diff --git a/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_chat.py b/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_chat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..30455e7200ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_chat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+# imports for guided decoding tests
+import json
+import re
+from typing import List
+import jsonschema
+import openai  # use the official client for correctness check
+import pytest
+# using Ray for overall ease of process management, parallel requests,
+# and debugging.
+import ray
+import torch
+# downloading lora to test lora requests
+from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
+from openai import BadRequestError
+from ..utils import VLLM_PATH, RemoteOpenAIServer
+# any model with a chat template should work here
+MODEL_NAME = "HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta"
+# technically this needs Mistral-7B-v0.1 as base, but we're not testing
+# generation quality here
+LORA_NAME = "typeof/zephyr-7b-beta-lora"
+    "type": "object",
+    "properties": {
+        "name": {
+            "type": "string"
+        },
+        "age": {
+            "type": "integer"
+        },
+        "skills": {
+            "type": "array",
+            "items": {
+                "type": "string",
+                "maxLength": 10
+            },
+            "minItems": 3
+        },
+        "work history": {
+            "type": "array",
+            "items": {
+                "type": "object",
+                "properties": {
+                    "company": {
+                        "type": "string"
+                    },
+                    "duration": {
+                        "type": "string"
+                    },
+                    "position": {
+                        "type": "string"
+                    }
+                },
+                "required": ["company", "position"]
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    "required": ["name", "age", "skills", "work history"]
+TEST_REGEX = (r"((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)\.){3}"
+              r"(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)")
+    "Python", "Java", "JavaScript", "C++", "C#", "PHP", "TypeScript", "Ruby",
+    "Swift", "Kotlin"
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.openai
+def zephyr_lora_files():
+    return snapshot_download(repo_id=LORA_NAME)
+def ray_ctx():
+    ray.init(runtime_env={"working_dir": VLLM_PATH})
+    yield
+    ray.shutdown()
+def server(zephyr_lora_files, ray_ctx):
+    return RemoteOpenAIServer([
+        "--model",
+        MODEL_NAME,
+        # use half precision for speed and memory savings in CI environment
+        "--dtype",
+        "bfloat16",
+        "--max-model-len",
+        "8192",
+        "--enforce-eager",
+        # lora config below
+        "--enable-lora",
+        "--lora-modules",
+        f"zephyr-lora={zephyr_lora_files}",
+        f"zephyr-lora2={zephyr_lora_files}",
+        "--max-lora-rank",
+        "64",
+        "--max-cpu-loras",
+        "2",
+        "--max-num-seqs",
+        "128",
+    ])
+def client(server):
+    return server.get_async_client()
+    # first test base model, then test loras
+    "model_name",
+    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora", "zephyr-lora2"],
+async def test_no_logprobs_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role": "user",
+        "content": "what is 1+1?"
+    }]
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
+                                                           messages=messages,
+                                                           max_tokens=5,
+                                                           temperature=0.0,
+                                                           logprobs=False)
+    choice = chat_completion.choices[0]
+    assert choice.logprobs is None
+    # just test 1 lora hereafter
+    "model_name",
+    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
+async def test_zero_logprobs_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role": "user",
+        "content": "what is 1+1?"
+    }]
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
+                                                           messages=messages,
+                                                           max_tokens=5,
+                                                           temperature=0.0,
+                                                           logprobs=True,
+                                                           top_logprobs=0)
+    choice = chat_completion.choices[0]
+    assert choice.logprobs is not None
+    assert choice.logprobs.content is not None
+    assert len(choice.logprobs.content[0].top_logprobs) == 0
+    "model_name",
+    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
+async def test_some_logprobs_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role": "user",
+        "content": "what is 1+1?"
+    }]
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
+                                                           messages=messages,
+                                                           max_tokens=5,
+                                                           temperature=0.0,
+                                                           logprobs=True,
+                                                           top_logprobs=5)
+    choice = chat_completion.choices[0]
+    assert choice.logprobs is not None
+    assert choice.logprobs.content is not None
+    assert len(choice.logprobs.content[0].top_logprobs) == 5
+    "model_name",
+    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
+async def test_too_many_chat_logprobs(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
+                                      model_name: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role": "user",
+        "content": "what is 1+1?"
+    }]
+    # Default max_logprobs is 20, so this should raise an error
+    with pytest.raises((openai.BadRequestError, openai.APIError)):
+        stream = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
+                                                      messages=messages,
+                                                      max_tokens=10,
+                                                      logprobs=True,
+                                                      top_logprobs=21,
+                                                      stream=True)
+        async for chunk in stream:
+            ...
+    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
+        await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
+                                             messages=messages,
+                                             max_tokens=10,
+                                             logprobs=True,
+                                             top_logprobs=30,
+                                             stream=False)
+    # the server should still work afterwards
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
+                                                           messages=messages,
+                                                           max_tokens=10,
+                                                           stream=False)
+    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
+    assert message.content is not None and len(message.content) >= 0
+    "model_name",
+    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
+async def test_single_chat_session(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
+                                   model_name: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role": "user",
+        "content": "what is 1+1?"
