diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
deleted file mode 100644
index fb076c38..00000000
Binary files a/.DS_Store and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 986c863e..5e9469a5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,37 +1,39 @@
-# DOI:
+# TreeSurgeon - Visualisation of Radom Forest Regressor models
+**TreeSurgeon** contains routines to visualise Radom Forest Regressor models. The module takes models output files made by [`sklearn`](https://scikit-learn.org/)'s RadomForestRegressor implementation of the random forest regressor algorithm. The raw output files from [`sklearn`](https://scikit-learn.org/) models (`*pkl`) first needs to be converted to the input `.csv` files required by **TreeSurgeon** using the
+`extract_models4TreeSurgeon.py` script in the
+[`sparse2spatial`](https://github.com/tsherwen/sparse2spatial) module.
-# Written for usage in:
+# Quick Start
-## "A machine learning based global sea-surface iodide distribution"
+## Running
-#### Authors:
-Tomás Sherwen (1,2), Rosie J. Chance (2), Liselotte Tinel (2), Daniel Ellis (2), Mat J. Evans (1,2), and Lucy J. Carpenter (2)
+- Process the saved Radom Forest Regressor models `*.pkl` files into the `.csv` that **TreeSurgeon*** expects using the script in [`sparse2spatial`](https://github.com/tsherwen/sparse2spatial) module. You will need to update some lines in the script as described there.
+`python extract_models4TreeSurgeon.py`
-(1) National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK
-(2) Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK
+- Place files in the [`csv`](https://github.com/wolfiex/TreeSurgeon/tree/master/csv) folder.
-#### Citation:
-Sherwen, T., Chance, R. J., Tinel, L., Ellis, D., Evans, M. J., and Carpenter, L. J.: A machine learning based global sea-surface iodide distribution, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2019-40, in review, 2019.
+for composite files:
+`python start.py $NCPUS`
-# Running
-Place files in csv folder.
+or for single dot files
-`python start.py $NCPUS` -for composite files
-`python start.py $NCPUS 1 ` -for single dot files
+`python start.py $NCPUS 1 `
-This then runs in the background (no screen). To change edit 'show' option in main.js
+- This then runs in the background (no screen). To change edit `show` option in main.js
-# Set colours
-see colours.json file
+## Set colours
+The colours are set in the `colours.json` file.
-# Output
-This is in the pdf folder.
+## Output
+This is in the [`pdfs`](https://github.com/wolfiex/TreeSurgeon/tree/master/pdfs) folder.
-# Install
+## Install
conda install nodejs
npm install
@@ -40,13 +42,17 @@ sudo npm install -g --save electron --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
- for merge - have imagemagick and ghostscript installed
-# Montage setup
+## Montage setup
python montage.py
## Example Output for Composite Graph
+# Usage
+This package was initially written for use with the [`sparse2spatial`](https://github.com/tsherwen/sparse2spatial) package for work to predict sea-surface concentrations [[*Sherwen et al.* 2019](https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2019-40)]. However it can be used for any Radom Forest Regressor models made by [`sklearn`](https://scikit-learn.org/) and post-processed to **TreeSurgeon** input by [`sparse2spatial`](https://github.com/tsherwen/sparse2spatial)
+## Reference
+Sherwen, T., Chance, R. J., Tinel, L., Ellis, D., Evans, M. J., and Carpenter, L. J.: A machine learning based global sea-surface iodide distribution, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2019-40, in review, 2019.
diff --git a/process_sklearn_models2csv_files.py b/process_sklearn_models2csv_files.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c73aa3..00000000
--- a/process_sklearn_models2csv_files.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Function to process sklearn saved RandomForestRegressors to csv files,
-which can then be read in by forrester's nope.js plotter functions.
- - The function get_RFR_dictionary is just pseudo code. It will need to updated by the user to provide a dictionary of values/models etc required by the other models provided here. The dictionary values required are stated in get_RFR_dictionary
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import glob
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-def main():
- """
- Driver to make summary csv files from sklearn RandomForestRegressor models
- """
- # Get dictionaries of feature variables, model names etc...
