MQTT uses a pub/sub messaging system. Publishers and subscribers do not need to know about each other. The publisher sends the message with a topic and the subscribe only cares about the topic rather than where the message comes from.
Topics are usually organised as trees using '/' to denote subtopics, e.g. "pollution/london/redbridge/value"
Subscribers can either subscribe topic values matching the full string or subscribe to messages at the higher level of the hierarchy using the #. For exampleto subscribe to all pollution messages from London subscribe to "pollution/london/#"
In order to subscribe or publish to messages we first need to connect to a channel.
(ns mqtt-docs.core
(:require [clojurewerkz.machine-head.client :as mh]))
(def client (mh/connect "tcp://" "demo1"))
The above calls the machine head client and connects to the test mosquitto broker.
Publishing to a topic is simple as the topic strings are arbitrary and the value can be either string or numbers
(mh/publish client "pollution/london/redbridge/value" "0.2")