+    }]
+    # test single completion
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
+                                                           messages=messages,
+                                                           max_tokens=10,
+                                                           logprobs=True,
+                                                           top_logprobs=5)
+    assert chat_completion.id is not None
+    assert len(chat_completion.choices) == 1
+    choice = chat_completion.choices[0]
+    assert choice.finish_reason == "length"
+    assert chat_completion.usage == openai.types.CompletionUsage(
+        completion_tokens=10, prompt_tokens=37, total_tokens=47)
+    message = choice.message
+    assert message.content is not None and len(message.content) >= 10
+    assert message.role == "assistant"
+    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": message.content})
+    # test multi-turn dialogue
+    messages.append({"role": "user", "content": "express your result in json"})
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=model_name,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=10,
+    )
+    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
+    assert message.content is not None and len(message.content) >= 0
+    # just test 1 lora hereafter
+    "model_name",
+    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
+async def test_chat_streaming(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role": "user",
+        "content": "what is 1+1?"
+    }]
+    # test single completion
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=model_name,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=10,
+        temperature=0.0,
+    )
+    output = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
+    stop_reason = chat_completion.choices[0].finish_reason
+    # test streaming
+    stream = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=model_name,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=10,
+        temperature=0.0,
+        stream=True,
+    )
+    chunks: List[str] = []
+    finish_reason_count = 0
+    async for chunk in stream:
+        delta = chunk.choices[0].delta
+        if delta.role:
+            assert delta.role == "assistant"
+        if delta.content:
+            chunks.append(delta.content)
+        if chunk.choices[0].finish_reason is not None:
+            finish_reason_count += 1
+    # finish reason should only return in last block
+    assert finish_reason_count == 1
+    assert chunk.choices[0].finish_reason == stop_reason
+    assert delta.content
+    assert "".join(chunks) == output
+    "model_name",
+    ["HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta", "zephyr-lora"],
+async def test_chat_completion_stream_options(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
+                                              model_name: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "You are a helpful assistant."
+    }, {
+        "role": "user",
+        "content": "What is the capital of France?"
+    }]
+    # Test stream=True, stream_options={"include_usage": False}
+    stream = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=model_name,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=10,
+        temperature=0.0,
+        stream=True,
+        stream_options={"include_usage": False})
+    async for chunk in stream:
+        assert chunk.usage is None
+    # Test stream=True, stream_options={"include_usage": True}
+    stream = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=model_name,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=10,
+        temperature=0.0,
+        stream=True,
+        stream_options={"include_usage": True})
+    async for chunk in stream:
+        if chunk.choices[0].finish_reason is None:
+            assert chunk.usage is None
+        else:
+            assert chunk.usage is None
+            final_chunk = await stream.__anext__()
+            assert final_chunk.usage is not None
+            assert final_chunk.usage.prompt_tokens > 0
+            assert final_chunk.usage.completion_tokens > 0
+            assert final_chunk.usage.total_tokens == (
+                final_chunk.usage.prompt_tokens +
+                final_chunk.usage.completion_tokens)
+            assert final_chunk.choices == []
+    # Test stream=False, stream_options={"include_usage": None}
+    with pytest.raises(BadRequestError):
+        await client.chat.completions.create(
+            model=model_name,
+            messages=messages,
+            max_tokens=10,
+            temperature=0.0,
+            stream=False,
+            stream_options={"include_usage": None})
+    # Test stream=False, stream_options={"include_usage": True}
+    with pytest.raises(BadRequestError):
+        await client.chat.completions.create(
+            model=model_name,
+            messages=messages,
+            max_tokens=10,
+            temperature=0.0,
+            stream=False,
+            stream_options={"include_usage": True})
+# NOTE: Not sure why, but when I place this after `test_guided_regex_chat`
+# (i.e. using the same ordering as in the Completions API tests), the test
+# will fail on the second `guided_decoding_backend` even when I swap their order
+# (ref: https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm/pull/5526#issuecomment-2173772256)
+                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
+async def test_guided_choice_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
+                                  guided_decoding_backend: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        "The best language for type-safe systems programming is "
+    }]
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=10,
+        extra_body=dict(guided_choice=TEST_CHOICE,
+                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
+    choice1 = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
+    assert choice1 in TEST_CHOICE
+    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": choice1})
+    messages.append({
+        "role": "user",
+        "content": "I disagree, pick another one"
+    })
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=10,
+        extra_body=dict(guided_choice=TEST_CHOICE,
+                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
+    choice2 = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
+    assert choice2 in TEST_CHOICE
+    assert choice1 != choice2
+                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
+async def test_guided_json_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
+                                guided_decoding_backend: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        f"Give an example JSON for an employee profile that "
+        f"fits this schema: {TEST_SCHEMA}"
+    }]
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=1000,
+        extra_body=dict(guided_json=TEST_SCHEMA,
+                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
+    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
