remote_theme: Drassil/git-wiki-theme@master title: WoW Wiki description: World of Warcraft - wiki # (boolean) Enable/disable wiki page list in sidebar show_wiki_pages: true # (integer) Maximum number of wiki page to shown in sidebar show_wiki_pages_limit: 15 # (boolean) Enable/disable blog feature blog_feature: true # (boolean) Enable/disable wiki posts list in sidebar (needs blog_feature enabled) show_wiki_posts: true # (integer) Maximum number of wiki posts to shown in sidebar show_wiki_posts_limit: 10 # from jekyll (read jekyll doc) paginate: 5 paginate_path: "assets/blog/page:num" show_downloads: true git_branch: master logo_url: google_analytics: use_github_wiki: false use_prose_io: true google_cse_token: 007197903287787072094:kayohas4w7e inc_after_content : "comments.html" inc_after_header : "sidebar.html" search_engine : "js" collections: posts: output: true permalink: /blog/posts/:year/:month/:day/:title:output_ext wiki_folder: wiki relative_links: enabled: true collections: true # # Jekyll configurations # # You can customize it changing default layout for all pages # More info: # # git-wiki includes some internal themes that you can choose # check _layouts folder # defaults: - scope: path: "" # an empty string here means all files in the project values: layout: "git-wiki-default" - scope: path: "" type: "pages" values: layout: "git-wiki-default" - scope: path: "" type: "posts" values: layout: "git-wiki-post" - scope: path: "wiki" values: layout: "git-wiki-default" permalink: /:basename:output_ext - scope: path: assets/blog values: layout: "git-wiki-blog" sass: style: compressed plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-redirect-from - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-avatar - jemoji - jekyll-mentions