You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 84
Migrations consist of a map of two one-argument functions, :up
and :down
, and a unique identifier, :id
Here's an example of one that modifies an in-memory atom stored in (:data db)
(def add-dog
{:id "add-dog"
:up (fn [db] (swap! (:data db) conj :dog))
:down (fn [db] (swap! (:data db) disj :dog))})
You can apply a migration to a database using the migrate
function, and remove a migration using rollback
. Ragtime will maintain a list of applied migrations which you can access with the applied-migrations
(migrate db add-dog)
(applied-migrations db)
=> [add-dog]
(rollback db add-dog)
(applied-migrations db)
=> []
The database itself needs to be a type that implements the
protocol. If we wanted an in-memory database
that wrapped an atom, we might implement it as a record:
(defrecord MemoryDatabase [data]
(add-migration-id [_ id]
(swap! data update-in [:migrations] conj id))
(remove-migration-id [_ id]
(swap! data update-in [:migrations]
(vec (remove (partial = id) %))))
(applied-migration-ids [_]
(seq (:migrations @data))))
(defn memory-database []
(MemoryDatabase. (atom {:migrations []})))
It's important that applied-migration-ids
maintains the order
migrations were applied in, which is why we're using a vector in this
The ragtime.sql library includes a SqlDatabase
record that can be used
to wrap a database connection map. For instance:
:classname "org.h2.Driver"
:subprotocol "h2"
:subname "mem:test_db"
:user "test"
:password ""}
The ragtime.core/connection
multimethod is a way of creating a database from a URL. It dispatches off the URL scheme, so if the URL was "jdbc:h2:mem:test_db", it would dispatch off "jdbc".
The ragtime.sql library includes an implementation of the connection
multimethod that handles JDBC URLs like the one above. To use it, require ragtime.sql.database
(use 'ragtime.core)
(require 'ragtime.sql.database)
(connection "jdbc:h2:mem:test_db")
;; The above line is equivalent to the previous SqlDatabase example