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Weld Language Overview



Weld is a statically typed, referentially transparent language with built-in parallel constructs. It has a number of operators similar to functional languages, but it is not truly functional, in that functions aren't first-class values and recursion is not allowed. As a result, Weld programs have a finite call graph that is known in advance and are straightforward to analyze. By "referentially transparent", we mean that each expression in Weld is a pure function of its inputs, and there are no side-effects.

The language lets users specify functions and expressions. A function, such as |a: i32, b: i32| a + b, consists of a list of named arguments and an expression for the result. Variables in Weld are immutable, though there is a "let" statement for introducing new ones. Some operators built into the language take functions (in fact closures), but functions are not first-class values (one cannot pass them to other functions or store them in variables). Types for the input arguments to a function are required, but can otherwise be inferred.

Weld contains both a "core" language and higher-level "sugar" syntax for specifying common functional operators, such as map and filter. The core language has only one parallel construct, the for expression, and a set of types called builders used to compute various types of results (e.g. sums, vectors, etc). All of the sugar operators are translated to fors and builders through simple substitution rules.

This doc describes the types, operators, and basic features of the Weld language.

Data Types

Weld contains "value" types that hold data, as well as "builder" types that are used to construct results in parallel from values that are "merged" into them.

Value Types

  • Scalars: bool, i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64, f32, f64. Scalars prefixed with i are signed, and ones prefixed with u are unsigned.
  • SIMD values simd[S] for some scalar type S. The length of a SIMD value is currently platform dependent and chosen automatically.
  • Vectors: vec[T] for some type T. These are variable-length (i.e., their length is not known at compile time).
  • Dictionaries: dict[K, V] for types K, V.
  • Structs: {T1, T2, ...} for field types T1, T2, etc.

Except from the SIMD type simd[S] (where S must be a scalar type), T in the types above can be any other type.

Builder Types

  • appender[T]: Builds a vec[T] from elements of type T.
    • The appender supports an optional size hint to allocate large vectors in advance: appender[T](size), where size is an expression of type i64.
  • merger[T,binop]: Combines T values using a binary operation. Its parameters are:
  • dictmerger[K,V,binop]: Combines {K, V} pairs by key into a dictionary. The parameters are:
  • groupmerger[K,V]: Groups {K, V} by key in a dictionary. Used to produce a dict[K,vec[V]].
    • K: Key type. Can be any type.
    • V: Value type. Can be any type.
  • vecmerger[T,binop]: Combines {i64, T} pairs by key into a vector using binop. The builder is initialized with an initial vector to work with.
  • Any struct whose fields are builders can also be used as a builder. This is used to build multiple results at the same time.

Commutative Binary Operations for Builders

For the builder types above, the supported commutative binop values are +, *, min, and max. This operator is applied element-wise on struct-of-scalar values. Builders are initialized with a default initial value based on the binop:

Binary Operator Initial Value for Scalar or Each Struct Element
+ 0
* 1
min maximum value possible for scalar type
max minimum value possible for scalar type

Note that among the builders that take binary operators and merge-types, two builder types are identical only if they're parameterized with the same operators and values.

Core Operations

The core language consists of the following expressions. E1 ... En refer to a subexpression, which can be any of the operators below. T, U, and V refer to types.

Basic Expressions

  • Literals, e.g. 5.0, {6,7}, and [1,2,3].

    Type Syntax
    bool true, false
    i8 1c, 1C
    i16 1si (short int)
    i32 1
    i64 1l, 1L
    f32 1.0f, 1.0F
    f64 1.0
    vec[T] [ E1, E2, ...
    structs { E1, E2, ... }

    Literals for other types are not supported. Submit a pull request if you see something missing that you would like supported!

  • Binary operators expressed as E1 + E2 or op(E1, E2) The supported ones are: +, -, *, /, >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=, &&, & (bitwise-and), ||, | (bitwise-or), ^ (bitwise-xor), min, max, pow.

  • Unary operators expressed as op(E). The supported ones are: exp, log, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, and erf. These follow the behavior of the equivalent C function from math.h.

  • Let expressions, which introduce a new variable. The syntax for these is let name = E1; E2. This first evaluates E1, assigns it to the variable name, and then evaluates body with that binding and returns its result.

