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Control Technical

Vladimir Mandic edited this page Jan 30, 2025 · 6 revisions

Control Overview


Native control module for SD.Next for Diffusers backend
Can be used for Control generation as well as Image and Text workflows

For a guide on the options and settings, as well as explanations for the controls themselves, see the Control Guide page.

Supported Control Models

  • lllyasviel ControlNet for SD 1.5 and SD-XL models
    Includes ControlNets as well as Reference-only mode and any compatible 3rd party models
    Original ControlNets for SD15 are 1.4GB each and for SDXL its at massive 4.9GB
  • VisLearn ControlNet XS for SD-XL models
    Lightweight ControlNet models for SDXL at 165MB only with near-identical results
  • TencentARC T2I-Adapter for SD 1.5 and SD-XL models
    T2I-Adapters provide similar functionality at much lower resource cost at only 300MB each
  • Kohya Control LLite for SD-XL models
    LLLite models for SDXL at 46MB only provide lightweight image control
  • TenecentAILab IP-Adapter for SD 1.5 and SD-XL models
    IP-Adapters provides great style transfer functionality at much lower resource cost at below 100MB for SD15 and 700MB for SDXL
    IP-Adapters can be combined with ControlNet for more stable results, especially when doing batch/video processing
  • CiaraRowles TemporalNet for SD 1.5 models
    ControlNet model designed to enhance temporal consistency and reduce flickering for batch/video processing

All built-in models are downloaded upon first use and stored stored in:
/models/controlnet, /models/adapter, /models/xs, /models/lite, /models/processor

Listed below are all models that are supported out-of-the-box:


  • SD15:
    Canny, Depth, IP2P, LineArt, LineArt Anime, MLDS, NormalBae, OpenPose,
    Scribble, Segment, Shuffle, SoftEdge, TemporalNet, HED, Tile
  • SDXL:
    Canny Small XL, Canny Mid XL, Canny XL, Depth Zoe XL, Depth Mid XL

Note: only models compatible with currently loaded base model are listed
Additional ControlNet models in safetensors can be downloaded manually and placed into corresponding folder: /models/control/controlnet

ControlNet XS

  • SDXL:
    Canny, Depth

ControlNet LLLite

  • SDXL:
    Canny, Canny anime, Depth anime, Blur anime, Pose anime, Replicate anime

Note: control-lllite is implemented using unofficial implementation and its considered experimental
Additional ControlNet models in safetensors can be downloaded manually and placed into corresponding folder: /models/control/lite


'Segment': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_seg_sd14v1',
'Zoe Depth': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_zoedepth_sd15v1',
'OpenPose': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_openpose_sd14v1',
'KeyPose': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_keypose_sd14v1',
'Color': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_color_sd14v1',
'Depth v1': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_depth_sd14v1',
'Depth v2': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_depth_sd15v2',
'Canny v1': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_canny_sd14v1',
'Canny v2': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_canny_sd15v2',
'Sketch v1': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_sketch_sd14v1',
'Sketch v2': 'TencentARC/t2iadapter_sketch_sd15v2',
  • SD15:
    Segment, Zoe Depth, OpenPose, KeyPose, Color, Depth v1, Depth v2, Canny v1, Canny v2, Sketch v1, Sketch v2
  • SDXL:
    Canny XL, Depth Zoe XL, Depth Midas XL, LineArt XL, OpenPose XL, Sketch XL

Note: Only models compatible with currently loaded base model are listed


  • Pose style: OpenPose, DWPose, MediaPipe Face
  • Outline style: Canny, Edge, LineArt Realistic, LineArt Anime, HED, PidiNet
  • Depth style: Midas Depth Hybrid, Zoe Depth, Leres Depth, Normal Bae
  • Segmentation style: SegmentAnything
  • Other: MLSD, Shuffle

Note: Processor sizes can vary from none for built-in ones to anywhere between 200MB up to 4.2GB for ZoeDepth-Large

Segmentation Models

There are 8 Auto-segmentation models available:

