curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d ' { "author": "john doe","content": "hello :)" }' http://localhost:3000/api/posts
curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d ' { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }' http://localhost:3000/api/posts/3
curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d '[ { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" } ]' http://localhost:3000/api/posts
curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d '[ { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" }, { "author": "john doe", "content": "hello everyponies :)" } ]' http://localhost:3000/api/posts
curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/api/posts/3
curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/api/posts
curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d '[ { "name": "lassie", "colors": [ "yellow", "grey" ] }, { "name": "moon moon", "colors": [ "white" ] } ]' http://localhost:3000/api/dogs
http://localhost:3000/api/posts/?author=john doe&fields=id,content
Keep your base URL simple and intuitive
2 base URL by resources:
Keep verbs out of your base URLs
Use HTTP verbs to operate on the collections and elements. CRUD with POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE
Keep verbs out of your base URLs ...
... Use HTTP verbs to operate on the collections and elements
(create) (read) (update) (delete)
/dogs a new dog list dogs bulk update dogs delete all dogs
/dogs/1234 Error show bo update bo or error delete bo
In summary, an intuitive API uses plural rather than singular nouns, and concrete rather than abstract names.
GET /owners/5678/dogs
GET /dogs?color=red&state=running&location=park
Start by using the following 3 codes:
- 200 - OK
- 400 - Bad Request
- 500 - Internal Server Error
If you're not comfortable reducing all your error conditions to these 3, try picking among these additional 5:
- 201 - Created
- 304 - Not Modified
- 404 – Not Found
- 401 - Unauthorized -403 - Forbidden
Make messages returned in the payload as verbose as possible.
"developerMessage" : "Verbose, plain language description of the problem for the app developer with hints about how to fix it.",
"userMessage":"Pass this message on to the app user if needed.",
"errorCode" : 12345,
"more info": ""
At root and just integer:
Add optional fields in a comma-delimited list:
Make it easy for developers to paginate objects in a database: