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Returns an array of current users students.
Returns an object of given student with available documents
Returns a list of given students classes
Returns a list of given students teachers
Returns a list of the current users classes
Returns the whole group object with related students and teachers
Returns the students that is members of the specified group
Returns the teachers of the specified group
Types and variants:
Type | Variant |
varsel | fag |
varsel | orden |
varsel | atferd |
samtale | samtale |
samtale | ikke-samtale |
yff | yff-bekreftelse |
yff | yff-bekreftelse-bedrift |
yff | yff-lokalplan-maal |
yff | yff-tilbakemelding |
notat | notat |
Returns all documents belonging to the students you are contact teacher for, or those you have sent.
Returns all documents sent to a student
Adds a new document that should be sent and/or stored to the queue. Returns the created document with its _id and such
Example request body:
"type": "varsel",
"variant": "atferd",
"content": {
"period": "Standpunktkarakter",
"reasons": [
"Du har benyttet rusmidler i skoletida",
"Du utviser provoserende atferd mot ansatte eller medelever"
Gets all students documents by specific type
Gets a single document by its type and id
"_id": "5fa2aeb580e6d88abdb2cac5",
"type": "varsel",
"variant": "atferd",
"created": {
"timestamp": 1604072226472,
"username": "use0306"
"student": {
"username": "uin2704",
"name": "Uinspirert Rektangulær Sykkel"
"teacher": {
"username": "use0306",
"name": "Usedvanlig Eske"
"school": {
"id": "TESVS",
"name": "Testen videregående skole"
"content": {
"period": "Standpunktkarakter",
"reasons": [
"Du utviser provoserende atferd mot ansatte eller medelever",
"Du har benyttet rusmidler i skoletida"
"encrypted": false,
"isQueued": false,
"status": [
"timestamp": 1604072226472,
"status": "I kø"
"timestamp": 1604072226482,
"status": "Sendt med SvarUt"
"timestamp": 1604072226492,
"status": "Arkivert i Public 360"
Returns 5 types
if ID isn't sent, 1 type
if ID is present and if there is only a student ID specified, this is returned:
maal: [5],
utplasseringer: [1],
tilbakemeldinger: [1]
To see the data format, please head over here