  • Facebook SAM ViT Base (357MB)
  • Facebook SAM ViT Large (1.16GB)
  • Facebook SAM ViT Huge (2.56GB)
  • SlimSAM Uniform (106MB)
  • SlimSAM Uniform Tiny (37MB)
  • Rembg Silueta
  • Rembg U2Net
  • Rembg ISNet


Reference mode is its own pipeline, so it cannot have multiple units or processors


Inputs & Outputs

  • Image -> Image
  • Batch: list of images -> Gallery and/or Video
  • Folder: folder with images -> Gallery and/or Video
  • Video -> Gallery and/or Video


  • Input/Output/Preview panels can be minimized by clicking on them
  • For video output, make sure to set video options


  • Unit is: input plus process plus control
  • Pipeline consists of any number of configured units
    If unit is using using control modules, all control modules inside pipeline must be of same type
    e.g. ControlNet, ControlNet-XS, T2I-Adapter or Reference
  • Each unit can use primary input or its own override input
  • Each unit can have no processor in which case it will run control on input directly
    Use when you're using predefined input templates
  • Unit can have no control in which case it will run processor only
  • Any combination of input, processor and control is possible
    For example, two enabled units with process only will produce compound processed image but without control


  • If no input is provided then pipeline will run in txt2img mode
    Can be freely used instead of standard txt2img
  • If none of units have control or adapter, pipeline will run in img2img mode using input image
    Can be freely used instead of standard img2img
  • If you have processor enabled, but no controlnet or adapter loaded,
    pipeline will run in img2img mode using processed input
  • If you have multiple processors enabled, but no controlnet or adapter loaded,
    pipeline will run in img2img mode on blended processed image
  • Output resolution is by default set to input resolution,
    Use resize settings to force any resolution
  • Resize operation can run before (on input image) or after processing (on output image)
  • Using video input will run pipeline on each frame unless skip frames is set
    Video output is standard list of images (gallery) and can be optionally encoded into a video file
    Video file can be interpolated using RIFE for smoother playback


  • Control can be based on main input or each individual unit can have its own override input
  • By default, control runs in default control+txt2img mode
  • If init image is provided, it runs in control+img2img mode
    Init image can be same as control image or separate
  • IP adapter can be applied to any workflow
  • IP adapter can use same input as control input or separate


  • Inpaint workflow is triggered when input image is provided in inpaint mode
  • Inpaint mode can be used with image-to-image or controlnet workflows
  • Other unit types such as T2I, XS or Lite do not support inpaint mode


  • Outpaint workflow is triggered when input image is provided in outpaint mode
  • Outpaint mode can be used with image-to-image or controlnet workflows
  • Other unit types such as T2I, XS or Lite do not support outpaint mode
  • Recommendation is to increase denoising strength to at least 0.8 since outpained area is blank and needs to be filled with noise
  • Outpaint folloing input image can be controled by overlap setting - higher overlap and more of original image will be part of the outpaint process


To enable extra logging for troubleshooting purposes,
set environment variables before running SD.Next

  • Linux:

    export SD_CONTROL_DEBUG=true
    export SD_PROCESS_DEBUG=true
    ./ --debug

  • Windows:

    set SD_CONTROL_DEBUG=true
    set SD_PROCESS_DEBUG=true
    webui.bat --debug

Note: Starting with debug info enabled also enables Test mode in Control module

Known issues


DWPose preprocessor internally uses openmin/mmengine/mmpose/mmdet packages
which have not been updated in several years and compatibility with latest versions of torch and other system packages is limited

You may try to manually install DWPose dependencies using following procedure:

  • Install full CUDA Toolkit as mmengine requires nvidia compiler (nvcc)
    note: CUDA version should match version of CUDA that comes with torch in in the SD.Next log:

    Torch: torch==2.6.0+cu126 torchvision==0.21.0+cu126
    here cu126 means CUDA version 12.6

  • Install build tools for your platform Linux: build-essentials/gcc/make or Windows: Visual Studio Build Tools
  • Activate your venv Linux: source venv/bin/activate or Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
  • Install requirements:

pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall termcolor xtcocotools terminaltables pycocotools munkres shapely openmim==0.3.9 mmengine==0.10.5 mmcv==2.2.0 mmpose==1.3.2 mmdet==3.3.0

Note that this can take a long time

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