+    assert message.content is not None
+    json1 = json.loads(message.content)
+    jsonschema.validate(instance=json1, schema=TEST_SCHEMA)
+    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": message.content})
+    messages.append({
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        "Give me another one with a different name and age"
+    })
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=1000,
+        extra_body=dict(guided_json=TEST_SCHEMA,
+                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
+    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
+    assert message.content is not None
+    json2 = json.loads(message.content)
+    jsonschema.validate(instance=json2, schema=TEST_SCHEMA)
+    assert json1["name"] != json2["name"]
+    assert json1["age"] != json2["age"]
+                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
+async def test_guided_regex_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
+                                 guided_decoding_backend: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        f"Give an example IP address with this regex: {TEST_REGEX}"
+    }]
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=20,
+        extra_body=dict(guided_regex=TEST_REGEX,
+                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
+    ip1 = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
+    assert ip1 is not None
+    assert re.fullmatch(TEST_REGEX, ip1) is not None
+    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": ip1})
+    messages.append({"role": "user", "content": "Give me a different one"})
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=20,
+        extra_body=dict(guided_regex=TEST_REGEX,
+                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
+    ip2 = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
+    assert ip2 is not None
+    assert re.fullmatch(TEST_REGEX, ip2) is not None
+    assert ip1 != ip2
+async def test_guided_decoding_type_error(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        "The best language for type-safe systems programming is "
+    }]
+    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
+        _ = await client.chat.completions.create(model=MODEL_NAME,
+                                                 messages=messages,
+                                                 extra_body=dict(guided_regex={
+                                                     1: "Python",
+                                                     2: "C++"
+                                                 }))
+                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
+async def test_guided_choice_chat_logprobs(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
+                                           guided_decoding_backend: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        "The best language for type-safe systems programming is "
+    }]
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=10,
+        logprobs=True,
+        top_logprobs=5,
+        extra_body=dict(guided_choice=TEST_CHOICE,
+                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
+    assert chat_completion.choices[0].logprobs is not None
+    assert chat_completion.choices[0].logprobs.content is not None
+    top_logprobs = chat_completion.choices[0].logprobs.content[0].top_logprobs
+    # -9999.0 is the minimum logprob returned by OpenAI
+    for item in top_logprobs:
+        assert item.logprob >= -9999.0, f"Failed (top_logprobs={top_logprobs})"
+                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
+async def test_named_tool_use(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
+                              guided_decoding_backend: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        f"Give an example JSON for an employee profile that "
+        f"fits this schema: {TEST_SCHEMA}"
+    }]
+    # non-streaming
+    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=1000,
+        tools=[{
+            "type": "function",
+            "function": {
+                "name": "dummy_function_name",
+                "description": "This is a dummy function",
+                "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
+            }
+        }],
+        tool_choice={
+            "type": "function",
+            "function": {
+                "name": "dummy_function_name"
+            }
+        })
+    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
+    assert len(message.content) == 0
+    json_string = message.tool_calls[0].function.arguments
+    json1 = json.loads(json_string)
+    jsonschema.validate(instance=json1, schema=TEST_SCHEMA)
+    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": json_string})
+    messages.append({
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        "Give me another one with a different name and age"
+    })
+    # streaming
+    stream = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=messages,
+        max_tokens=1000,
+        tools=[{
+            "type": "function",
+            "function": {
+                "name": "dummy_function_name",
+                "description": "This is a dummy function",
+                "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
+            }
+        }],
+        tool_choice={
+            "type": "function",
+            "function": {
+                "name": "dummy_function_name"
+            }
+        },
+        stream=True)
+    output = []
+    finish_reason_count = 0
+    async for chunk in stream:
+        delta = chunk.choices[0].delta
+        if delta.role:
+            assert delta.role == "assistant"
+        assert delta.content is None or len(delta.content) == 0
+        if delta.tool_calls:
+            output.append(delta.tool_calls[0].function.arguments)
+        if chunk.choices[0].finish_reason is not None:
+            finish_reason_count += 1
+    # finish reason should only return in last block
+    assert finish_reason_count == 1
+    json2 = json.loads("".join(output))
+    jsonschema.validate(instance=json2, schema=TEST_SCHEMA)
+    assert json1["name"] != json2["name"]
+    assert json1["age"] != json2["age"]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("guided_decoding_backend", ["outlines"])
+async def test_required_tool_use_not_yet_supported(
+        client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, guided_decoding_backend: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        f"Give an example JSON for an employee profile that "
+        f"fits this schema: {TEST_SCHEMA}"
+    }]
+    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
+        await client.chat.completions.create(
+            model=MODEL_NAME,
+            messages=messages,
+            max_tokens=1000,
+            tools=[{
+                "type": "function",
+                "function": {
+                    "name": "dummy_function_name",
+                    "description": "This is a dummy function",
