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Simon Su edited this page Oct 3, 2018 · 9 revisions

Working in Unity

Working in Unity was definitely one of the focal difficulties for most of the members of the team. Working in a language that was foreign to the majority of us (C#), an artifact that was definitely exaggerated by the unfamiliar environment of Unity was a task that was daunting for the most of us. Having more experienced members in the team has definitely eased the process of learning as they were able to set up the developing environment and write utility functions that could be used across multiple games so everyone has a clear starting point. Furthermore, through the tribulations of trial and error, and error and trial each of us managed to learn to convert our visions of our grandiose game into a reality on the computer screens before us. It was hard, but it was fun, creating sprites, coding behaviour and ultimately creating something that we could all be proud to put our name on.

Women in Engineering (Serious Concept)

For some of the male members of the team, while the concept of women in engineering and their difficulties was often mentioned, it wasn't something that we had taken time aside to seriously consider. However, given the opportunity within the creation of this game, it's now a concept that has been seriously considered by each and everyone of the members of the team. Understanding the serious stigma that exists against women in engineering, in both education and the workplace, has led some of the previously misguided members of the team to change their myopic views.

All members of the team seriously enjoyed propagating a serious idea that could help the environment that each and all the team members lived and thrived in. It was an engaging experience learning and helping the world of engineering in dissolving itself of one of its oldest and more prominent problems.

Team Environment

The team environment that was created as a result of the project functioned very well and all the members of the team were accepting of the concepts that other members proposed even when they differed from their own. Many of the members of the team have expressed that in one way or another, the development process has been one of the most enjoyable that they've experienced. Whether it would be the smooth communication, the unproblematic merging of contribution or the impressive work that the members showed, the team environment has proven itself to be a positive one.

What we'd do differently next time

  • Probably have someone who didn't have to go to work on Mondays and Tuesdays.
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