Releases: xirsoi/ancientreligions
2017-04-02 v0.39.1 "Polemos"
- Added some missing text in localisations.
- The Pendragon title is no longer applied to every Welsh/Breton/Pictish Emperor of Britania, only the first.
- Some bits of French translation, provided by Amendile.
- Fixes the Crotone Academy of Engineering's bonus being backwards (+5% local build time, rather than -5%).
- Prometheans now have access to the Hermetic Society.
- Neoplatonist traits give you Hermetic Society currency.
- Some bits of French translation, provided by lukaslunt.
- Aten characters now use the Iqta government by default.
- This was intended to go out in Ares but was forgotten.
- This change is intended to be temporary; a custom government for Aten characters is probably in the cards.
2017-03-23 v0.39 "Ares"
- Added unit modifiers to Hellenic, Titan, Promethean, Kemetic, and Atenic.
- Compatibility with CK2 2.7.
- Your old saves will probably work, but back them up just in case!
- Secret Religious Societies are available for all 7 religions.
- The trait icons are placeholders for now (they use the Reformed Germanic icon, except Hellenic, because that was already in the game). I plan to add them for v0.39.1 "Atalanta"
- Improved the conversion events slightly.
- Unlanded children of the liege will not discount the possibility of converting just because they are Zealous.
- The player's court will always convert (unless they are landed, like councilors, or prisoners).
- The Insanity conversion event will now also cascade through the realm, allowing vassals and courtiers to convert with you.
- This should give Celtic revivals a leg to stand on. It's still unlikely they'll be more than a blip, but there's always a chance.
- Unfit King mechanic is enabled on an experimental basis.
- It is controlled by a game rule, and is disabled by default.
- In an effort to balance the ability to abdicate, the old ruler will have a strong claim on all titles and all Powerful Vassals will get a weak claim.
- Please give feedback on this mechanic!
- Added Devil Worshipper Society called The Unseelie Petitioners.
- Added new Mercenary company, The Myrmidons.
- This company comes into existence when the entire duchy of Thessalonika is converted to Hellenism.
- Has 4 pure heavy infantry regiments.
- Updated the Philosopher event chain.
- It is now possible to fire when the Empire has 130 or fewer realm holdings, up from the previous limit of 100.
- More events have been added to the chain to make the Philosopher earn any support he may get from the Emperor, and to allow for a better story to unfold.
- Added Devil Worshipper Society called The Coven.
- Prometheans and Titans have access as well.
- Added Devil Worshipper Society called The Fangs of Apep.
- Atenic have access as well.
Hippolytus was a young worshipper of Artemis who spurned Aphrodite's advance to live a life of chastity, to honor Artemis. As revenge she caused a maiden named Phaedra to fall in love with him. When she too was spurned, Phaedra sabotaged his chariot and he was killed. Romans believed he was restored to life as a minor god as a favor to Artemis. He then moved to Latium and changed his name to Virbius.
2017-02-18 v0.38.4 "Hippolytus"
- Fixed a critical bug caused by the previous bug fix.
- This one is thoroughly tested, I promise!
A minor Roman forest god subordinated to Diana, Virbius eventually became associated with Hippolytus. Young brides would go into the Aricia forest in Latium and offer a lock of their hair to Virbius as a sign of their virginity.
2017-02-16 v0.38.3 "Virbius"
- Fixed a critical bug in the Philosopher event chain.
A Nymph and minor goddess often worshipped alongside Diana, Egeria was associated with sacred groves, and occasionally mountains. One tradition has it that she gave Numa Pompilius the first law code of Rome.
2016-11-04 v0.38.2 "Egeria"
- Compatibility with CK2 2.6.2
- New Game Rule: AI Revival
- On: Player and AI are both able to get Ancient Religion revival events.
- Off: Only the player can get Ancient Religion revival events.
- Did my best to obey the Supernatural Events Game Rule. Please report events that should be obeying it but aren't.
- Left the Sacred Symbols and Sidhe events alone intentionally, since they are an important mechanic for Celts.
- Increased the frequency of the event that clears the Angry Sidhe modifier after a decent/good sacrifice.
- Fixed a bunch of broken flavor events
- Hellenic Reconquest is now usable once every 50 years, not once per lifetime.
- Neoplatonist traits (Stoic, Skeptic, Epicurean) are now considered good traits for doctors.
- Druid is considered a good trait for doctors.
- Added new "Battle Raven" Celtic Crusader trait.
- Added new "Mighty Bull of Montu" Kemetic Crusader trait.
