- 🏁 First steps
- 💻 How to install KDE Plasma Desktop
- 💻 How to install GNOME Desktop
- ⬇️ Download scripts to run the desktops
First you need to install the following packages in Termux:
pkg update
pkg install x11-repo
pkg install termux-x11-nightly
pkg install pulseaudio
pkg install proot-distro
Then install Arch and login once it finishes:
proot-distro install archlinux
proot-distro login archlinux
Update repositories and install any package you want:
pacman -Sy
pacman -Syu
pacman -S sudo
pacman -S xfce4
- Follow first steps
- Install the following packages in Archlinux proot
- Log into Arch
pd login archlinux
- Install the packages needed (if you want it lighter you can just install the first packages
pacman -S plasma-desktop sudo dbus
pacman -S plasma-desktop sudo dbus kde-applications kde-graphics kde-utilities konsole thunar
- Add a new user and set a password
useradd -m -G wheel roygoldfx
passwd 123456
- Give sudo permissions to the user
nano /etc/sudoers
# Paste the following line
roygoldfx ALL=(ALL) ALL
Thanks to the user @Windows1105 for this post in reddit
- Follow first steps
- Install the following packages in Archlinux proot
- Log into Arch
pd login archlinux
pacman -Syu
pacman -Sy sudo gnome dbus gnome-terminal gnome-tweaks --needed --noconfirm
- Execute the following command to fix a GNOME error that won't allow us to start the desktop
find /usr -type f -iname "*login1*" -exec rm -f {} \; && mkdir /run/dbus
- Add a new user and set a password
useradd -m -G wheel roygoldfx
passwd 123456
- Give sudo permissions to the user
nano /etc/sudoers
# Paste the following line
roygoldfx ALL=(ALL) ALL
- Customize GNOME:
Open Extensions and enable "User Themes"
Look for a GTK theme on xfce4looks or install a theme from the terminal:
pacman -Ss gtk-theme # To search for the themes available on the repository
pacman -Sy pop-gtk-theme # To install a theme form the previous list
- We can do the same with the icon themes:
pacman -Ss icon-theme # To search for the icons available on the repository
pacman -Sy epapirus-icon-theme # To install an icon pack form the previous list
- Open Gnome Tweaks and select the theme and the icons installed on the
By default this script works with the user roygoldfx
. If you create a user with a different name in proot-distro, please change where it says roygoldfx
inside the scripts. And remember to give execution permissions to the script with chmod +x scriptName.sh
- startxfce4_arch.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xcyber-star/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/proot_arch/startxfce4_arch.sh
- startkde_arch.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xcyber-star/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/proot_arch/startkde_arch.sh
- startgnome_arch.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xcyber-star/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/proot_arch/startgnome_arch.sh