The Consul storage backend is used to persist Vault's data in Consul's key-value store. In addition to providing durable storage, inclusion of this backend will also register Vault as a service in Consul with a default health check
- Durable K/V Storage
- High Availability
- Independently Scale Backend
- Distributed System
- Easy to automate
- Built-in integration Consul/Vault + snapshots for data retention
- Always deployed using multiple nodes and configured as a cluster (ALWAYS ODD numbers)
- All data is replicated among all nodes in cluster
- Leader election promotes a single Consul node as the leader
- Leader accepts new logs entries and replicates to all other nodes
- Consul cluster for Storage Backend NOT TO BE USED for Consul functions in Prod
in vault.hcl
storage "consul" {
address = ""
path = "vault/"
token = "1a2b3c4d-1234-abdc-1234-1a2b3c4d5e6a"
For Consul Server Configuration File, check consul-client.json
and consul-node.json
at client agent and node level