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Nugget HUD

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Nugget Doom's NUGHUD guide

As a Nugget Doom fork, Cherry Doom supports the NUGHUD lump.

The NUGHUD lump is a variant of MBF's OPTIONS lump, used specifically by Nugget Doom to customize the Nugget HUD.

As implied, NUGHUD uses the same format as OPTIONS. Excerpt from mbfedit.txt:

The OPTIONS lump has the same format as mbf.cfg: A text file listing option
names and values, optionally separated by blank or comment lines.

Loading NUGHUD lumps

NUGHUD lumps can be loaded just like OPTIONS lumps:

  • By loading WADs which contain a lump explicitly named NUGHUD.
  • By including a file explicitly named nughud.lmp (case-insensitive) in the corresponding autoload folder.
  • By using the -file command-line parameter to load a file explicitly named nughud.#, where # can be any extension name (.lmp is recommended).

Nugget HUD widgets

The Nugget HUD is composed of widgets, whose behavior is determined by a set of properties.

The following properties are shared across all widgets:

  • _x: X position, which can be any integer in the [0, 320] range.
  • _y: Y position, which can be any integer in the [0, 200] range.
  • _wide: Widescreen shift, with the following possible values:
    • -2 to shift the element left forcefully.
    • -1 to shift the element left only when in widescreen mode.
    • 0 to keep the element in place regardless of widescreen mode.
    • 1 to shift the element right only when in widescreen mode.
    • 2 to shift the element right forcefully.

Some widgets are alignable, by means of the following properties:

  • _align: horizontal alignment, with the following possible values:
    • -1 for left alignment.
    • 0 for center alignment.
    • 1 for right alignment.
  • _vlign: vertical alignment, with the following possible values:
    • 1 for top alignment.
    • 0 for center alignment.
    • -1 for bottom alignment.

Status-Bar widgets

The following Status-Bar widgets are available:

Widget(s) Alignable Description
nughud_ammo Yes Ammo count for the currently-equipped weapon
nughud_ammoicon Yes Ammo icon, which changes depending on the ammo type of the current weapon
nughud_health Yes Health count
nughud_healthicon Yes Health icon, which changes depending on whether the player has Berserk
nughud_arms# No Arms (weapon) number, where # is an integer in the [1, 9] range
nughud_frags Yes Frag count, only shown during Deathmatch games
nughud_face No Face (mugshot)
nughud_armor Yes Armor count
nughud_armoricon Yes Armor icon, which changes depending on the current armor type
nughud_key# No Key display, where # is an integer in the [0, 2] range (in order: Blue Key; Yellow Key; Red Key)
nughud_ammo# Yes Ammo count for each type, where # is an integer in the [0, 3] range (in order: Bullets; Shells; Cells; Rockets)
nughud_maxammo# Yes Same as the above, but for Max. Ammo

All Status-Bar widgets are disableable, by setting _x to -1.

The Ammo, Health and Armor icons are vertically-alignable. Additionally, the offsets of the graphics used by these icons will be ignored, unless a custom font is being used (see details below).

Arms number 1 is lit up when the player has Berserk.

There are some additional toggles (value of 0 or 1) for some specific widgets:

  • nughud_percents: Toggle drawing of percentage signs for the Health and Armor counts.
  • nughud_ammoicon_big: Toggle usage of big-ammo-pickup sprites for the Ammo icon.
  • nughud_face_bg: Toggle the Face background, whose position is linked to that of the Face itself.

Text lines

The following text lines are available:

Widget(s) Description
nughud_time Time display, only shown if enabled by the user
nughud_sts Stats (Kills/Items/Secrets) display, only shown if enabled by the user
nughud_title Level Name display, only shown in the Automap
nughud_powers Powerup Timers, only shown if enabled by the user
nughud_attempts Attempt counter, only shown if enabled by the user
nughud_movement Player movement widget, only shown if enabled by the user
nughud_coord Coordinates display, only shown if enabled by the user
nughud_fps FPS display, only shown when the FPS cheat is activated
nughud_rate Rendering-statistics display, only shown when the IDRATE cheat is activated
nughud_message Message and Chat display
nughud_secret "Secret Revealed" and milestone-completion message display

All text lines are horizontally-alignable.

There are some additional properties, nughud_sts_ml and nughud_coord_ml, that respectively determine whether to draw the Stats and Coordinates display as multiple lines or a single one, with the following possible values:

  • -1 to draw them according to the user's choice, through the hud_widget_layout CVAR.
  • 0 to forcefully draw them as a single line.
  • 1 to forcefully draw them as multiple lines.

There is an additional toggle, nughud_message_defx, to forcefully draw the Message display at its original X position, where it'll be affected by the Centered Messages setting.

Note that the Chat display is always drawn from the (widescreen-dependent) left-most border of the screen, regardless of the Message display's X position and alignment.


Text lines can be drawn as part of stacks by setting both _x and -y to -1. The following additional properties are used:

  • _stack: Index of the stack that the text line belongs to.
  • _order: Order of the text line within the stack, which can be any integer in the [0, 64] range.

Text lines will inherit the properties of the stack they belong to.

8 stacks are available, numbered 1 through 8. They're referred to as nughud_stack#, where # is the stack number. Stacks make use of all the shared properties, and are alignable both horizontally and vertically.

The Message and Chat displays will always be drawn first in whichever stack they're assigned to, and will also be assigned to the next stack, which is assumed to be on the other end of the screen at the same height, so as to leave space to prevent overlapping issues due to those displays' potential length.


