- Allow iOS module name to contain spaces
- Catch process error if atos fails to decode trace
- Android unpacker does not need to know about cpu abi. We use just direct path to object files
- CLI accepts arm64-v8a arch
- Allow negative integers in packed format
- Allow _, ! symbols in library name
- Fix issue when java traces with (Unknown Source) tag were unmatched
- #4 Fixed false negative match for android native stacktraces with signed addresses
- #5 When parsing unpacked stack trace with multiple source files matched choose files with longest common postfix with original file.
- #6 Fixed issue when ambiguous file names were resolved wrongly.
- Fixed issue when library path contained
symbol ledNativeTraceParser
to drop all lines. - Fixed issue when java traces were not recognized
- Fixed issue when native trace could not be unpacked due missing library string
- #1 Made stack trace parser API usable.
- Moved CLI related logic from tracetool.rb to tracetool_cli
is now for requiring stuff all togetherIOSTraceScanner
are now having method#parser
returning appropriate parser instance matching stack trace format- Test cases refactored to be less verbose.
- iOS crash desymbolication
- Android native crash desymbolication
- Android Native, Android Java and iOS desymbolicated crashes parsing API