This is NOT an official .net library from PayFabric. It supports PayFabric Api 3.0. PayFabric Api document:
Author: Jim Wang
Install nuget package from
Add following PayFabricOptions in appSettings
"PayFabricOptions": {
"BaseUrl": "",
"DeviceId": "x:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", //The device ID in PayFabric Settings -> Device Management.
"Password": "xxxxx", //The password of the device
"SetupId": "Evo"
Note: The SetupId is the gateway profile name in PayFabric settings, ignore or set the value as null/empty to use the default gateway.
- Add following code in ConfigurationServices when you use dependency injection
//configure PayFabricOptions
services.Configure<PayFabricOptions>(options =>Configuration.GetSection(nameof(PayFabricOptions)).Bind(options));
// Add Logger interface for PayFabricService
services.AddScoped<Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger>(sp => sp.GetService<ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger("PayFabric.Net"));
// Add IPaymentService
services.AddScoped<IPaymentService, PayFabricPaymentService>();
// Add ITransactionService
services.AddScoped<ITransactionService, PayFabricPaymentService>();
// Add IWalletService
services.AddScoped<IWalletService, PayFabricWalletService>();
- Example: Charge the credit card.
public async Task Charge()
var amount = 100M;
var currency = "USD";
Card card = new Card
CardHolder = new CardHolder
FirstName = "PantsON",
LastName = "Fire",
Account = "4111111111111111",
Cvc = "532",
ExpirationDate = "0925",
Billto = new Address
City = "wheaton",
Country = "USA",
Line1 = "1953 Wexford Cir",
State = "IL",
Zip = "60189",
Email = ""
Tender= TenderTypeEnum.CreditCard
ExtendedInformation extInfo = new ExtendedInformation
Customer = "TEST_0199999",
InvoiceNumber = "TEST" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss.fffff"),
DocumentHead = new LevelTwoData
DiscountAmount = 10M,
DutyAmount = 110M,
TaxAmount = 10M,
FreightAmount = 5M,
ShipFromZip = "60139",
ShipToZip = "60189",
PONumber = "PO_1235",
OrderDate = DateTime.Now
DocumentLines = new List<LevelThreeData> {
new LevelThreeData
ItemUOM ="PAIR",
new LevelThreeData
ItemUOM ="PAIR",
ServiceNetResponse response = await paymentService.Sale(amount, currency, card, extInfo);
TransactionResponse transactionResponse=response.TransactionResponse;
string transactionKey= transactionResponse.TransactionKey;
//TODO: do while the transaction is success.
- Example: Pre-Authorize the credit card transaction when order is booked .
public async Task PreAuthorize(decimal amount, string currency,Card card, ExtendedInformation extInfo)
ServiceNetResponse response = await paymentService.PreAuthorize(amount, currency, card, extInfo);
TransactionResponse transactionResponse=response.TransactionResponse;
string transactionKey=transactionResponse.TransactionKey;
//TODO: save the transactionKey, which we need to capture the transaction when the order is shipped.
- Example: Capture the previous Pre-Authorized transaction when order is shipped.
public async Task Capture(string transactionKey, decimal amount, ExtendedInformation extInfo)
ServiceNetResponse response = await paymentService.Capture(transactionKey, amount, extInfo);
TransactionResponse transactionResult=response.TransactionResponse;
//TODO: do while the transaction is success.
- Example: Void the transaction - We can void the transaction before the transaction is settlled. (The bank usually settle the transaction at end of the day.)
public async Task Void(string transactionKey)
ServiceNetResponse response = await paymentService.Void(transactionKey,null);
TransactionResponse transactionResponse=response.TransactionResponse;
//TODO: do while the transaction is success.
Note: Please see the test project for more samples.
Note: The ExtendedInformation is passed to payment API as Level2/3 data. The ExtendedInformation.InvoiceNumber is important, some payment gateway use it to detect duplicate transaction. And banks give us discounted price when the invoice number is specified.
The wallet service provide the service to store the credit card/echeck in Payfabric. Then, we can pass the credit card id when calling payment service functions. Example:
//Save the credit card
public async Task<string> SaveCreditCard()
Card card = new Card
Customer = "TEST-001", //The customer is required
CardHolder = new CardHolder
FirstName = "PantsON",
LastName = "Fire",
Account = "4583194798565295",
ExpirationDate = "0925",
Billto = new Address
City = "Wheton",
Country = "USA",
Line1 = "218 Esat Avenue",
State = "IL",
Zip = "60139",
Email = ""
Tender = TenderTypeEnum.CreditCard
WalletTransactionResult result await = this.walletService.Create(card);
return result.Id; //return the wallet entry Id.
//Charge to credit card with wallet entry Id.
public async Task Charge(string customerNumber, string cardId, string cvc, decimal amount, string currency, ExtendedInformation extInfo )
Card card = new Card()
Id = cardId,
Cvc = cvc,
Customer = customerNumber
var chargeResult = await this.paymentService.Sale(amount, currency, card, extInfo);
//We can do Save credit card and charge together.
public async Task SaveAndChargeCreditCard()
Card card = new Card
Customer = "0199999", //Customer is Required when IsSaveCard is true.
CardHolder = new CardHolder
FirstName = "PantsON",
LastName = "Fire",
Account = "4583194798565295",
ExpirationDate = "0925",
Billto = new Address
City = "Wheton",
Country = "USA",
Line1 = "218 Esat Avenue",
State = "IL",
Zip = "60139",
Email = ""
Tender = TenderTypeEnum.CreditCard
IsSaveCard = true //This tells PayFabric to save the credit card.
extInfo = new ExtendedInformation
InvoiceNumber = "Inv0001"
var chargeResult = await this.paymentService.Sale(105M, "USD", card, extInfo);
//Retrieve all cards from Payfabric wallet service
Public Task<ICollection<Card>> GetCustomerCards(string customer)
var cards= this.walletService.GetByCustomer(customer);
Note: Please see the test project for more samples.