This documents presents some general guidelines and checklists for mission makers to follow. These guidelines are the result of our combined mission makers' experience, not just some fanciful requirements to look cool, so please read carefully as this can save us all lots of time and frustration for both mission maker and players.
- Check your mods are up to date
- Make sure you're using the correct modlist (ie remove whatever additional mods you may be using client-side)
- If you are making a long mission (several main objectives), do a multiplayer test every time you complete a major section, test on local host multiplayer then get a server admin to upload to one of our dedicated servers for further testing. (things behave diffrrently between editor and dedicated server)
- If you don’t have direct access to the server ask either Compton, Ollo, Wonko or Miller
- We don’t want a server test to be run at 5 PM day of the operation, always try and get a server test done as far in advance as you practically can (two days is a good compromise)
- Have you set a particular time for your mission to start in game ?
- Do not have long periods of inactivity because of driving, flying or boating long distances, people do not join to play walking simulator, anything longer than 5 mins is to long.
- Keep role play to a minimum, people join to shoot & blow shit up, there are other games for role play.
- Try and bring emersion to the mission with appropriate music, weather or use of civilians, just slapping down enemy AI and say walk here kill that, dose not make a mission worthy of peoples Saturday evenings, be creative, not all missions need to be large scale constant engaments but they do need to keep interest in the mission. To much time travelling or doing stuff that is not directly related to shooting & blowing shit up is going to drop peoples attention and interest in the mission.
- Always try and be realistic in what the mission is and how it would be carried out in real life, but balanced with what is possible in Arma and what is fun for people to be doing on their Saturday evening.
- Respawning should be via heli insert or use the MARRs system or anything similar that is not just teleporting people straight back, that said sometimes we do need to do that, but it should not be the default method. (If you have not set up the MARRs system yet please contact Ollo, Stone, Wonko)
- Newer mission makers should get either Compton, Miller, Ollo or Wonko to have a look at their mission to make sure there are no gameplay issues from overlooking something in the gameplay that could cuase mission failure.
- Load in the add-on on settings
- If you wish an add-on setting to be changed, bring it up to your CO
- Under
Attributes > Settings > General > Misc
, tickBinarise the scenario file & editable objects (zeus)
- Under
Attributes > Settings > General > Multiplayer > Lobby
, untickEnable AI
- Under
Attributes > Settings > General > Multiplayer > Respawn
selectRespawn on custom position
then selectSelect respawn position
then set the respawn delay to 5 seconds