+                    "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
+                }
+            }],
+            tool_choice="required")
+    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
+        await client.chat.completions.create(
+            model=MODEL_NAME,
+            messages=messages,
+            max_tokens=1000,
+            tools=[{
+                "type": "function",
+                "function": {
+                    "name": "dummy_function_name",
+                    "description": "This is a dummy function",
+                    "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
+                }
+            }],
+            tool_choice="auto")
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("guided_decoding_backend", ["outlines"])
+async def test_inconsistent_tool_choice_and_tools(
+        client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, guided_decoding_backend: str):
+    messages = [{
+        "role": "system",
+        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
+    }, {
+        "role":
+        "user",
+        "content":
+        f"Give an example JSON for an employee profile that "
+        f"fits this schema: {TEST_SCHEMA}"
+    }]
+    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
+        await client.chat.completions.create(model=MODEL_NAME,
+                                             messages=messages,
+                                             max_tokens=1000,
+                                             tool_choice={
+                                                 "type": "function",
+                                                 "function": {
+                                                     "name":
+                                                     "dummy_function_name"
+                                                 }
+                                             })
+    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
+        await client.chat.completions.create(
+            model=MODEL_NAME,
+            messages=messages,
+            max_tokens=1000,
+            tools=[{
+                "type": "function",
+                "function": {
+                    "name": "dummy_function_name",
+                    "description": "This is a dummy function",
+                    "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
+                }
+            }],
+            tool_choice={
+                "type": "function",
+                "function": {
+                    "name": "nondefined_function_name"
+                }
+            })
+async def test_response_format_json_object(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
+    for _ in range(2):
+        resp = await client.chat.completions.create(
+            model=MODEL_NAME,
+            messages=[{
+                "role":
+                "user",
+                "content": ('what is 1+1? please respond with a JSON object, '
+                            'the format is {"result": 2}')
+            }],
+            response_format={"type": "json_object"})
+        content = resp.choices[0].message.content
+        assert content is not None
+        loaded = json.loads(content)
+        assert loaded == {"result": 2}, loaded
+async def test_extra_fields(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
+    with pytest.raises(BadRequestError) as exc_info:
+        await client.chat.completions.create(
+            model=MODEL_NAME,
+            messages=[{
+                "role": "system",
+                "content": "You are a helpful assistant.",
+                "extra_field": "0",
+            }],  # type: ignore
+            temperature=0,
+            seed=0)
+    assert "extra_forbidden" in exc_info.value.message
+async def test_complex_message_content(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
+    resp = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=[{
+            "role":
+            "user",
+            "content": [{
+                "type":
+                "text",
+                "text":
+                "what is 1+1? please provide the result without any other text."
+            }]
+        }],
+        temperature=0,
+        seed=0)
+    content = resp.choices[0].message.content
+    assert content == "2"
+async def test_custom_role(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
+    # Not sure how the model handles custom roles so we just check that
+    # both string and complex message content are handled in the same way
+    resp1 = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=[{
+            "role": "my-custom-role",
+            "content": "what is 1+1?",
+        }],  # type: ignore
+        temperature=0,
+        seed=0)
+    resp2 = await client.chat.completions.create(
+        model=MODEL_NAME,
+        messages=[{
+            "role": "my-custom-role",
+            "content": [{
+                "type": "text",
+                "text": "what is 1+1?"
+            }]
+        }],  # type: ignore
+        temperature=0,
+        seed=0)
+    content1 = resp1.choices[0].message.content
+    content2 = resp2.choices[0].message.content
+    assert content1 == content2
+async def test_long_seed(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
+    for seed in [
+            torch.iinfo(torch.long).min - 1,
+            torch.iinfo(torch.long).max + 1
+    ]:
+        with pytest.raises(BadRequestError) as exc_info:
+            await client.chat.completions.create(
+                model=MODEL_NAME,
+                messages=[{
+                    "role": "system",
+                    "content": "You are a helpful assistant.",
+                }],
+                temperature=0,
+                seed=seed)
+        assert ("greater_than_equal" in exc_info.value.message
+                or "less_than_equal" in exc_info.value.message)
diff --git a/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_server.py b/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_server.py
index 4d9bfb460afec..14f59ea66e6ac 100644
--- a/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_server.py
+++ b/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_server.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 # and debugging.
 import ray
 import requests
-import torch
 # downloading lora to test lora requests
 from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
 from openai import BadRequestError
@@ -117,6 +116,7 @@ def client(server):
     return server.get_async_client()
 async def test_check_models(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
     models = await client.models.list()
     models = models.data
@@ -266,174 +266,6 @@ async def test_too_many_completion_logprobs(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
     assert len(completion.choices[0].text) >= 0
-    # first test base model, then test loras
-    "model_name",
-    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora", "zephyr-lora2"],
-async def test_no_logprobs_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role": "user",
-        "content": "what is 1+1?"