- Added new "Lightbringer" Atenic Crusader trait.
2016-8-27 v0.38.1 "Actaeon"
- Fixed Kemetic revival events being called for any character at random.
Actaeon was a hunter and a student of the centaur Chiron. He was transformed into a stag and torn apart by his own hunting dogs, filled with blood lust by Artemis/Diana, for an unknown transgression against the goddess. The various legends disagree as to what this transgression was, but the most popular is that he dared to spy upon the virgin goddess while she bathed.
2016-8-26 v0.38.1 "Actaeon"
- Fixed Kemetic revival events being called for any character at random.
In Roman mythology, Diana was the goddess of the hunt, the moon, and nature being associated with wild animals and woodland, and having the power to talk to and control animals. She was eventually equated with the Greek goddess Artemis,[1] though she had an independent origin in Italy. -- Wikipedia
2016-8-26 v0.38 "Diana"
This update is small, I know. Life's been crazy busy, but I wasn't going to leave everyone hanging with a broken mod. I've snuck in some things I've worked on here and there over the last 6 months, I hope you enjoy!
- Updated to CK2 2.6.1 compatibility.
- Fixed some backward mtth modifiers in Aonach Tailteann events.
- Gaulish culture now has special localizations for titles.
- Non-theocracy title localizations have been removed from Celtic and Druidic paganism.
-- It is my opinion that feudal, republican, and tribal titles should be derived from culture. - Fixed bad localization for the Warden of the Wild minor title description.
- Quite a few Hellenic flavor events courtesy of retired modder cybrxkhan.
-- Includes one really long event chain, but it's quite rare!
- Prometheans now get an event on adulthood to choose between the three Neoplatonist traits; Stoic, Skeptic, and Epicurean.
-- You can switch to a different trait by decision every 5 years for 200 piety.
-- Members of the same school have improved relations with one another.
- Fixes an issue where men could become pregnant in a cat-related event.
- First (of three planned) Kemetic Revival event chain is out!
-- There is a small chance that those who are On Hajj or On Pilgrimage in the East (Jerusalem, Antioch, or Axum) will be become lost in a sandstorm and meet an old man in an ancient temple.
Servius Tullius was the second King of Rome. According to legend, he was a son of Vulcan and came to the throne either through marriage to the daughter of the first king, by popular support, or both. He reigned for 44 years until his assassination by his daughter and son-in-law. A crime unforgivable by the Senate and People of Rome. The usurper was executed, and the Roman monarchy died with him.
2016-3-5 v0.37.3 "Tullius"
- Update to 2.5.2
- Factored in the existence of the Feeble, Dull, Shrewd, and Robust traits for events and decisions, where appropriate.
- Fixed bug in Pagan Subjugation that allowed vassals who subjugate another realm of equal or greater rank to their liege to become independent, which had been introduced in Cecrops.
- Used new infamy modifier for custom CBs.
- Hellenic County Liberation = 75% Infamy
- Hellenic Reconquest = 85% Infamy
- Promethean Expansion gets no modification.
Aetna was a nymp, the child of Uranus and Gaia. She arbitrated a dispute between Hephaestus and Demeter regarding dominion over Sicily, and a mountain there bares her namesake. She gave birth to The Palici by Hephaestus.
2016-2-16 v0.37.2 "Aetna"
- Merge tactics from 2.5.1
- Fix bug relating to Hellenic EREmperors being unable to reform the empire.
- Fix localization overrides not being used.
Cecrops was the first King of Athens. As much man as monster, Cecrops had a serpentine tail instead of legs. He ruled over the city for 40 years. According to Hyginus' Fabulae, he was one of the few sons of Vulcan.
As far as I can tell everything should be good with CK2 2.5.1, please submit bugs if you discover otherwise.
2016-2-10 v0.37.1 "Cecrops"
- Compatibility with CK2 2.5.1
- Adjusted opinion modifiers and honorary titles to match new vanilla balance.
- Laws adjusted to take into account ancient religions.
- Celtic Pagan, Druidic, and Promethean will make female-friendly laws easier to get.
- Titan Cultists, on the other hand, are decidely less enlightened on the subject of women.
- Minor Titles and councilor positions have been adjusted to account for ancient religions.
- Like Laws, appropriate religions will make it easier or harder to hire/appoint women.
- Bug fixes relating to the Unbinding Festival and Rebuilding Crotone.
- Stoic trait now grants a +5 General Opinion bonus, as intended.
- Skeptic and Epicurean traits now have icons.
- All three philosophy traits have been given potential blocks to keep random children in Scotland from getting them.