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xSDK Community Policy Compatibility for libEnsemble

This document summarizes the efforts of current and future xSDK member packages to achieve compatibility with the xSDK community policies. Below only short descriptions of each policy are provided. The full description is available here and should be considered when filling out this form.

Please, provide information on your compatibility status for each mandatory policy, and if possible also for recommended policies. If you are not compatible, state what is lacking and what are your plans on how to achieve compliance.

For current xSDK member packages: If you were not fully compatible at some point, please describe the steps you undertook to fulfill the policy. This information will be helpful for future xSDK member packages.


Mandatory Policies

General libEnsemble Note

Policy Support Notes
M1. Support portable installation through Spack. Full libEnsemble is in the Spack repository and can be installed with spack install py-libensemble. The PythonPackage class is used in the for installation (which installs using the file in libEnsemble's root directory). The package is installed either from PyPI, for released versions, or GitHub, for the development version.
M2. Provide a comprehensive test suite for correctness of installation verification. Full libEnsemble has a test suite that includes both unit tests and regression tests that are run on every push to GitHub via Travis CI. In addition to this test suite, further scaling tests are run on HPC platforms including Cori, Theta and Summit.
M3. Employ user-provided MPI communicator (no MPI_COMM_WORLD). Full libEnsemble takes an MPI communicator as an option; if libEnsemble is configured for MPI mode, then a duplicate of the provided communicator will be employed for the duration of the libE() call. If no communicator is given, a duplicate of MPI_COMM_WORLD is taken as a default. The duplicate communicator is always destroyed when exiting libE()
M4. Give best effort at portability to key architectures (standard Linux distributions, GNU, Clang, vendor compilers, and target machines at ALCF, NERSC, OLCF). Full libEnsemble is tested regularly on ALCF (Theta) and OLCF (Summit) platforms. NERSC (Cori) will be tested in the near future, although a Slurm-based system has been tested (ANL/Bebop). M4 details
M5. Provide a documented, reliable way to contact the development team. Full The libEnsemble team can be contacted through: 1) The public issues page on GitHub. 2) Slack. 3) The public email list
M6. Respect system resources and settings made by other previously called packages (e.g., signal handling). Full libEnsemble does not modify system resources or settings.
M7. Come with an open source (BSD style) license. Full libEnsemble uses a 3-clause BSD license stated in the LICENSE file in the top level of the GitHub repository.
M8. Provide a runtime API to return the current version number of the software. Full The version can be returned within python via: libensemble.__version__
M9. Use a limited and well-defined symbol, macro, library, and include file name space. Full All libEnsemble symbols (e.g., functions, variables, modules, packages) begin with the prefix libensemble.. This prevents any namespace conflicts.
M10. Provide an xSDK team accessible repository (not necessarily publicly available). Full The libEnsemble repository is public and can be found at Gitflow is used, along with pull requests, whereby only those with administrator privileges can accept pull requests into the master or develop branches. The workflow guidelines are provided in a CONTRIBUTING.rst file at the top level of the repository and a release process is given in the documentation.
M11. Have no hardwired print or IO statements that cannot be turned off. Full All output from the libEnsemble core package, except for the raising of exceptions, is routed through a libEnsemble logger, which is isolated from the Python root logger. Log messages of type MANAGER_WARNING or above are duplicated to standard error by default to ensure they are not missed. This can be turned off through the API. The API also allows the user to change the logging verbosity level and the name of the log file. This would allow a user, for example, to append logging to an existing log file, or to keep it separate. libEnsemble contains no interactive input. libEnsemble creates the files ensemble.log and libE_stats.txt by default. The creation of these files can be turned off. M11 details
M12. For external dependencies, allow installing, building, and linking against an outside copy of external software. Full libEnsemble does not contain any other package's source code within. Note that Python packages are imported using the conventional sys.path system. Alternative instances of a package can be used by, for example, including in the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
M13. Install headers and libraries under <prefix>/include and <prefix>/lib. Full The standard Python installation is used for Python dependencies. This installs external Python packages under <install-prefix>/lib/python<X.Y>/site-packages/ When installed through Spack, the <install-prefix> is specific to each Python package. This is added to PYTHONPATH when the Spack module for that library is loaded.
M14. Be buildable using 64 bit pointers. 32 bit is optional. Full There is no explicit use of pointers in libEnsemble, as Python handles pointers internally and depends on the install of Python (e.g., CPython), which will generally be 64-bit on supported systems.
M15. All xSDK compatibility changes should be sustainable. Full The xSDK-compatible package is in the standard release path. All the changes here should be sustainable.
M16. The package must support production-quality installation compatible with the xSDK install tool and xSDK metapackage. Full libEnsemble configure and install has full support from Spack.
M16. Any xSDK-compatible package that compiles code should have a configuration option to build in Debug mode. Full As libEnsemble is a pure Python package that targets the CPython interpreter, it does not compile code, and can be run through a debugger without a separate build.

