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Utility library for VRChat


Use the loader instead of the standalone for other mods that may need a more recent version

There are 6 ways to load the library correctly:

  • (Loader or Standalone) Using Assembly.Load with the bytes
  • (Loader or Standalone) Placing the DLL into the same folder as VRChat.exe
  • (Loader) Adding the mod to MelonHandler.Mods
  • (Loader) Placing the mod into the mods folder

Here is an example of the first loading method using a manifest resource stream to get the bytes

public class KiraiMod : MelonMod
    static KiraiMod() // .cctor
        // See
        Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("KiraiMod.Lib.KiraiLibLoader.dll");
        MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream((int)stream.Length);


        new Action(() => KiraiLibLoader.Load())(); // This is required although the loader is ready.

Logger Usage

All logger functions have documentation, place the XML file in the same folder that you reference the library to see them in Visual Studio.

Event Usage

KiraiLib supports unloading and reloading, due to this you will need to subscribe to some events.

OnUIUnload is optional but you probably want to subscribe to OnUIReload to remake your managed UI elements.

Example: KiraiLib.Events.OnUIReload += () => { VRChat_OnUIManagerInit(); };

UI Usage

Before using UI, call KiraiLib.UI.Initialize

KiraiLib.UI has 4 classes, Toggle, Button, Slider, and Label.

Use the Create method on these to make a new instance of them rather than using new on the class itself. Example: KiraiLib.UI.Toggle.Create(...);

Additionally UI itself has a method called CreatePage. Pages are automatically added to a list at KiraiLib.UI.pages, your page is located at the return value of CreatePage.

If you create a UI element with managed to false then it will not automatically get unloaded. If you don't delete it yourself you will cause a memory leak when the UI is reloaded.

Note: Buttons may require a \n as they often don't line wrap on their own.


  • Logger
  • Button API
  • Attribute based button loader
  • Complete documentation