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File metadata and controls

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To build the Lightwave STS Container, follow the instructions in The build process generates a saved Docker container in the file vmware-lightwave-sts.tar.


There are many disadvantages in having the application and the persistent data to co-exist in a single container. Co-existing the persistent data with the application causes issues with upgrades, portability, backup and restore. To overcome these disadvantages, store the persistent data in in volumes created in a data-only container.

Deploy Lightwave using a data-only container

The following steps show how to deploy the container image on a Photon host.

Enable Docker on Photon machine

systemctl status docker
systemctl start docker

Transfer the lightwave container image onto your docker host

scp <lightwave-build-machine>:/root/lightwave/stage/vmware-lightwave-sts.tar .

Load the image

 docker load < vmware-lightwave-sts.tar

Check image list

# docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
vmware/lightwave-sts   latest              1a712667c72d        About an hour ago   656.5 MB

Create the lightwave data container

This creates a container with the needed volumes for the data.

Note: Volumes are separate entities from containers and persist beyond the life of a container. Application containers can use these volumes by running with --volumes-from commandline argument.

# docker create -v /var/lib/vmware -v /var/lib/likewise -v /etc/likewise -v /etc/vmware-sso  --name lw_data_container vmware/lightwave-sts /bin/true

Check the lightwave data container is created

# docker ps -a 

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
b6c1f9206b5b        vmware/lightwave-sts   "/usr/sbin/init /bin/"   37 seconds ago      Created                                 lw_data_container

Create the config file

The location of the /var/lib/vmware/config directory on the host

Name of the file is lightwave-server.cfg

For the first node:

# cat /var/lib/vmware/config/lightwave-server.cfg

For subsequent nodes that will be joined to existing node:

# cat /var/lib/vmware/config/lightwave-server.cfg
replication-partner-hostname=<partner hostname or ip>

Start the Application container

This will spin up the Lightwave application container. The --volumes-from argument has this container use the data volumes in data container.

# docker run -d --name lw-sts --privileged --net=host -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -v /var/lib/vmware/config:/var/lib/vmware/config --volumes-from lw_data_container vmware/lightwave-sts

Verify deployment was successful

#  docker exec <container-id> journalctl | grep configure-lightwave-server

Remove Lightwave configuration file

This file contains administrator credentials and should be deleted after container is started.

# rm /var/lib/vmware/config/lightwave-server.cfg 


  • Choose a unique name for the container
  • This starts the container in host networking mode, meaning that it shares the networking configuration with the container host. Only one container can be running on the host in this mode.
  • The directory /var/lib/vmware/config will be mounted from the host to the container and the lighwave-server.cfg file created in step 3 will be used to automatically configure Lightwave the first time the container is run.