-    }]
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
-                                                           messages=messages,
-                                                           max_tokens=5,
-                                                           temperature=0.0,
-                                                           logprobs=False)
-    choice = chat_completion.choices[0]
-    assert choice.logprobs is None
-    # just test 1 lora hereafter
-    "model_name",
-    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
-async def test_zero_logprobs_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role": "user",
-        "content": "what is 1+1?"
-    }]
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
-                                                           messages=messages,
-                                                           max_tokens=5,
-                                                           temperature=0.0,
-                                                           logprobs=True,
-                                                           top_logprobs=0)
-    choice = chat_completion.choices[0]
-    assert choice.logprobs is not None
-    assert choice.logprobs.content is not None
-    assert len(choice.logprobs.content[0].top_logprobs) == 0
-    "model_name",
-    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
-async def test_some_logprobs_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role": "user",
-        "content": "what is 1+1?"
-    }]
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
-                                                           messages=messages,
-                                                           max_tokens=5,
-                                                           temperature=0.0,
-                                                           logprobs=True,
-                                                           top_logprobs=5)
-    choice = chat_completion.choices[0]
-    assert choice.logprobs is not None
-    assert choice.logprobs.content is not None
-    assert len(choice.logprobs.content[0].top_logprobs) == 5
-    "model_name",
-    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
-async def test_too_many_chat_logprobs(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-                                      model_name: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role": "user",
-        "content": "what is 1+1?"
-    }]
-    # Default max_logprobs is 20, so this should raise an error
-    with pytest.raises((openai.BadRequestError, openai.APIError)):
-        stream = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
-                                                      messages=messages,
-                                                      max_tokens=10,
-                                                      logprobs=True,
-                                                      top_logprobs=21,
-                                                      stream=True)
-        async for chunk in stream:
-            ...
-    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
-        await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
-                                             messages=messages,
-                                             max_tokens=10,
-                                             logprobs=True,
-                                             top_logprobs=30,
-                                             stream=False)
-    # the server should still work afterwards
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
-                                                           messages=messages,
-                                                           max_tokens=10,
-                                                           stream=False)
-    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
-    assert message.content is not None and len(message.content) >= 0
-    "model_name",
-    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
-async def test_single_chat_session(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-                                   model_name: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role": "user",
-        "content": "what is 1+1?"
-    }]
-    # test single completion
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(model=model_name,
-                                                           messages=messages,
-                                                           max_tokens=10,
-                                                           logprobs=True,
-                                                           top_logprobs=5)
-    assert chat_completion.id is not None
-    assert len(chat_completion.choices) == 1
-    choice = chat_completion.choices[0]
-    assert choice.finish_reason == "length"
-    assert chat_completion.usage == openai.types.CompletionUsage(
-        completion_tokens=10, prompt_tokens=37, total_tokens=47)
-    message = choice.message
-    assert message.content is not None and len(message.content) >= 10
-    assert message.role == "assistant"
-    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": message.content})
-    # test multi-turn dialogue
-    messages.append({"role": "user", "content": "express your result in json"})
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=model_name,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=10,
-    )
-    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
-    assert message.content is not None and len(message.content) >= 0
@@ -468,126 +300,6 @@ async def test_completion_streaming(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
     assert "".join(chunks) == single_output
-    # just test 1 lora hereafter
-    "model_name",
-    [MODEL_NAME, "zephyr-lora"],
-async def test_chat_streaming(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role": "user",
-        "content": "what is 1+1?"
-    }]
-    # test single completion
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=model_name,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=10,
-        temperature=0.0,
-    )
-    output = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
-    stop_reason = chat_completion.choices[0].finish_reason
-    # test streaming
-    stream = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=model_name,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=10,
-        temperature=0.0,
-        stream=True,
-    )
-    chunks: List[str] = []
-    finish_reason_count = 0
-    async for chunk in stream:
-        delta = chunk.choices[0].delta
-        if delta.role:
-            assert delta.role == "assistant"
-        if delta.content:
-            chunks.append(delta.content)
-        if chunk.choices[0].finish_reason is not None:
-            finish_reason_count += 1
-    # finish reason should only return in last block
-    assert finish_reason_count == 1
-    assert chunk.choices[0].finish_reason == stop_reason
-    assert delta.content
-    assert "".join(chunks) == output
-    "model_name",
-    ["HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta", "zephyr-lora"],
-async def test_chat_completion_stream_options(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-                                              model_name: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "You are a helpful assistant."
-    }, {
-        "role": "user",
-        "content": "What is the capital of France?"