- RFR_dict = get_RFR_dictionary()
- # Extract the pickled sklearn RandomForestRegressor models to .dot files
- extract_trees_to_dot_files()
- # Analyse the nodes in the models
- # (This calls the main worker function "get_decision_point_and_values_for_tree")
- analyse_nodes_in_models( RFR_dict=RFR_dict )
-def get_RFR_dictionary():
- """
- Read in RandomForestRegressor variables
- Returns
- -------
- (dict)
- Notes
- -------
- - This is just pseudo code listing the vaiables that are required to be in the
- dictionary
- """
- # Setup a dictionary object
- RFR_dict = {}
- # Add model names and models
- # RFR_dict['models_dict'] = {'name of model': model, ...}
- # Add testing features for models
- # RFR_dict['testing_features_dict'] = {'name of model': testing features of model, ...}
- # Add list of the topmodels (models to analyse)
- # RFR_dict['topmodels'] = [...]
- return RFR_dict
-def extract_trees_to_dot_files(folder=None, plot_tree=False,
- Name_of_model='Example_model', testing_features=None, max_depth=None):
- """
- Extract model trees to .dot files to be plotted in d3
- Parameters
- -------
- folder (str): the folder that the model output *.pkl files are
- testing_features (list): list of the testing features in a given model
- Name_of_model (str): Name of model in filename, used in read and saving
- plot_tree (boolean): plot up the extracted tree
- max_depth (int): depth up to which to extract
- Returns
- -------
- (None)
- """
- from sklearn.externals import joblib
- from sklearn import tree
- import os
- # Get the location of the saved model
- model_filename = "my_model_{}.pkl".format( extr_str )
- # open as random forst object ("rf")
- rf = joblib.load(folder+model_filename)
- # loop trees in forest and save to disk
- for n, rf_unit in enumerate( rf ):
- out_file='tree_{}_{}.dot'.format( Name_of_model, n )
- tree.export_graphviz(rf_unit, out_file=out_file, max_depth=max_depth,
- feature_names=testing_features )
- # Also plot up?
- if plot_tree:
- os.system('dot -Tpng tree.dot -o tree.png')
-def analyse_nodes_in_models( RFR_dict=None, depth2investigate=5 ):
- """
- Analyse the nodes in a RFR model
- Parameters
- -------
- RFR_dict (dictionary): diction of models, model names, features etc
- (see get_RFR_dictionary function)
- depth2investigate (int): depth up to which to build statistics on
- Returns
- -------
- (None)
- """
- import glob
- # models to analyse?
- models2compare = [ ]
- topmodels = RFR_dict['topmodels']
- models2compare = topmodels
- # Loop and analyse models2compare
- for model_name in models2compare:
- print( model_name )
- get_decision_point_and_values_for_tree( model_name=model_name,
- RFR_dict=RFR_dict, depth2investigate=depth2investigate )
- # Loop and update the variable names
- for model_name in models2compare:
- print( model_name )
- # Now rename variables in columns
- filestr = 'Oi_prj_features_of*{}*{}*.csv'
- filestr = filestr.format( model_name, depth2investigate )
- csv_files = glob.glob(filestr)
- for csv_file in csv_files:
- df = pd.read_csv( csv_file )
- # save the .csv
- df.to_csv( csv_file )
-def get_decision_point_and_values_for_tree( depth2investigate=3,
- model_name='RFR(TEMP+DEPTH+SAL)', RFR_dict=None, verbose=True,
- debug=False ):
- """
- Get the variables driving decisions at each point
- link: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/tree/plot_unveil_tree_structure.html
-# The decision estimator has an attribute called tree_ which stores the entire
-# tree structure and allows access to low level attributes. The binary tree
-# tree_ is represented as a number of parallel arrays. The i-th element of each
-# array holds information about the node `i`. Node 0 is the tree's root. NOTE:
-# Some of the arrays only apply to either leaves or split nodes, resp. In this
-# case the values of nodes of the other type are arbitrary!
-# Among those arrays, we have:
-# - left_child, id of the left child of the node
-# - right_child, id of the right child of the node
-# - feature, feature used for splitting the node
-# - threshold, threshold value at the node
- """
- from sklearn.externals import joblib
- from sklearn import tree
- import os
- # extra variables needed from RFR_dict
- models_dict = RFR_dict['models_dict']
- testing_features_dict = RFR_dict['testing_features_dict']
- # Extract model from dictionary
- model = models_dict[ model_name ]
- # Get training_features
- training_features = testing_features_dict[ model_name ].split('+')
- # Core string for saving data to.