; This is a comment!
; Loading a NUGHUD with these contents will restore the Face widget.

nughud_face_x 143

; Move the Frags widget elsewhere, since in the default Nugget HUD distribution,
; it is drawn right where the Face is drawn in the traditional Status Bar.
nughud_frags_x     314
nughud_frags_y     155
nughud_frags_wide  1
nughud_frags_align 1
; Loading a NUGHUD with these contents will create a bottom-aligned stack on the right side of the screen
; and assign the Level Name and "Secret Revealed" message displays to it.

nughud_stack5_x     318
nughud_stack5_y     168
nughud_stack5_wide  1
nughud_stack5_align 1
nughud_stack5_vlign -1

nughud_title_x     -1
nughud_title_y     -1
nughud_title_stack 5
nughud_title_order 1

nughud_secret_x     -1
nughud_secret_y     -1
nughud_secret_stack 5
nughud_secret_order 0

Custom fonts

Certain widgets support custom fonts. Graphics for all characters of a given font must be provided for the font to be used, otherwise the default font will be used instead.

The following fonts are available:

Tall Numbers, used for the Health, Armor, current-weapon Ammo and Frag counts:

- NHTNUM# -- Number, where # is a number between 0 and 9 (inclusive)
- NHTMINUS - Minus sign
- NHTPRCNT - Percent sign

Current-weapon Ammo Numbers, which take precedence over Tall Numbers for the current-weapon Ammo count:

- NHRNUM# -- Number, where # is a number between 0 and 9 (inclusive)
- NHRMINUS - Minus sign

Ammo Numbers, used for the Ammo and Max. Ammo counts:

- NHAMNUM# - Number, where # is a number between 0 and 9 (inclusive)

Arms Numbers, used for the weapon numbers:

- NHW0NUM# - Weapon unavailable, where # is a number between 1 and 9 (inclusive)
- NHW1NUM# - Weapon available, where # is a number between 1 and 9 (inclusive)


- NHKEYS# -- Key, where # is a number between 0 and 8 (inclusive)

Berserk, drawn in place of the Ammo count when using the Berserk Fist:

- NHBERSRK - Berserk graphic

Ammo graphics, used for the Ammo icon widget:

- NHAMMO# - Graphic, where # is a number between 0 and 3 (in order: Bullets; Shells; Cells; Rockets)

Health graphics, used for the Health icon widget:

- NHEALTH# - Graphic, where # is a number between 0 and 1 (respectively, no Berserk and Berserk)

Armor graphics, used for the Armor icon widget:

- NHARMOR# - Graphic, where # is a number between 0 and 2 (in order: no Armor; Green Armor; Blue Armor)

Infinity, drawn in place of the Ammo count when using weapons with no ammo type (e.g. Fist/Chainsaw):

- NHINFNTY - Infinity graphic


Patches are static graphics that can be drawn anywhere on the screen, behind the rest of widgets.
Up to 8 patches can be drawn; patch1 is drawn behind patch2, which is drawn behind patch3, and so on.

Aside from the shared properties, patches make use of an additional property, _name, that determines the name of the graphic lump to be used, which can be either a sprite (i.e. a lump between S_START and S_END markers, like MEDIA0) or a graphic (like STBAR).
Custom lumps can be used (for example, a graphic called NEWPATCH). The names used in NUGHUD must be enclosed between quotation marks.

Patches are alignable, both horizontally and vertically, and can be disabled by simply not providing any graphic.

There is an additional toggle, nughud_patch_offsets, that determines whether or not to apply graphic offsets when drawing Patches. Disabling this is useful when using non-exclusive graphics (e.g. ammo-pickup sprites), whose offsets may differ across PWADs. Otherwise, enabling it is useful when using exclusive graphics, whose offsets are determined by the HUD maker, to allow precise positioning.


; Loading a NUGHUD with these contents will draw
; the Status Bar graphic in its traditional position.
; It doesn't look right, but it's just an example.

nughud_patch1_x 0
nughud_patch1_y 168
nughud_patch1_wide 0
nughud_patch1_name "STBAR"

; Also draw the Arms box, which is a separate graphic.
nughud_patch2_x 104
nughud_patch2_y 168
nughud_patch2_wide 0
nughud_patch2_name "STARMS"

Status-Bar Chunks

Status-Bar chunks are square regions of the Status Bar, taken from the currently-loaded STBAR. Up to 8 chunks can be drawn; they are drawn behind patches, following the same order (chunk1 before chunk2, etc.).

Apart from the shared properties, chunks make use of the following additional properties:

  • _sx: X origin (left end, absolute) of the chunk, which can be any integer in the [0, 319] range.
  • _sy: Y origin (top end, absolute) of the chunk, which can be any integer in the [0, 31] range.
  • _sw: Width (right end, relative to left end) of the chunk, which can be any integer in the [1, 320] range.
  • _sh: Height (bottom end, relative to top end) of the chunk, which can be any integer in the [1, 32] range.

Chunks can only be taken from the original 320x200 region of the Status Bar; this keeps the feature functional with wide Status Bars, whose extended borders are ignored.

Note: The STBAR graphic itself features the Frags widget instead of the Arms widget. The latter can be drawn as a patch.

Additional integer properties

  • nughud_weapheight: vertical offset for weapon sprites, in the [-32, 32] range; greater values shift the sprites downwards.
  • nughud_viewoffset: vertical offset for the view window, in the [-16, 16] range; greater values shift the view downwards.

By default, the Nugget HUD emulates Woof's Crispy HUD, with the exception of showing Arms numbers 2-9 instead of 2-7.

Said default HUD, as built into the executable, is available in text format as nughud.lmp, found in the docs/ folder. Comments were added to it for clarity. Feel free to use it as a base to make new HUDs.

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