diff --git a/spec/index.html b/spec/index.html
index a09ae7f..bf807a6 100644
--- a/spec/index.html
+++ b/spec/index.html
@@ -65,25 +65,6 @@
- .changenote {
- font-size:small;
- margin: 1em 0em 0em;
- padding: 1em;
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- .changenote::before {
- content: "Change Note";
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- margin: -1.5em 0 0.5em 0;
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- border: 1px solid #cff6d9;
- background: #ffddef;
- padding: 3px 1em;
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.fact {
padding: 0.5em;
@@ -120,7 +101,6 @@
Notes in this style indicate changes from the 2004 RDF 1.0 semantics. Notes in this style are technical asides on obscure or recondite matters. The 2004 RDF 1.0 semantics defined simple interpretations relative to a vocabulary. In the 2004 RDF 1.0 semantics, IL was a total, rather than partial, mapping. The 2004 RDF 1.0 specification divided literals into 'plain' literals
- with no type and optional language tags, and typed literals.
- Usage has shown that it is important that every literal have a type.
- RDF 1.1 replaces plain literals without language tags by literals typed with
- the XML Schema Simple interpretations are required to interpret all names,
and are therefore infinite.
This simplifies the exposition.
@@ -741,31 +706,11 @@ In the 2004 RDF 1.0 specification,
- datatype D-entailment was defined as a semantic extension of RDFS-entailment.
- Here it is defined as a direct extension to basic RDF.
- This is more in conformity with actual usage,
- where RDF with datatypes is widely used without the RDFS vocabulary.
- If there is a need to distinguish this from the 2004 RDF 1.0 terminology,
- the longer phrasing "simple D-entailment" or "simple datatype entailment"
- should be used rather than "D-entailment". Datatypes are identified by IRIs.
Interpretations will vary according to which IRIs are recognized as denoting datatypes.
We describe this using a parameter D on simple interpretations,
where D is the set of recognized datatype IRIs. The previous version of this specification defined the parameter D
- as a datatype map from IRIs to datatypes,
- i.e. as a restricted kind of interpretation mapping.
- As the current semantics presumes that a recognized IRI identifies a unique datatype,
- this IRI-to-datatype mapping is globally unique and externally specified,
- so we can think of D as either a set of IRIs or as a fixed datatype map.
- Formally, the datatype map corresponding to the set D is the
- restriction of a D-interpretation to the set D.
- Semantic extensions which are stated in terms of conditions on datatype maps
- can be interpreted as applying to this mapping. The exact mechanism by which an IRI identifies a datatype is considered to be
external to the semantics, but the semantics presumes that a recognized IRI identifies
a unique datatype wherever it occurs.
@@ -897,10 +842,6 @@ Notes
- Introduction
@@ -427,21 +407,6 @@ Simple Interpretations
- string
- and introduces the special type
- rdf:langString
- for language-tagged strings.
- The full semantics for typed literals is given in section [[[#datatypes]]].
- Skolemization (Informative)
Literals and datatypes
- D-interpretations
the Char production in [[XML11]].
Such strings cannot be written in an XML-compatible surface syntax.
In the 2004 RDF 1.0 specification, - ill-typed literals were required to denote a value in IR, - and D-unsatisfiability could be recognized only by using the RDFS semantics.
-In the 2004 RDF 1.0 semantics, LV was defined as part of a simple interpretation structure, - and the definition given here was a constraint.
-Since I is an RDF interpretation, the first condition implies that IP
= ICEXT(I(rdf:Property
+ and introduced the special type
+ rdf:langString
+ for language-tagged strings.
+ The full semantics for typed literals is given in section [[[#datatypes]]].