- filename_str = 'Oi_prj_features_of_{}_for_depth_{}{}.{}'
- # Intialise a DataFrame to store values in
- df = pd.DataFrame()
- # Loop by estimator in model
- for n_estimator, estimator in enumerate( model ):
- # Extract core variables of interest
- n_nodes = estimator.tree_.node_count
- children_left = estimator.tree_.children_left
- children_right = estimator.tree_.children_right
- feature = estimator.tree_.feature
- threshold = estimator.tree_.threshold
- n_node_samples = estimator.tree_.n_node_samples
- # The tree structure can be traversed to compute various properties such
- # as the depth of each node and whether or not it is a leaf.
- node_depth = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.int64)
- is_leaves = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=bool)
- stack = [(0, -1)] # seed is the root node id and its parent depth
- # Now extract data
- while len(stack) > 0:
- node_id, parent_depth = stack.pop()
- node_depth[node_id] = parent_depth + 1
- # If we have a test node
- if (children_left[node_id] != children_right[node_id]):
- stack.append((children_left[node_id], parent_depth + 1))
- stack.append((children_right[node_id], parent_depth + 1))
- else:
- is_leaves[node_id] = True
- # - work out which nodes are required.
- # NOTE: numbering is 1=># of nodes (zero is the first node)
- # add the initial node to a dictionary
- nodes2save = {}
- depth = 0
- n_node = 0
- nodes2save[ depth ] = { n_node: [children_left[0], children_right[0]] }
- num2node = {0:0}
- # For depth in depths
- for depth in range( depth2investigate )[:-1]:
- nodes4depth = {}
- new_n_node = max( nodes2save[ depth ].keys() )+1
- for n_node in nodes2save[ depth ].keys():
- # Get nodes from the children of each node (LH + RH)
- for ChildNum in nodes2save[ depth ][ n_node ]:
- # Get the children of this node
- LHnew = children_left[ ChildNum ]
- RHnew = children_right[ ChildNum ]
- # save to temp. dict
- nodes4depth[ new_n_node ] = [ LHnew, RHnew ]
- # increment the counter and
- new_n_node += 1
- # Save the new nodes for depth with assigned number
- nodes2save[ depth+1 ] = nodes4depth
- # Get node numbers to save as a dict
- for d in range( depth2investigate )[1:]:
- if debug: print ( d, nodes2save[d] )
- for n in nodes2save[d-1].keys():
- if debug: print( n, nodes2save[d-1][n] )
- for nn in nodes2save[d-1][n] :
- newnum = max( num2node.keys() ) +1
- num2node[ newnum ] = nn
- # Make a series of values for estimators
- s = pd.Series()
- for node_num in sorted( num2node.keys() ):
- # get index of node of interest
- idx = num2node[node_num]
- # save threadhold value
- var_ = 'N{:0>4}: threshold '.format( node_num )
- s[var_] = threshold[ idx ]
- # save feature (and convert index to variable name)
- var_ = 'N{:0>4}: feature '.format( node_num )
- s[var_] = training_features[ feature[ idx ] ]
- # save feature (and convert index to variable name)
- var_ = 'N{:0>4}: n_node_samples '.format( node_num )
- s[var_] = n_node_samples[ idx ]
- # save right hand children
- var_ = 'N{:0>4}: RH child '.format( node_num )
- s[var_] = children_right[ idx ]
- # save the left hand children
- var_ = 'N{:0>4}: LH child '.format( node_num )
- s[var_] = children_left[ idx ]
- # Also add general details for estimator
- s['n_nodes'] = n_nodes
- # now save to main DataFrame
- df[n_estimator] = s.copy()
- # Set index to be the estimator number
- df = df.T
- # Save the core data on the estimators
- filename = filename_str.format( model_name, depth2investigate, '_ALL', '')
- df.to_csv( filename+'csv' )
- # --- Print a summary to a file screen
- dfs = {}
- for node_num in sorted( num2node.keys() ):
- # get index of node of interest
- idx = num2node[node_num]
- vars_ = [i for i in df.columns if 'N{:0>4}'.format(node_num) in i ]
- # get values of inteest for nodes
- FEATvar = [i for i in vars_ if 'feature' in i][0]
- THRESvar = [i for i in vars_ if 'threshold' in i][0]
- SAMPLEvar = [i for i in vars_ if 'n_node_samples' in i][0]
-# RHChildvar = [i for i in vars_ if 'RH child' in i][0]
-# LHChildvar = [i for i in vars_ if 'LH child' in i][0]
-# print FEATvar, THRESvar
- # Get value counts
- val_cnts = df[FEATvar].value_counts()
- df_tmp = pd.DataFrame( val_cnts )
- # Store the features and rename the # of tress column
- df_tmp['feature'] = df_tmp.index
- df_tmp.rename( columns={FEATvar:'# of trees'}, inplace=True )
- # Calc percent
- df_tmp['%'] = val_cnts.values / float(val_cnts.sum()) *100.