  • if(condition, on_true, on_false), which evaluates on_true or on_false based on the value of condition (which must be of type bool).

  • select(condition, on_true, on_false), which evaluates condition, on_true and on_false unconditionally and returns on_true or on_false based on the result of condition.

  • iterate(initial_value, update_func), which performs a sequential loop. initial_value can be any type T, and update_func must be a Weld function of type T => {T, bool}. We call update_func repeatedly on the value until the boolean it returns is false, and then return the T field in its output as the final value of the expression.

  • cudf[name,ty](args) to call arbitrary C-style functions (see a discussion of UDFs below).

  • serialize(data) serializes data into a vec[u8]. The data in this vector can be written to disk, sent over the network, etc.

  • deserialize[T](data) deserializes data (a vec[u8]) into a value of type T.

  • Casting: T(data) implements a cast between scalar types if T is a scalar and data is also a scalar type.

  • broadcast(data) takes a scalar value data and broadcasts the value into a SIMD type.

  • assert(value) takes a boolean value and checks that it is true. If so, the expression itself returns true. Otherwise, an error is thrown and the program terminates.

Expressions on Collections (Vectors, Dictionaries, Structs)

  • lookup(dict, key) and lookup(vec, index) return an element from a dictionary and vector respectively. index must be of type i64. It is an error to call lookup on a dictionary with a key that does not exist: see keyexists.
  • optlookup(dict, key) batches keyexists and lookup into a single call. This can be more efficient since the key only needs to be hashed a single time. This operator returns {bool, V} (V is the value type) where the boolean indicates whether the key was present in the dictionary. If the boolean is false, it is an error to access V; although this is not enforced at the moment, the type system may be extended to support it eventually (e.g., by adding an option type).
  • keyexists(dict, key) returns whether the key is in dict.
  • len(vec) return its length as an i64.
  • slice(vec, index, size) creates a view into a vector without allocating memory starting at index and containing size elements. Both must be of type i64.
  • sort(vec, func) sorts a vector. func is of type |T, T| => i32, where T is the input vector's element type. The function returns a positive i32 if left > right, a negative integer if left < right, and zero if left == right. By default, using the comparison binary operators, vectors are compared lexigraphically and structs are compared field-by-field from left to right. Sorting on vectors of dictionaries, builders, and SIMD values is currently disallowed.
  • struct.$0, struct.$1, etc. are used to access fields of a struct.
  • tovec(dict) gets the entries of a dictionary as a vector of {K, V} pairs.

Builder Expressions

  • merge(builder, value) returns a new builder that incorporates value into the previous builder. This returns a new updated builder.
  • result(builder) computes the result of the builder given the values merged so far.
  • for(vec, builder, update) applies a function update to every element of a vector, possibly merging values into a builder for each one, and returns a final builder with all the merges incorporated. vec must be of type vec[T] for some T (see caveats in the section about iterators, builder can be any builder type B (see builder types, and update must be a function of type (B, I, T) => B that possibly merges values into the B passed in. I is the i64 index of the element being processed.

Iterators in For Loops

For loops support iteration over multiple vectors at once, ranges of vectors, vectors that are treated as N-dimensional tensors, and over ranges of indices without a vector). These features are enabled via iterators, which are special expressions that can only be used in the first argument of a for loop. They are described below:

  • zip(vec[T1], vec2[T2], ..) iterates over a vec[{T1, T2, ..}]. The vectors may be over other iterators (described below). Each iterator must consume the same number of elements.
  • iter(data, start, end, stride) iterates over a vector with certain elements skipped. data is a vec[T] with for some type T. start, end, and stride represent the start index, end index, and stride of the iteration respectively.
  • simditer(data) iterates until the last multiple of sizeof(simd[T]). For example, in a vector with 13 elements, if a single SIMD type holds 4 elements, the simditer will consume elements 0-11.
  • fringeiter(data) iterates over the portion of the vector that the simditer does not. From the above example, this iterator would consume only the last element.
  • rangeiter(start, end, stride) iterates over a range of integers based on the start, end, and stride expressions. The rangeiter emits elements of type i64. In the for loop function, the second argument of the function when using a rangeiter is the iteration number, while the third argument is the value produced by the iterator, so most programs will want to access the third argument.

