- How to write like scientist
- Teaching Graduate Students How to Write Clearly
- Toronto, writing in sciences
- Writing tips for peer-reviewed journal articles
- Nature: How to write a first-class paper
- How to write paragraphs in research texts (articles, books and PhDs)
- Ten simple rules for structuring papers
- Reinventing Posters
- The Science of Scientific Writing - American Scientist 1990
- Collection of Resource by MIT Professor
- 12 Ways To Overcome Writer’s Block For PhD Students
- How Writing A Science Blog Saved My PhD - Next Scientist
- Academic Phrasebank – Introducing Work - phrases for introducing your work
- The Sense of Style - clean academic prose explained by Steven Pinker
- 5 common mistakes
- Doing internet research for writing during college - Thanks Rose Williams!
- "Context matters": a framework to help connect knowledge with policy in government institutions - how to impact public policy with your writing
- Books:
- The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr.
- publishing papers:
- Colaboratory - Google research project created to help disseminate machine learning education and research. It's a Jupyter notebook environment that requires no setup to use and runs entirely in the cloud with free GPUs.
- Jupyterlab - similar to colaboratory
- CodaLab - A collaborative platform for reproducible research. Papers from conferences (e.g. ICLR, NIPS, ACL) are published using this platform.
- publishing books:
- Open Review Toolkit - let's you turn your manuscript into a website so everyone can read and annotate your manuscript - sounds amazing
- Bookdown - Write HTML, PDF, ePub, and Kindle books with R & Markdown. (I think it also support python)
- publishing websites:
- Data-Driven Documents
- Shiny - Use R to easily create interactive websites
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization by Claus Wilke, Professor at The University of Texas at Austin
- The Visual Display Of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte - bible for displaying quantitative information - RECOMMENDED
- Lectures on Data Visualization
- GG Animate - Tool for plots that allow animation