Navigate to cdk-app directory:
cd .\transport-tribe-dakota\spike\TRAN-1106\cdk_app
Activate the Python virtual environment
Python –m venv .venv
./source .venv/bin/activate
Install Dependencies Python:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Login to AWS Training account with AdministatorAccess
aws sso login
Deploy the App to the active AWS account (AWS Training)
cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy
Only use Met Office AWS Training account
Option 1: Implement an existing frontend solution:
Option 2: Engineer a new frontend solution:
Once cdk deploy is successfully run, the API gateway PROD endpoint will be printed.
Use this endpoint/file-upload as the POST target to upload text files.
Send a POST request to the API-Gateway Endpoint. POST data should take the form of a JavaScript FormData object with three elements: (String message, String fileName, fileObject file)
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("demo file", this.state.selectedFile,;, formData)
Example Endpoint: