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rSHUD --- A toolbox for SHUD modeling system


The Simulator for Hydrological Unstructured Domain (SHUD) is a multiprocess, multi-scale hydrologic model where the major hydrological processes are fully coupled using the semi-discrete finite volume method.

This package can be used with the AutoSHUD project, that can build modeling domain automatically.

Purpose of the package:

  1. Convert the geospatial data into SHUD format. The tool kit is able to process the raster and vector data, then building the unstructured triangular mesh domain for PIHM.
  2. Write/read the SHUD input files.
  3. Read the SHUD output files.
  4. Generate the calibration parameter set.
  5. Time-Series analysis on hydrologic data
  6. Two-dimensional and 3-Dimentional plot.
  7. GIS analysis. Convert the unstructure data into spatial data (Shapefile or Raster)


If you work on Ubuntu platform, you must install software below before installing rSHUD and packages.

sudo apt -y install gdal-bin libgdal-dev  gcc g++ gfortran
sudo apt -y install r-cran-systemfonts r-cran-textshaping

We suggest user install the dependant packages before install rSHUD.

libs = c('reshape2','xts','hydroGOF','zoo','RTriangle','proj4','gstat','abind','lubridate','interp','geometry',
         'testthat', 'rmarkdown', 'ncdf4', 'blogdown', 'doParallel', 'knitr', 'rmarkdown', 'deldir',
         'ncdf4', 'devtools')
nx = length(libs)
for(i in 1:nx){
  message(i, '/', nx, '\t',  libs[i])
  if(require(libs[i], character.only = TRUE)){
    install.packages(libs[i], dependencies = TRUE, INSTALL_opts = '--no-lock')

install.packages("devtools", dependencies = TRUE, INSTALL_opts = '--no-lock')
devtools::install_github("shulele/RTriangle", subdir="pkg")

Then you may install the rSHUD directly from github.

if(!require(devtools)){ install.packages("devtools") }