About Builders

A builder is a "write-only" data structure, and the result operation turns it into a read-only value. Because builders are "write-only", it is okay to merge values into them from different iterations of a for loop in parallel. Note that this requires that one does not call result on a builder inside a loop. In reality, we can enforce this by making builders "linear types", and requiring that the update function in for return a builder derived from its argument. Linear types are a concept in programming languages that we'll talk about below. Our implementation does not statically enforce linearity, but it only works if update functions really do only return builders derived from their arguments, and if result is only called on each builder once.

Examples of Builders

Here are a few simple examples using builder expressions:

# basic use of appender
let b = appender[i32];
let b2 = merge(b, 5);
let b3 = merge(b2, 6);
result(b3)    # returns [5, 6]
# basic use of merger
let b = merger[i32,+];
let b2 = merge(b, 5);
let b3 = merge(b2, 6);
result(b3)    # returns 11
# for expression with appender
let b = appender[i32];
let data = [1, 2, 3];
let b2 = for(data, b, |b: appender[i32], i: i64, n: i32| merge(b, 2 * n));
result(b2)    # returns [2, 4, 6]
# for expression with appender and iter (only loop over first three elements)
let b = appender[i32];
let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
let b2 = for(iter(data, 0L, 3L, 1L), b, |b: appender[i32], i: i64, n: i32| merge(b, 2 * n));
result(b2)    # returns [2, 4, 6]
# for with composite builder
let b1 = appender[i32];
let b2 = appender[i32];
let data = [1, 2, 3];
let bs = for(
  {b1, b2},
  |bs: {appender[i32], appender[i32]}, i: i64, n: i32|
    {merge(bs.$0, n), merge(bs.$1, 2 * n)}
{result(bs.$0), result(bs.$1)} # returns {[1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6]}

Aside: Linearity of Builder Types

We want to place a few constraints on builders to make them easier to implement and make their semantics clear. First, for builders to have clear semantics in Weld, we need to make sure that result is not called on a builder while parallel work is still happening on it. Otherwise, the language may have to be non-deterministic, which is not something we want for this version. Second, for simplicity of implementation, we will also make sure that each builder is used in a linear sequence of operations (merges and fors followed by at most one result), which will let us update the underlying memory in place instead of having to "fork" it if one derives two builders from it. Likewise, we will enforce that the update function in a for always returns a builder derived from the one passed in as a parameter, and not, say, some kind of new builder it initialized inside. This will help coordinate parallel execution and memory management for fors.

All these constraints can be enforced by making builders a linear type. In particular, we will do the following:

  • Every variable that represents a builder is passed as an argument to exactly one merge, for, result, or let expression (e.g. let b2 = b1) in its scope, or is returned from its scope.
  • In any for expression's update function, the builder returned by the function is derived from the one that it got as an argument. By derived, we mean that there is a sequence of for and merge expressions that produces the resulting builder from the argument on any control flow path through the function.

The one place where the situation is trickier is with structs of builders. Here, we require that each field of the resulting struct is derived from the corresponding field of the struct passed as an argument, but different fields may pass through different expressions through the function. It is less clear whether existing type systems capture this, but it should not be difficult to define one for it.


Weld supports Python-style one line comments with the # character. For example:

# A function that adds two vectors.
|v1 :vec[i32], v2: vec[i32]|
    |e| # A struct of type {i32,i32}
      e.$0 + e.$1

Type Inference

Weld supports some basic type inference, so users do not need to specify a full type for each expression in the program (but may optionally choose to do so). In particular, Weld only requires types for the top-level function arguments, and can generally infer types for most other expressions. For example:

|v: vec[i32]| # Define type here
            appender, # type of appender is inferred to be appender[i64]
            |b,i,e| # type of function arguments is inferred
              merge(b, i64(e))


To make programs easier to write, Weld also supports macros, which allows users to write simple substitution rules in a Weld program. Macro definitions must come after type aliases and precede the Weld expression that is to be compiled. They use the following syntax:

macro Name(<args>) = (

An example of defining and using a macro:

# A macro to add values.
macro doubleAdd(a, b) = (
  a + a + b + b

|v1: i32, v2: i32|
  # Expands to v1 + v1 + v2 + v2
  doubleAdd(v1 ,v2)

Macros are hygienic, so variable names defined within a macro will never clash (and by extension cannot be accessed from outside the macro expansion).

