symbol resolution. Currently limited to a single usage in clj-art . |
--delimiters |
VAL | lispy |
Template delimiters |
--dependencies |
VAL | Clojure deps map providing libs within the template evaluation environment. | |
-h , --help |
Displays lovely help and then exits | ||
--output-dir |
DIR | . |
Write rendered files to DIR |
--to-phase |
One of: parse , translate , enscript , evaluate |
evaluate |
Stop the render dataflow on each template at an earlier phase |
--watch-timeout-ms |
VAL | 500 |
Trigger re-render once this timeout in milliseconds elapses, coalescing flurries of change to watched batches |
Depending on what types of values a particular option accepts, ART attempts to interpret arguments in this order of precedence:
- As a map.
- As the (un-)qualified name of a var.
- As a path to an EDN file.
- As a path to a JSON file.
- As an EDN literal.
{:art {:extra-deps {net.vivid-inc/clj-art {:mvn/version "0.7.1"}}
:main-opts ["-m" ""
; Render all .art templates in the content/ directory
; Map as a string
"--bindings" "{manufacturer,\"Acme,Corporation\",manufacture-year,\"2022\"}"
; Var whose value is a map
"--bindings" ""
; EDN as a string
"--bindings" "{current-year,2021}"
; EDN file; top-level form is a map
"--bindings" "data/sales-offices.edn"
; JSON file; file content is made available under the symbol 'partner-list
"--bindings" "data/partner-list.json"
; Unqualified, resolves to #'
"--delimiters" "jinja"
"--dependencies" "{hiccup/hiccup,{:mvn/version,\"1.0.5\"}}"
"--to-phase" "enscript"
; Render to the our/cdn/ directory
"--output-dir" "out/cdn"]}}}
Template syntax is set by the :delimiters
Clojure forms within the templates can resolve vars and dependencies provided
by several factors: :bindings
for resolving vars, :dependencies
libraries, and code in the project.
See also: Example. Rendering and options in the ART documentation.
When supplying double-quoted parameters to options in your deps.edn
spaces must be replaced with comma ',' characters.
"--dependencies" "{hiccup/hiccup {:mvn/version \"1.0.5\"}}" ; Bad, will fail
"--dependencies" "{hiccup/hiccup,{:mvn/version,\"1.0.5\"}}" ; OK
This mangling is idiosyncratic to deps.edn
invoked at the command line obediently accepts the plain form:
$ clojure -m \
"--dependencies" "{hiccup/hiccup {:mvn/version \"1.0.5\"}}" ; OK
See also: Example.
{:rndr-a {:extra-deps {net.vivid-inc/clj-art {:mvn/version "0.7.1"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "" "src/templates/css"
"--dependencies" "{garden/garden,{:mvn/version,\"1.3.10\"}}"
"--output-dir" "src/resources"]}
:rndr-b {:extra-deps {net.vivid-inc/clj-art {:mvn/version "0.7.1"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "" "src/templates/java"
"--bindings" "{version,\"1.2.3\"}"
"--output-dir" "target/generated-sources/java"]}}}
Each individual render batch is assigned its own unique key under :aliases
in this example aliases rndr-a
and rndr-b
. As deps.edn
is not a build tool,
but instead focuses on dependency resolution and the running of a single entry point,
we are able to run any one batch:
$ clojure -A:rndr-a
See also: Example.
© Copyright Vivid Inc. and/or its affiliates. Apache License 2.0 licensed.