Conway's Game of Life visualizer tool built with Elixir and Scenic.
Flyer Generator
Pulsar Oscillator
In the Game of Life, a board has cells that are either alive or dead. Given a set of rules, the board will change. All changes for a given iteration/tick happen simultaneously on the previous board status. This means that any changes to the cells during the current iteration will not influence the other cells.
The rules of Conway's Game of Life are very simple,
- any live cell with two or three live neighbors remain alive,
- any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies (simulating underpopulation),
- any live cell with greater than three live neighbors dies (simulating overpopulation),
- any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors become a live cell (simulating reproduction)
Important Unfortunately, due to limitations of Scenic, the visualizer can only run on Mac OS and Linux.
Ensure that Elixir and any dependency of Scenic is installed.
git clone
cd life/
mix deps.get
Select the cells to set them as alive/dead before running.
You can configure the board size and initial pattern by editing the config/attrs.exs
file, under the :attrs
import Config
# Configure here
config :life, :attrs, %{
cell_size: 20,
evolution_rate: 100,
pattern: :empty
-- size of each cell displayedevolution_rate
-- speed each iteration occurs, measured in millisecondspattern
-- some default oscillating patterns to get started, includes:blinker