- # Save the children for node
-# df_tmp['RH child'] = df[RHChildvar][idx]
-# df_tmp['LH child'] = df[LHChildvar][idx]
- # intialise series objects to store stats
- s_mean = pd.Series()
- s_median = pd.Series()
- s_std = pd.Series()
- node_feats = list(df_tmp.index)
- s_samples_mean = pd.Series()
- s_samples_median = pd.Series()
- # Now loop and get values for features
- for feat_ in node_feats:
- # - Get threshold value for node + stats on this
- thres_val4node = df[THRESvar].loc[ df[FEATvar]==feat_]
- # make sure the value is a float
- thres_val4node = thres_val4node.astype(np.float)
- # convert Kelvin to degrees for readability
- if feat_ == 'WOA_TEMP_K':
- thres_val4node = thres_val4node -273.15
- # exact stats of interest
- stats_ = thres_val4node.describe().T
- s_mean[feat_] = stats_['mean']
- s_median[feat_] = stats_['50%']
- s_std[feat_] = stats_['std']
- # - also get avg. samples
- sample_val4node = df[SAMPLEvar].loc[ df[FEATvar]==feat_]
- # make sure the value is a float
- sample_val4node = sample_val4node.astype(np.float)
- stats_ = sample_val4node.describe().T
- s_samples_mean = stats_['mean']
- s_samples_median = stats_['50%']
- # Add stats to tmp DataFrame
- df_tmp['std'] = s_std
- df_tmp['median'] = s_median
- df_tmp['mean'] = s_mean
- # set the depth value for each node_num
- if node_num == 0:
- depth = node_num
- elif node_num in range(1,3):
- depth = 1
- elif node_num in range(3,3+(2**2) ):
- depth = 2
- elif node_num in range(7,7+(3**2) ):
- depth = 3
- elif node_num in range(16,16+(4**2)):
- depth = 4
- elif node_num in range(32,32+(5**2)):
- depth = 5
- elif node_num in range(57,57+(6**2)):
- depth = 6
- elif node_num in range(93,93+(7**2)):
- depth = 7
- elif node_num in range(129,129+(8**2)):
- depth = 8
- else:
- print( 'Depth not setup for > n+8' )
- sys.exit()
- df_tmp['depth'] = depth
- df_tmp['node #'] = node_num
- df_tmp['# samples (mean)'] = s_samples_mean
- df_tmp['# samples (median)'] = s_samples_median
- # Set the index to just a range
- df_tmp.index = range( len(df_tmp.index) )
- # Save to main DataFrame
- dfs[node_num] = df_tmp.copy()
- # loop and save info to files
- filename = filename_str.format( model_name, depth2investigate, '', 'txt')
- a = open( filename, 'w' )
- for depth in range(depth2investigate):
- # print summary
- header = '--- At depth {:0>3}:'.format( depth )
- if verbose:
- print( header )
- print( dfs[depth] )
- # save
- print( header, file=a)
- print( dfs[depth], file=a)
- # close file to save data
- a.close()
- # --- Build a DataFrame with details on a node by node basis
- # combine by node
- keys = sorted( dfs.keys() )
- dfn = dfs[ keys[0] ].append( [dfs[i] for i in keys[1:] ] )
- # re index and order by
- dfn.index = range( len(dfn.index ) )
- dfn.sort_values(by=['node #'], ascending=True, inplace=True)
- filename = filename_str.format( model_name, depth2investigate, '', 'csv')
- dfn.to_csv( filename )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()