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Jaesung edited this page Feb 21, 2023 · 4 revisions

How to build an iOS chat app using ChatUI

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to implement a user interface for a chat features.

Completed sample is listed on this repository under the main branch.

This tutorials was built using:

  • Xcode14
  • iOS 16

Note that this tutorial assume a basic knowledge of SwiftUI. That said, let’s get started!

Step 1. Import ChatUI

You can import ChatUI via Swift Package Manager or by using Sources in GitHub repository.

For this tutorial, I chose Swift Package Manager for my installation.

  1. In Xcode, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.

  2. In the search bar, paste the ChatUI URL:

  3. Select the branch as main to install.

  4. Click Next, and then click Finish.

  5. Import ChatUI

    import ChatUI

Step 2. Implement the Essential Protocols


struct User: UserProtocol {
    var id { UUID().uuidString }



Step 3. Create ChatConfiguration

@StateObject private var configuration = ChatConfiguration(userID: "{USER.ID}")
MessageList(messages) { message in
    MessageRow(message: message)

Step 4. (Optional) Handle appearance

Customize appearance

let appearance = Appearance(tint: {APP.MAIN.COLOR})
    .enviroment(\.appearance, appearance)

Use appearance

When you want to access colors or fonts in Appearance, use @Enviroment(\.appearance)

@Environment(\.appearance) var appearance

var body: some View {
    Text("Start a New Chat")

Step 5. Create data model to communicate with your Chat SDK

Here is essential properties and functions used in the data model for ChatUI

import ChatUI
import SwiftUI

class ChatModel: ObservableObject {
    let channel: Channel

    @Published var messages: [Message]

    func sendMessage(forStyle style: MessageStyle) {
        let sendingMessage = Message(..., style: style, ...)
        messages.insert(sendingMessage, at: 0)
        // Send message by using chat SDK
        YourChatSDK.sendMessage(...) {
            // handle error / receipt status

Step 5. Implement inside of ChannelStack

ChannelStack( {
    // Implement Step 6 here.

    // Implement Step 7 here.

ChannelStack provides ChannelInfoView automatically based on the given channel object. To customize the ChannelInfoView or layouts among the views in ChannelStack such as MessageList or MessageField, please use VStack and ToolbarItem instead.

Use VStack and ChannelInfoView instead

VStack(spacing: 0) {
    // Implement Step 6 here.

    // Implement Step 7 here.
.toolbar {
    // Channel Info View
    ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationLeading) {
            subtitle: "This is Q&A channel. Feel free to ask and answer",
            imageURL: {SOME.URL}

Step 6. Implement inside of MessageList

MessageList(dataModel.messages) { message in
    MessageRow(message: message)

Step 7. Handle MessageField

MessageField { messageStyle in
    dataModel.sendMessage(forStyle: messageStyle)
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