This tutorial uses Windows 10.
Other recent windows operating systems should be supported.
Download node.js from nodejs website downloads
Install like any other installer executable.
Install gtp2ogs locally, for example at the root of you user account folder. There are two ways to do it, choose the easiest for you:
note: in both cases, here we are installing devel, the "develop" branch because it has latest improvements and fixes. However devel is a "beta" branch which may be unstable or contain bugs. If you prefer, you can install other more stable branches instead.
Go to gtp2ogs's github website, devel branch. On the top right, click on the "Clone or download" button", then click on "Download ZIP".
Then, extract this archive at the root of your home folder, gtp2ogs is in C:\Users\yourusername\gtp2ogs\
Finally, install all the node_modules in gtp2ogs folder. To do that, press "Start Menu", type "node", then click on "open a node.js command prompt". In that command prompt, go inside the folder and install node_modules:
pushd C:\Users\yourusername\gtp2ogs && npm install
You will have a new folder node_modules, and a new file package-lock.json.
If you don't already have git, you'll have to install it. You can download git here
Then press "Start Menu", type "node", then click on "open a node.js command prompt". Install gtp2ogs locally, at the root of you user account folder:
git clone -b devel && cd gtp2ogs && npm install
gtp2ogs will be installed in C:\Users\yourusername\gtp2ogs\
In the future, if you want to update your branch, remember to finalize the update process
with the command npm install
locally, which will install all new dependencies.
See also here.