-    }]
-    # Test stream=True, stream_options={"include_usage": False}
-    stream = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=model_name,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=10,
-        temperature=0.0,
-        stream=True,
-        stream_options={"include_usage": False})
-    async for chunk in stream:
-        assert chunk.usage is None
-    # Test stream=True, stream_options={"include_usage": True}
-    stream = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=model_name,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=10,
-        temperature=0.0,
-        stream=True,
-        stream_options={"include_usage": True})
-    async for chunk in stream:
-        if chunk.choices[0].finish_reason is None:
-            assert chunk.usage is None
-        else:
-            assert chunk.usage is None
-            final_chunk = await stream.__anext__()
-            assert final_chunk.usage is not None
-            assert final_chunk.usage.prompt_tokens > 0
-            assert final_chunk.usage.completion_tokens > 0
-            assert final_chunk.usage.total_tokens == (
-                final_chunk.usage.prompt_tokens +
-                final_chunk.usage.completion_tokens)
-            assert final_chunk.choices == []
-    # Test stream=False, stream_options={"include_usage": None}
-    with pytest.raises(BadRequestError):
-        await client.chat.completions.create(
-            model=model_name,
-            messages=messages,
-            max_tokens=10,
-            temperature=0.0,
-            stream=False,
-            stream_options={"include_usage": None})
-    # Test stream=False, stream_options={"include_usage": True}
-    with pytest.raises(BadRequestError):
-        await client.chat.completions.create(
-            model=model_name,
-            messages=messages,
-            max_tokens=10,
-            temperature=0.0,
-            stream=False,
-            stream_options={"include_usage": True})
@@ -773,53 +485,6 @@ async def test_guided_json_completion(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
         jsonschema.validate(instance=output_json, schema=TEST_SCHEMA)
-                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
-async def test_guided_json_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-                                guided_decoding_backend: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        f"Give an example JSON for an employee profile that "
-        f"fits this schema: {TEST_SCHEMA}"
-    }]
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=1000,
-        extra_body=dict(guided_json=TEST_SCHEMA,
-                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
-    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
-    assert message.content is not None
-    json1 = json.loads(message.content)
-    jsonschema.validate(instance=json1, schema=TEST_SCHEMA)
-    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": message.content})
-    messages.append({
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        "Give me another one with a different name and age"
-    })
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=1000,
-        extra_body=dict(guided_json=TEST_SCHEMA,
-                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
-    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
-    assert message.content is not None
-    json2 = json.loads(message.content)
-    jsonschema.validate(instance=json2, schema=TEST_SCHEMA)
-    assert json1["name"] != json2["name"]
-    assert json1["age"] != json2["age"]
                          ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
@@ -840,44 +505,6 @@ async def test_guided_regex_completion(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
         assert re.fullmatch(TEST_REGEX, completion.choices[i].text) is not None
-                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
-async def test_guided_regex_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-                                 guided_decoding_backend: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        f"Give an example IP address with this regex: {TEST_REGEX}"
-    }]
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=20,
-        extra_body=dict(guided_regex=TEST_REGEX,
-                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
-    ip1 = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
-    assert ip1 is not None
-    assert re.fullmatch(TEST_REGEX, ip1) is not None
-    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": ip1})
-    messages.append({"role": "user", "content": "Give me a different one"})
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=20,
-        extra_body=dict(guided_regex=TEST_REGEX,
-                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
-    ip2 = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
-    assert ip2 is not None
-    assert re.fullmatch(TEST_REGEX, ip2) is not None
-    assert ip1 != ip2
                          ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
@@ -898,385 +525,6 @@ async def test_guided_choice_completion(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
         assert completion.choices[i].text in TEST_CHOICE
-                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
-async def test_guided_choice_chat(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-                                  guided_decoding_backend: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        "The best language for type-safe systems programming is "
-    }]
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=10,
-        extra_body=dict(guided_choice=TEST_CHOICE,
-                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
-    choice1 = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
-    assert choice1 in TEST_CHOICE
-    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": choice1})
-    messages.append({
-        "role": "user",
-        "content": "I disagree, pick another one"
-    })
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=10,
-        extra_body=dict(guided_choice=TEST_CHOICE,
-                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
-    choice2 = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
-    assert choice2 in TEST_CHOICE
-    assert choice1 != choice2
-                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
-async def test_guided_decoding_type_error(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-                                          guided_decoding_backend: str):
-    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
-        _ = await client.completions.create(
-            model=MODEL_NAME,
-            prompt="Give an example JSON that fits this schema: 42",
-            extra_body=dict(guided_json=42,
