WordPress plugin that automatically searches and extracts news from Bing News based on specific keywords.
- Search news by keywords on Bing News
- Automatic extraction of article content
- Creation of post drafts with extracted content
- Simple and easy-to-use admin panel interface
- Limit of 3 articles per search to avoid overload
- WordPress 5.0 or higher
- PHP 7.2 or higher
- Simple HTML DOM library (included)
- Download the plugin ZIP file
- Go to your WordPress dashboard > Plugins > Add New
- Click on "Upload Plugin" and select the ZIP file
- Activate the plugin
- Go to "Bing News Scraper" in the admin panel sidebar
- Enter a keyword in the search field
- Click on "Search News"
- The plugin will automatically create drafts with the found news
- Review and edit the drafts before publishing
Each created draft will include:
- News title
- Publication date
- News excerpt
- Main content
- Link to original source
- Articles are created as drafts to allow review
- Original source links are preserved
- Extracted content is automatically cleaned from ads and unwanted elements
- It is recommended to review and edit content before publishing
If you encounter any errors:
- Verify that simple_html_dom.php is present in the plugin directory
- Make sure you have database write permissions
- Check WordPress error logs for more details
For technical support or to report issues, please contact: oliverodev.com
This plugin is free software and comes with no warranties.