Projects that i did during my BSC in Statistics and Data Science @ HUJI.
Note that ive rendered most of the Rmarkdown files to .MD files to see it nicely inside github.
The most interesting coureses with projects you should view are:
Big data mining - Main topics of this course was Unix, scraping methods, advanced SQL, Distributed computing in a cloud environment, analyzing network data. Final assignment.
Object oriented programming (Java) - Main topics of this course was get to know the principles of the Object Oriented Programming paradigm, Java programming and advanced programming skills . Projects:
Statistical Learning and data analysis - Really interesting course that covered most of the topics in ISLR and in Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View by Shalizi. Projects:
- Car accidents analysis -EDA and PCA.
- fMri data - Kernel regression, regularization methods, image analysis.
- Forest Cover Type - Naive bayes (raw implementation), feature engineering, classifiers (XGboost, svm, RandomForest and more).
Statistics lab - Using statistical methods to analyze election data in Israel. Projects:
Simulations in statistics - Learning about advanced simulation methods in statistiscs as MCMC, Bootstrap, ABC, Baysien analysis, Control variates, sampling. Projects:
Urban simulation - Simulate the spread of the Covid19 with OOP and geographical models. Projects