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Problem Manager

Before the problem statement, we should declare a problem manager (class NsProblemManager). This manager holds all the information needed about the variables, the constraint network being built, and the goals that are going to be executed. The constructor function does not have any argument. The other functions follow.

void add(ExprConstr)

Adds the constraint described by the constraint expression ExprConstr (see the Expressions for Constraints section). In a constraint expression we can use condition operators (<, ==, !=, etc.) or built-in expressions like NsAllDiff() that states that all the variables of an array must have different values. E.g.

pm.add(3 * VarX != VarY / 2);
pm.add(VarW == -2 || VarW >= 5);

void addGoal(NsGoal* goal)

Adds goal into the list with the goals that have to be executed/satisfied (see the Search via Goals section).

bool nextSolution()

Finds the next solution. The goals that have been added are going to be satisfied. If there is no solution, false is returned.

void minimize(Expression)

It gives solver the instruction to minimize the value of Expression. Every time that the solver finds a solution, the Expression will be less than the one of the previous solution (branch-and-bound algorithm). In fact, if nextSolution() gives a solution and the Expression maximum value is a, the constraint Expression < a is imposed, for the next time nextSolution() is called. Therefore, after each solution, the Expression gets reduced. If it cannot be further reduced, nextSolution() returns false, and we should have stored somewhere the last (best) solution. E.g.

pm.minimize(VarX + VarY);
while (pm.nextSolution() != false)
    { /* STORE SOLUTION */ }

If we wish to maximize an Expression, we can simply put a - in front of it and call minimize(-Expression).

void objectiveUpperLimit(NsInt max)

During search, this method defines an upper bound for the solution cost equal to max; the solution cost is expressed by the NsProblemManager::minimize() argument. In other words, the constraint cost_variable <= max is imposed.

Besides, after the beginning of search—when nextSolution() is called for the first time—we cannot add more constraints by calling NsProblemManager::add, e.g. via pm.add(X <= 5). Only this function (objectiveUpperLimit) can impose such a constraint, but only onto the cost variable.

void timeLimit(unsigned long secs)

Search will last at most secs seconds. After this deadline, nextSolution() will return false.

void realTimeLimit(unsigned long secs)

It works like the previous function, but the secs seconds here are real time; in the previous function it was the time that CPU has spent for the solver exclusively.

void backtrackLimit(unsigned long x)

If x is greater than zero, it makes nextSolution() return false after search has backtracked x times, from the moment that this function was called.

unsigned long numFailures()

Returns the number of failures during search.

unsigned long numBacktracks()

Returns how many times the solver has backtracked during search.

unsigned long numGoals()

Returns how many goals have been executed.

unsigned long numVars()

Returns the number of the constrained variables that have been created. Note that the number includes intermediate/auxiliary variables—if any—that the solver has automatically constructed.

unsigned long numConstraints()

Returns the number of the problem constraints. Note that the number includes intermediate/auxiliary constraints—if any—that the solver has automatically created.

unsigned long numSearchTreeNodes()

Returns the number of nodes of the search tree that the solver has already visited.

void searchToGraphFile(char *fileName)

Stores into a file named fileName a representation of the search tree. The file format is called dot, and the application Graphviz can graphically display it.

void restart()

Restores the constrained variables (i.e. their domains) to the state they were initially, a little bit after the first nextSolution() was called. More specifically, it restores the state that existed immediately before the first nextSolution() call, but keeps the changes that were made in order to achieve the first arc-consistency of the constraint network (see the Search via Goals section for the arc-consistency definition). In other words, this function restores the constraint/variable network to the first arc-consistency state that took ever place (before the execution of any goal).

This method also cancels all the goals that were about to be executed. That is, if we wish to begin search (with a nextSolution() call) after a restart(), we have to declare a goal to be executed (using addGoal()), otherwise there is no goal!

restart() does not affect the variable that was the argument of minimize()—also known as objective or cost variable. That is, it does not restore this variable to its initial state. For example, if the objective variable had initially the domain [0..100] and before restart() had the domain [0..10], then after restart() is called, the domain will be kept [0..10].

We cannot call this function inside goals, but outside them. E.g. we can call it at the code "level" we call nextSolution().