-                            guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        "The best language for type-safe systems programming is "
-    }]
-    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
-        _ = await client.chat.completions.create(model=MODEL_NAME,
-                                                 messages=messages,
-                                                 extra_body=dict(guided_regex={
-                                                     1: "Python",
-                                                     2: "C++"
-                                                 }))
-    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
-        _ = await client.completions.create(
-            model=MODEL_NAME,
-            prompt="Give an example string that fits this regex",
-            extra_body=dict(guided_regex=TEST_REGEX, guided_json=TEST_SCHEMA))
-                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
-async def test_guided_choice_chat_logprobs(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-                                           guided_decoding_backend: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        "The best language for type-safe systems programming is "
-    }]
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=10,
-        logprobs=True,
-        top_logprobs=5,
-        extra_body=dict(guided_choice=TEST_CHOICE,
-                        guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
-    assert chat_completion.choices[0].logprobs is not None
-    assert chat_completion.choices[0].logprobs.content is not None
-    top_logprobs = chat_completion.choices[0].logprobs.content[0].top_logprobs
-    # -9999.0 is the minimum logprob returned by OpenAI
-    for item in top_logprobs:
-        assert item.logprob >= -9999.0, f"Failed (top_logprobs={top_logprobs})"
-                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
-async def test_named_tool_use(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-                              guided_decoding_backend: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        f"Give an example JSON for an employee profile that "
-        f"fits this schema: {TEST_SCHEMA}"
-    }]
-    # non-streaming
-    chat_completion = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=1000,
-        tools=[{
-            "type": "function",
-            "function": {
-                "name": "dummy_function_name",
-                "description": "This is a dummy function",
-                "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
-            }
-        }],
-        tool_choice={
-            "type": "function",
-            "function": {
-                "name": "dummy_function_name"
-            }
-        })
-    message = chat_completion.choices[0].message
-    assert len(message.content) == 0
-    json_string = message.tool_calls[0].function.arguments
-    json1 = json.loads(json_string)
-    jsonschema.validate(instance=json1, schema=TEST_SCHEMA)
-    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": json_string})
-    messages.append({
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        "Give me another one with a different name and age"
-    })
-    # streaming
-    stream = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=messages,
-        max_tokens=1000,
-        tools=[{
-            "type": "function",
-            "function": {
-                "name": "dummy_function_name",
-                "description": "This is a dummy function",
-                "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
-            }
-        }],
-        tool_choice={
-            "type": "function",
-            "function": {
-                "name": "dummy_function_name"
-            }
-        },
-        stream=True)
-    output = []
-    finish_reason_count = 0
-    async for chunk in stream:
-        delta = chunk.choices[0].delta
-        if delta.role:
-            assert delta.role == "assistant"
-        assert delta.content is None or len(delta.content) == 0
-        if delta.tool_calls:
-            output.append(delta.tool_calls[0].function.arguments)
-        if chunk.choices[0].finish_reason is not None:
-            finish_reason_count += 1
-    # finish reason should only return in last block
-    assert finish_reason_count == 1
-    json2 = json.loads("".join(output))
-    jsonschema.validate(instance=json2, schema=TEST_SCHEMA)
-    assert json1["name"] != json2["name"]
-    assert json1["age"] != json2["age"]
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("guided_decoding_backend", ["outlines"])
-async def test_required_tool_use_not_yet_supported(
-        client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, guided_decoding_backend: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        f"Give an example JSON for an employee profile that "
-        f"fits this schema: {TEST_SCHEMA}"
-    }]
-    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
-        await client.chat.completions.create(
-            model=MODEL_NAME,
-            messages=messages,
-            max_tokens=1000,
-            tools=[{
-                "type": "function",
-                "function": {
-                    "name": "dummy_function_name",
-                    "description": "This is a dummy function",
-                    "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
-                }
-            }],
-            tool_choice="required")
-    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
-        await client.chat.completions.create(
-            model=MODEL_NAME,
-            messages=messages,
-            max_tokens=1000,
-            tools=[{
-                "type": "function",
-                "function": {
-                    "name": "dummy_function_name",
-                    "description": "This is a dummy function",
-                    "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
-                }
-            }],
-            tool_choice="auto")
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("guided_decoding_backend", ["outlines"])
-async def test_inconsistent_tool_choice_and_tools(
-        client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, guided_decoding_backend: str):
-    messages = [{
-        "role": "system",
-        "content": "you are a helpful assistant"
-    }, {
-        "role":
-        "user",
-        "content":
-        f"Give an example JSON for an employee profile that "
-        f"fits this schema: {TEST_SCHEMA}"
-    }]
-    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
-        await client.chat.completions.create(model=MODEL_NAME,
-                                             messages=messages,
-                                             max_tokens=1000,
-                                             tool_choice={
