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  1. crawl videos from a bilibili channel
  2. crawl video details and uploader information from video(s)
  3. crawl video comments from video(s)
  4. crawl video bullet from video(s)

Note: The above four result tables (pandas.DataFrame), use the bvid (视频 bv 号) as the key to relate each other.

crawl a channel

  1. Description: crawl all recent (uploaded in last seven days) videos from a bilibili channel.
  2. Basic Usage
  3. Params
    channel_url: str. the url of a bilibili channel. e.g., “知识-科学科普”(
    output_path: str. the path to save the csv results.
  4. Return: a pandas.DataFrame of results.
    channel_results = {
    'bvid': 'video bvid, 视频 bv 号',
    'url': 'video url, 视频网址',
    'tags': 'video tags, 视频标签',
    'channel_crawl_time': 'crawl time, 爬取时间'

crawl videos

  1. Description: crawl video details and uploader information from video(s).
  2. Basic Usage
  3. Params
    bvid_list: list. a list of bvid. Note that one bvid should also be in a list.
    output_path: str. the path to save the csv results.
  4. Return: a pandas.DataFrame of results.
    video_results = {
    # video info
    'bvid': 'video bvid, 视频 bv 号',
    'avid': 'video avid, 视频 av 号',
    'cid': 'video cid, 视频 cid 号',
    'title': 'video title, 视频标题',
    'pubdate': 'upload datetime, 视频上传时间',
    'duration': 'duration of the video (s), 视频时长(秒)',
    'views': 'number of views, 观看数',
    'likes': 'number of likes, 点赞数',
    'coins': 'number of coins, 投币数',
    'shares': 'number of shares, 分享数',
    'favorites': 'number of favorites, 收藏数',
    'bullets': 'number of bullets, 弹幕数',
    'comments': 'number of comments, 评论数',
    # uploader info
    'up_id': 'uploader user id, up主id',
    'up_name': 'uploader name, up主名称',
    'up_gender': 'uploader gender, up主性别',
    'up_fans': 'number of fans, up主粉丝数',
    'up_following': 'number of following, up主关注数',
    'up_level': 'level of the uploader, up主b站等级',
    'up_vip': 'vip info of the uploader, up主会员信息',
    'up_official': 'certification info of the uploader, up主认证信息',
    'up_archives': 'total number of videos uploaded by the uploader, up主总视频数',
    'video_crawl_time': 'crawl time, 爬取时间'

crawl comments

  1. Description: crawl all comments from video(s).
  2. Basic Usage
  3. Params
    bvid_list: list. a list of bvid. Note that one bvid should also be in a list.
    output_path: str. the path to save the csv results.
  4. Return: a pandas.DataFrame of results.
    comment_results = {
    'bvid': 'video bvid, 视频 bv 号',
    'comment_id': 'comment id, 评论 id',
    'comment_time': 'time post the comment, 评论时间',
    'comment_user_id': 'user id, 评论用户id',
    'comment_user_name': 'user name, 评论用户名称',
    'comment_content': 'comment content, 评论内容',
    'comment_likes': 'number of likes of the comment, 评论的点赞数',
    'comment_crawler_time': 'crawl time, 爬取时间'

crawl bullets

  1. Description: crawl all bullets from video(s).
  2. Basic Usage
  3. Params
    bvid_list: list. a list of bvid. Note that one bvid should also be in a list.
    output_path: str. the path to save the csv results.
  4. Return: a pandas.DataFrame of results.
    comment_results = {
    'bvid': 'video bvid, 视频 bv 号',
    'bullet_content': 'bullet content, 弹幕内容',
    'bullet_entry': 'the seconds when the bullet enter the video, 弹幕进入视频的时间',
    'bullet_time': 'bullet post time, 弹幕发布时间',
    'bullet_crawler_time': 'crawl time, 爬取时间'