Builtin Macros

Weld contains some builtin macros that are defined for all programs. These macros translate into fors and builders. The builtin macros are commonly used functional programming operations such as map and filter. We list them below:

Signature Notes
map(v: vec[T], f: T => U): vec[U]
filter(v: vec[T], f: T => bit): vec[T]
flatten(v: vec[vec[T]]): vec[T]
compare(x: T, y: T) Implements a default comparator for sort. Expands to if(x > y, 1, if(x < y, -1, 0)).

Most of these operations are translated into for expressions. For example, the macro rules for map and filter would be implemented as follows:

macro map(data, func) = (
  result(for(data, appender, |b, i, x| merge(b, func(x))))
macro filter(data, func) = (
  result(for(data, appender, |b, i, x| if(func(x), merge(b, x), b)))

Typename Aliasing

Weld supports aliases for types ("typename aliases"). Aliases must currently be listed before macros before the expression representing the Weld program:

type int = i32;
type pair = {i32,i32};

# Define macros here.

|v: int, p: pair| v + p.$0 + p.$1

Typename aliases can be used within other typename aliases (as long as they are defined before):

type int = i32;
type pair = {int,int};

|v: int, p: pair| v + p.$0 + p.$1

Macros can also use typename aliases:

type int = i32;

macro addOne(a) = (

# Expands to |v: i64| cudf[addOneUdf,i64](v)
|v: int| addOne(v)

Currently, typename aliases are treated similarly to macros: when a program is compiled, type typenames are replaced with their true types, and the naming information is lost. This means that dumping code, logging messages, etc. will currently show the actual type rather than the typename. We hope to propagate type name information through the compiler soon.

User Defined Functions

Weld supports invoking C-style UDFs from a Weld program. The cudf[name,ty](arg1, arg2,...argN) node enables this; name is a C symbol name which refers to a function in the same address space (e.g., a function in a dynamically loaded library), ty is the Weld return type of the UDF, and arg1, arg2,...,argN is a list of zero or more argument expressions.

C UDFs require a special format within C code. In particular, a valid C UDF must meet the following requirements:

  • The function has a void return type
  • Each argument passed to the C UDF is a pointer. For example, A UDF which takes one argument arg1: T1 must have its first argument be T1*.
  • The last argument is a pointer to the return type. Weld allocates space for the return type struct; the UDF just needs to write data back to this pointer. However, buffers which the return type itself contains are not managed by Weld. For example, if UDF returns a vector, the {T*, int64_t} struct representing the vector is owned by Weld, but the T* buffer is not.

Note that C UDFs must take as input types understood by the Weld runtime; see the API documentation for how each type looks in memory.


The UDF cudf[add_five,i64](x:i64) takes one argument of type i64 and returns an i64:

extern "C" void add_five(int64_t *x, int64_t *result) {
  *result = *x + 5;

The UDF cudf[fast_matmul,vec[f32]](a:vec[f32], b:vec[f32]) takes two arguments of type vec[f32] and returns an vec[f32]:

typedef struct float_vec {
  float *data;
  int64_t length;
} float_vec_t;

extern "C" void fast_matmul(float_vec_t *a, float_vec_t *b, float_vec_t *result) {
  // this malloc'd memory is owned by the caller, but can be passed to Weld.
  // Weld treats the memory as "read-only".
  result->data = malloc(sizeof(float) * a->length);
  result->length = a->length;
  // can call any arbitrary C code in a UDF.
  my_fast_matrix_multiply(a->data, b->data, result->data, a->length);


In addition, it's possible to specify annotations on both builder types and expressions: these could for example specify an implementation strategy for a builder. To specify an annotation on a dictmerger, one can use syntax like

@(name1:value1, name2:value2, ...) dictmerger[K,V,bin_op]

Annotations need to be specified before the builder type or expression, and multiple annotations need to be comma-separated. Annotations are unstructured string to string maps, and their definition and behavior is dependent on the transforms and backends that use them.

In addition, we support the following annotations on generic expressions:

  • predicate: Specifies whether the expression should be predicated or not -- value must be a bool.
  • vectorize: Specifies whether the expression should be vectorized or not -- value must be a bool.
  • size: Specifies the size of the expression -- value must be a i64.