-                                                 "type": "function",
-                                                 "function": {
-                                                     "name":
-                                                     "dummy_function_name"
-                                                 }
-                                             })
-    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
-        await client.chat.completions.create(
-            model=MODEL_NAME,
-            messages=messages,
-            max_tokens=1000,
-            tools=[{
-                "type": "function",
-                "function": {
-                    "name": "dummy_function_name",
-                    "description": "This is a dummy function",
-                    "parameters": TEST_SCHEMA
-                }
-            }],
-            tool_choice={
-                "type": "function",
-                "function": {
-                    "name": "nondefined_function_name"
-                }
-            })
-async def test_response_format_json_object(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
-    for _ in range(2):
-        resp = await client.chat.completions.create(
-            model=MODEL_NAME,
-            messages=[{
-                "role":
-                "user",
-                "content": ('what is 1+1? please respond with a JSON object, '
-                            'the format is {"result": 2}')
-            }],
-            response_format={"type": "json_object"})
-        content = resp.choices[0].message.content
-        assert content is not None
-        loaded = json.loads(content)
-        assert loaded == {"result": 2}, loaded
-async def test_extra_fields(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
-    with pytest.raises(BadRequestError) as exc_info:
-        await client.chat.completions.create(
-            model=MODEL_NAME,
-            messages=[{
-                "role": "system",
-                "content": "You are a helpful assistant.",
-                "extra_field": "0",
-            }],  # type: ignore
-            temperature=0,
-            seed=0)
-    assert "extra_forbidden" in exc_info.value.message
-async def test_complex_message_content(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
-    resp = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=[{
-            "role":
-            "user",
-            "content": [{
-                "type":
-                "text",
-                "text":
-                "what is 1+1? please provide the result without any other text."
-            }]
-        }],
-        temperature=0,
-        seed=0)
-    content = resp.choices[0].message.content
-    assert content == "2"
-async def test_custom_role(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
-    # Not sure how the model handles custom roles so we just check that
-    # both string and complex message content are handled in the same way
-    resp1 = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=[{
-            "role": "my-custom-role",
-            "content": "what is 1+1?",
-        }],  # type: ignore
-        temperature=0,
-        seed=0)
-    resp2 = await client.chat.completions.create(
-        model=MODEL_NAME,
-        messages=[{
-            "role": "my-custom-role",
-            "content": [{
-                "type": "text",
-                "text": "what is 1+1?"
-            }]
-        }],  # type: ignore
-        temperature=0,
-        seed=0)
-    content1 = resp1.choices[0].message.content
-    content2 = resp2.choices[0].message.content
-    assert content1 == content2
 async def test_guided_grammar(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
     simple_sql_grammar = """
@@ -1348,23 +596,22 @@ async def test_echo_logprob_completion(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-async def test_long_seed(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
-    for seed in [
-            torch.iinfo(torch.long).min - 1,
-            torch.iinfo(torch.long).max + 1
-    ]:
-        with pytest.raises(BadRequestError) as exc_info:
-            await client.chat.completions.create(
-                model=MODEL_NAME,
-                messages=[{
-                    "role": "system",
-                    "content": "You are a helpful assistant.",
-                }],
-                temperature=0,
-                seed=seed)
-        assert ("greater_than_equal" in exc_info.value.message
-                or "less_than_equal" in exc_info.value.message)
+                         ["outlines", "lm-format-enforcer"])
+async def test_guided_decoding_type_error(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
+                                          guided_decoding_backend: str):
+    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
+        _ = await client.completions.create(
+            model=MODEL_NAME,
+            prompt="Give an example JSON that fits this schema: 42",
+            extra_body=dict(guided_json=42,
+                            guided_decoding_backend=guided_decoding_backend))
+    with pytest.raises(openai.BadRequestError):
+        _ = await client.completions.create(
+            model=MODEL_NAME,
+            prompt="Give an example string that fits this regex",
+            extra_body=dict(guided_regex=TEST_REGEX, guided_json=TEST_SCHEMA))
@@ -1372,7 +619,7 @@ async def test_long_seed(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI):
-async def test_tokenize(server, client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
+async def test_tokenize(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
     base_url = str(client.base_url)[:-3]
     tokenizer = get_tokenizer(tokenizer_name=MODEL_NAME, tokenizer_mode="fast")
@@ -1399,7 +646,7 @@ async def test_tokenize(server, client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
-async def test_detokenize(server, client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
+async def test_detokenize(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI, model_name: str):
     base_url = str(client.base_url)[:-3]
     tokenizer = get_tokenizer(tokenizer_name=MODEL_NAME, tokenizer_mode="fast")
diff --git a/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_vision.py b/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_vision.py
index 0e8d88b76ffec..df092680aaeb8 100644
--- a/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_vision.py
+++ b/tests/entrypoints/test_openai_vision.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict
+from typing import Dict, List
 import openai
 import pytest
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ async def test_chat_streaming_image(client: openai.AsyncOpenAI,
-    chunks = []
+    chunks: List[str] = []
     finish_reason_count = 0
     async for chunk in stream:
         delta = chunk.choices[0].delta