M4 details : libEnsemble is a Python code and so does not directly use compilers. It does, however, use NumPy, SciPy and mpi4py which use compiled extensions. The current CI tests of libEnsemble use the standard Cpython compatible builds of these extensions(which are built using the GNU compilers). libEnsemble is also regularly tested using the Intel distribution for Python.

libEnsemble is supported on Linux platforms and macOS. Windows platforms are currently not supported.

M11 details : Note: The sub-packages in the libensemble directory structure such as sim_specs and gen_specs may contain print statements. These are provided as examples for users, rather than core libEnsemble packages.

A special exception exists in the module; part of libEnsemble's resource detection infrastructure. The routine _print_local_cpu_resources() can be launched by libEnsemble to probe resources on a target node, and the output of this independent program is captured by libEnsemble.

Recommended Policies

Policy Support Notes
R1. Have a public repository. Full Yes (see M10 above).
R2. Possible to run test suite under valgrind in order to test for memory corruption issues. Full It is possible to run the test suite under Valgrind. While libEnsemble is Python code, this may be useful for compiled extensions that are imported. PYTHONMALLOC=malloc must be set on the run line. CPython also provides a suppression file.
R3. Adopt and document consistent system for error conditions/exceptions. Full libEnsemble defines and raises exceptions according to module. All exceptions on workers are passed to the manager for processing. Warnings are handled by the logger. R3 details
R4. Free all system resources acquired as soon as they are no longer needed. Full Python has built-in garbage collection that frees memory when it becomes unreferenced. When opening files, context managers (e.g., with expressions or try/finally blocks) are used to ensure file handles are closed, even in the case of an error.
R5. Provide a mechanism to export ordered list of library dependencies. Full The dependencies for libEnsemble are given in and when pip install or pip egg_info are run, a file is created libensemble.egg-info/requires.txt containing the list of required and optional dependencies. If installing through pip, these will automatically be installed if they do not exist (pip install libensemble installs req. dependencies, while pip install libensemble[extras] installs both required and optional dependencies.
R6. Document versions of packages that it works with or depends upon, preferably in machine-readable form. Full Dependencies are given in the documentation. In some cases, this includes a lower bound on the version number. These dependencies are also specified in the Spack package, and automatically resolved during installation.
R7. Have README, SUPPORT, LICENSE, and CHANGELOG files in top directory. Full These files are present in the top directory.
R8. Each xSDK member package should have sufficient documentation to support use and further development. Full libEnsemble provides documentation through a Sphinx framework. It is published on readthedocs, which includes a user guide covering quick-start, installation, an auto-generated API, and many usage details. There are several tutorials which contain complete examples. There is also an FAQ, known issues, release notes and contribution guide. The developer guide contains information on workflow and internal modules. A pdf version is also automatically generated.

R3 details : libEnsemble catches all exceptions (explicitly raised and unexpected) from the manager and worker processes, resulting in a dump of the ensemble state to files. In mpi4py mode, the default is to then call MPI_ABORT to prevent a hang. However, this can be turned off (via the libE_specs argument). In the case it is turned off, or if other communication modes are used, the exception is then raised. The user can in turn catch these exceptions from their calling script.